On 30 June 2023 abstracts (350 words maximum) are due from Early Career/Postdoc researchers, Ph.D. candidates, and Master students for the 6th Ιnternational Conference of ScapeCon: Contextualizing Fire in Aegean Prehistory (ScapeCon 6), to be held on 2-3 December 2023 hosted by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Further information is available at https://www.facebook.com/ScapeCon/ or from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
2nd Symposium on the Archaeology of Western Anatolia
On 9 September 2023 abstracts (2-4 pages with 2-3 figures) are due for the Second International Symposium on the Archaeology of Western Anatolia: Archaeology and history of the Cayster (Küçük Menderes) Valley in south-eastern inland part of Izmir, to be held on 17-18 November 2023 in Izmir, Turkey. Further information is available at this site. The themes of the conference will be the following: • Recent archaeological field projects (excavations and surveys) and museum studies as well as discoveries in and around the Cayster (Küçük Menderes) Valley, in i.e., Tire, Ödemiş, Bayındır, Kiraz, Beydağ, and Torbalı • The Cayster Valley in ancient mythology • Prehistorical and protohistorical researches in the Cayster Valley • The Cayster Valley during the Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine periods • The Cayster Valley in ancient authors, eg., Homer, Herodotus, Strabo etc • Ethno-cultural landscape of the ancient Cayster Valley and ethnoarchaeology • Epigraphical research in the Cayster Valley • Numismatic research in the Cayster Valley: circulations, dynamics and mechanisms • Relationships between the Cayster Valley and other parts of Lydia and Ionia, the Achaemenid Empire as well as other neighbouring regions • Historical geography and settlement patterns in the Cayster Valley during the Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine periods • Ancient roads, routes and population in the Cayster Valley • The Cayster Valley as a part of the Roman province Asia • The Cayster Valley under the tetrarchy reform of Emperor Diocletian in A.D. 296 • Population and settlement boom in the “Justinianic” era in the region of the Cayster Valley • Thracesian Theme in western Asia Minor • Archaeometric researches in the Cayster Valley • Miscellanea
Trade Routes and Seafaring in the Ancient Near East
Interest in participating in the Fifty Sixth International Conference of the ARAM Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies: Trade Routes and Seafaring in the Ancient Near East, to be held on 15-17 July 2024 at the Institute of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, the University of Oxford, should be sent to ARAM’s Oxford address: ARAM Society, the Institute of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Pusey Lane, Oxford OX1 2LE, England; tel. 01865-514041; email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Further information is available at http://www.aramsociety.org/ or from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
On 11-13 July 2023 a conference entitled Tempus Fugit: Challenging Time(s) and Text(s) in Order to Refine Ancient Egyptian Historical Chronology will be held in hybrid format in Vienna. Further information is available at https://www.oeaw.ac.at/en/oeai/events/event-detail/tempus-fugit. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include: J. Lull García, “Chronology and Spread of the ‘Amarna Plague’”
ICAZ 2023
On 7-12 September 2023 the 14th International Council for Archaeozoology Conference (ICAZ 2023): Oceans and Coastline – Past, Present and Future will be held in Cairns, Australia. Further information is available at https://www.icaz2023.org/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include: A. Hadjikoumis, “Starting from Scratch: Setting up an Accessible Faunal Reference Collection in Cyprus” J. Meier, “A Tale of Two Tali: A Context-Based Faunal Study of the Ritual Landscape of Mycenae in the Late Bronze Age”
The Connected Past 2023
On 12-15 September 2023 the conference The Connected Past: Digital Methods for Studying Networks and Complexity in the Humanities (The Connected Past 2023) will be held in Helsinki. Further information is available at https://connectedpast.net/other-events/helsinki-2023/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include: T. Sager, “The Life of Buildings: 3D scanning and modelling architectural change in Late Bronze Age Crete”
On 1-2 June 2023 a conference entitled 14ο Επιστημονικό Συμπόσιο “Ανασκαφή και Έρευνα ΧIV: Από το ερευνητικό έργο του Τομέα Αρχαιολογίας και Ιστορίας της Τέχνης. Fourteenth Symposium “Fieldwork and Research XIV: The Work of the Sector of Archaeology and History of Art will be held in Athens. Further information is available at https://hub.uoa.gr/excavation-and-research-xiv/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=excavation-and-research-xiv. Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include: Κ. Κοπανιάς, “Νέα ευρήματα από την ανασκαφή στη θέση Μάρτσελλο της Παλαιπάφου (2021-2022). New Finds from the Excavation in Palaepaphos-Marchello (2021-2022)” Γ. Παπαδάτος and Γ. Βαβουρανάκης, “Η Πανεπιστημιακή ανασκαφή στο Πλάσι Μαραθώνα το 2021-22. The Departmental Excavation at Plasi, Marathon, in 2021-22” Ν. Πολυχρονάκου-Σγουρίτσα, “Ο Μυκηναϊκός οικισμός στους Λαζάρηδες Αίγινας. The Mycenaean settlement at Lazarides, Aegina” Ά. Παπαδημητρίου-Γραμμένου, Π. Γεωργίου-Γκέκα, Πλ. Πετρίδης, Ε. Καρακίτσου, and Κ. Καλλιγά, “Πανεπιστημιακή ανασκαφή στο Κοτρώνι Καπανδριτίου 2005-2022: μια συνολική αποτίμηση. University excavation at Kotroni near Kapandriti 2005-2022: An overall assessment” Γ. Βαβουρανάκης, “Η Πρώιμη και Μέση Εποχή του Χαλκού στην Κύπρο ως φαινόμενο ενός διακριτού τρόπου ζωής. The Early and Middle Bronze Age in Cyprus as a phenomenon of a distinct way of life” Ι. Βοσκός, Δ. Κλουκίνας, and Ε. Μαντζουράνη, “Όψεις της διαχείρισης της τροφής στην προϊστορική Κύπρο: νέα δεδομένα από το ερευνητικό πρόγραμμα NCCP. Aspects of food management in prehistoric Cyprus: new data from the Neolithic and Chalcolithic Cyprus Project (NCCP)” Γ. Σοφιανός, “Η οικιστική αρχιτεκτονική στη μινωική Κρήτη κατά την Προανακτορική περίοδο: αρχιτεκτονική μορφή, συγκρότηση και κοινωνική διάσταση. Domestic architecture in Minoan Crete during the Prepalatial period: Architectural form, composition, and social dimension” Λ. Πλάτων, “Στεφάνες και δακτύλιοι στη Ζάκρο: μία προσπάθεια προσέγγισης ενός άγνωστου μέχρι σήμερα μινωικού συμβόλου με πιθανή πολιτικοθρησκευτική σημασία. Hoops and rings in Zakros: Approaching a hitherto unknown Minoan symbol with a probable religious/political significance” Μ. Κυρίτση, “Ο πολύπλευρος χαρακτήρας των οικιακών ομάδων: μεθοδολογικές προσεγγίσεις και δείγματα μελέτης μέσα από την ανάλυση του ανασκαφικού περιβάλλοντος των νεοανακτορικών εγκαταστάσεων της μινωικής Κρήτης. The multifaceted character of the domestic groups: Methodological approaches and case studies through the contextual analysis of the Neopalatial sites of Minoan Crete” Α. Μπαλιτσάρη, Δ. Φιλιόγλου, Μ. Γκούμα, Μ. Μέξη, Μ. Παναγοπούλου, Π. Πομώνης, and Γ. Στεργίου, “Η Μεσοελλαδική κατοίκηση στο Πλάσι Μαραθώνα μέσα από τη μελέτη του Μεγάρου Α. The Middle Helladic habitation at Plasi-Marathon through the study of Megaron A” Β. Πετράκης, “Palais sans frontières: μια προσέγγιση στην έννοια της ‘επικράτειας’ στη ‘μυκηναϊκή’ πολιτική γεωγραφία. Palais sans frontières: An approach to the conceptualization of ‘territory’ in ‘Mycenaean’ political geography” Μ. Τσαμπίρη, “Γεωμετρικοί σκύφοι από το κυκλαδονήσι της Θήρας: Τύποι, διακοσμητικά θέματα και επιρροές. Geometric skyphoi from the Cycladic island of Thera: Types, decorative themes and influences” Ε. Γκίκα and Γ. Βαβουρανάκης, “Υλικά και άυλα τοπία στην αρχαιολογική έρευνα: Ο ρόλος των Συστημάτων Γεωγραφικών Πληροφοριών. Material and immaterial scapes in archaeological research: The role of Geographical Information Systems” Χ. Θεοτοκάτου, “Όψεις της κοινωνικής και οικονομικής οργάνωσης των νοικοκυριών κατά την Υστεροκυπριακή περίοδο: η περίπτωση της Άλασσας. Aspects of the social and economic organization of households during the Late Cypriot period: The case of Alassa” S. Ruzza, “Πέρα από τους ‘Αχαιούς’, τους ‘Αργείους’ και τους ‘Δαναούς’: μια μελέτη για τις τοπικές ταυτότητες στο Μυκηναϊκό κόσμο. Beyond ‘Achaeans’, ‘Argives’, and ‘Danaans’: A Study of Regional Identities in the Mycenaean World”
Ancient Sparta in the 21st Century: Recent Trends and New Developments
On 8-11 June 2023 an international academic, networking, policymaking and public engagement event entitled Ancient Sparta in the 21st Century: Recent Trends and New Developments will be held in Sparta, Greece in hybrid format. Further information is available at https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/conference/fac-arts/humanities/classics-and-archaeology/interational-spartan-studies-forum/index.aspx. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include: E. Kolaiti, “Climate change and coastal landscape: Tracing ancient coastlines in the Laconic Gulf. Κλιματική αλλαγή και παράκτιο τοπίο: Ιχνηλατώντας τις αρχαίες ακτογραμμές στο Λακωνικό Κόλπο” A. Darlas, “Caves of Laconia: arks of cultural heritage preservation and a source of sustainable economic development. Σπήλαια της Λακωνίας: κιβωτοί διαφύλαξης πολιτιστικής κληρονομιάς και πηγή βιώσιμης οικονομικής ανάπτυξης” A. Papathanasiou, “Cultural heritage, environmental responsibility, sustainable tourism and challenges: the case of the Mani. Πολιτιστική κληρονομιά, περιβαλλοντική ευθύνη, βιώσιμος τουρισμός και προκλήσεις: η περίπτωση της Μάνης”
Chryssi Island and the World of Littoral Archaeology
On 9-11 June 2023 a conference entitled Chryssi Island and the World of Littoral Archaeology: Contextualizing Island Research Around Crete will be held in Pacheia Ammos, Crete. Further information is available at https://instapstudycenter.net/2023/05/22/chryssi-island-and-the-world-of-littoral-archaeology-contextualizing-island-research-around-crete/. The program will be: A. Knodell, “Comparative Approaches to Small Aegean Islands: From the Cyclades to Crete” M. E. Alberti, T. M. Brogan, V. Apostolakou, and C. Sofianou, “Clay Weights as Net Weights? Reconsidering the Evidence from Pseira, Gournia, Kommos, and Chryssi” M. Eaby, “Beyond Purple Dye: Investigating Other Industrial Activity at Chryssi” S. C. Ferrence, C. Sofianou, P. P. Betancourt, A. Giumlia-Mair, K. Chalikias, and M. Eaby, “Long Distance Trade in Late Minoan IB: The Case of Chryssi Island in Southeastern Crete” T. Kalantzopoulou and Y. Papadatos, “South Coast Networks in the Neopalatial: An Examination of the Level of Integration of Marginal Economic Zones” Y. Papadatos, E. Koutouvaki, E. Nodarou, and P. Pomonis, “Ceramic Distribution and Networks of Interaction in the Littoral Southeast Crete: The Case of Granodioritic Pottery” D. Mylona, “Insularity on the Table: Terrestrial and Marine Animal Resources on a Small Island C. Henkel, E. Margaritis, and M. Ntinou, “Cultivating a Minoan Islet Settlement: Archaeobotanical Evidence from Building B1 at Chryssi” A. Moniaki, M. Ntinou, M. Eaby, T. M. Brogan, C. Sofianou, and V. Apostolakou, “What’s for Dinner? Investigating Subsistence Strategies on the Island of Chryssi” P. P. Betancourt and S. C. Ferrence, “Late Bronze Age Climate Change in Eastern Crete: Agricultural Practices and Sophisticated Water Management on Pseira Island” T. M. Brogan, M. Eaby, C. Sofianou, K. Chalikias, F. McCoy, and V. Apostolakou, “How to Wet Your Whistle: Diachronic Strategies for Collecting Fresh Water on Chryssi” C. Sofianou, L. Vokotopoulos, and T. M. Brogan, “Riding the Waves: The Maritime Sanctuary on the Islet of Amonachos Kavallos and Minoan Trade Routes” V. Apostolakou, C. Sofianou, V. Zografaki, T. M. Brogan, M. Eaby, K. Chalikias, P. P. Betancourt, L. Bonga, and A. Stamos, “Recent Investigations on the Small Islet of Dragonada, Siteia” V. Zografaki, “Νησί των Αγίων Πάντων: μια γνωστή άγνωστη νησίδα στον κόλπο του Μεραμπέλου” D. J. Stewart, “A Tale of Two Captains: Manias, Spratt, and the Maritime Cultural Landscape of Crete” K. Chalikias, “Open to All or Access Denied? Some Thoughts on Accessibility, Heritage Management, and Sustainable Development of Insular Cultural Landscapes”
Capacity Studies
On 15-16 June 2023 a workshop entitled No Half Measures for Understanding Ancient Pots. Aims and Methods of Capacity Studies in the Mediterranean Bronze Age will be held in hybrid format at the École française d’Athènes with the support of the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and the research laboratory ArScAn UMR 7041. Further information, including the Zoom link for remote attendance, is available at https://www.efa.gr/fr/manifestations-scientifiques/nos-anciennes-manifestations-scientifiques/2352-15-16-06-2023-workshop-capacity-studies-in-the-mediterranean-bronze-age. The program will be: C. Donnelly and A. Georgiou, “Measuring Marks on Canaanite Amphorae?” L. Bavay, “‘Canaanite’ Amphorae, Hieratic Jar Dockets and Measure Marks from Deir el-Medina: Reconstructing Economic Networks Between Egypt and the Levant in the Late Bronze Age” C. Cateloy, “Measuring the Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean: Middle and Late Bronze Age Levantine Amphorae Under Study” C. Pulak and R. Matheny, “Standardization of Canaanite Jars from the Uluburun Shipwreck” R. Webb, “A Standard Pot for Dry Measures? Investigating an Unseen Type of Mycenaean Storage Jar” F. Porta, “Interpreting Late Bronze Age Cypriot Pithoi from a Volumetric Perspective: A Reconsideration of their Use and Circulation Pattern” S. Privitera, “From Capacity of Pots to Storage Behaviour: Storage Jars in Context at the Minoan Villa at Gortyna” M. E. Alberti, “Plain Handless Conical Cups: Practices of Daily Measuring in Malia and Minoan Crete” C. Sturge, “The Decorated Rounded Cup at Knossos: MM IIIA–LM IIIB” K. Shelton and L. Kvapil, “How Many Kylikes in a Krater? Proportions and Provisions in Pottery Production at Petsas House, Mycenae” L. Phialon, “Measuring Capacities of Late Bronze Age Kraters: New Insights into Consumption Practices in Aegean Funerary Contexts?” C. Langohr and E. Tsafou, “Change and Continuity in Cooking Practices in Minoan Crete. A Diachronic Volumetric Analysis of the Traditional Tripod Cooking Pot” B. Rueff, “Capacity and Illumination Duration: New Perspecties on Minoan Lamps and the Rhythm of Activities” I. Valinoti, “Vessel Capacities and Perfume Production at the Palace of Pylos”
9th Sympozjum Egejskie
On 19-20 June 2023 the Sympozjum Egejskie. 9th Young Researchers’ Conference in Aegean Archaeology will be held in hybrid format at the University of Warsaw. Further information is available at https://www.archeologia.uw.edu.pl/en/sympozjum-egejskie-9th-conference-in-aegean-archaeology/. The program will be: A. Mercogliano, “Coarse Ware from the Middle Helladic Settlement of the Trapeza: Overview of Shapes, Functions and Historical Development” A. Wodzińska, “Importance of Aegean Pottery from Tell el-Retaba, Egypt” C. Nuttall, “Sun, Spirals and Seafaring. Early Cycladic ‘Frying Pans’ in Context” E. Kreuz, “Feeding Bottles in Early Mycenaean Greece” S. Mills, “Mycenae and the Corinthia: Political Periphery or Active Agent?” K. Dudlik and S. Vitale, “Marking Identity and Status: the Role of Anatolian and Near Eastern Sealstones from the Cemeteries of Eleona and Langada on Kos” L. E. Alvarez, “Mediating Power in Sixteenth-Century BCE Mainland Greece: the Example of ‘Mirror Culture’” P. Zeman, “House of the Rising Class: Contextual Re-Study of the Architectural Form and Socio-Economic Status of the Panagia Houses at Mycenae” J. Maran, “Post-Palatial Tiryns and the Long Shadow of the Palatial Period” C. Zikidi, “Mortality Salience and the Treatment of the Dead in South-West Messenia, from the Middle Helladic to the Late Helladic Period” S. Crewson, “200,000 Years of History at Stelida, Naxos (Greece): the Challenges and Approaches to Writing Deep-Time Narratives” L. A. Kvapil, “Late to the Agricultural Revolution: the Slow Adoption of Farm Technology in Mycenaean Greece” T. S. Andreovits, “Miniature Bodies in Practice: the Embodied Performance of Everyday and Ceremonial Acts in Bronze Age Aegean Seal Imagery” M. Lemke, “Stoned in the Bronze Age? The State of the Debate on Consumption of Narcotics in Minoan Crete” P. Ramirez-Valiente, “Adorned Bodies in Clay: Decoration and Painting in Pottery and Clay Figurines in the Neolithic Aegean” Y. de Raaff, “The Construction of the Menelaion Mansions: an Energetics Approach” P. Yiouni and A. Panatsi, “A New Late Bronze Age Installation in Ioannina Basin, in Epirus—NW Greece” A. Peterkov, “How to Approach Population Size Estimation for Sites along the East Aegean–West Anatolian Interface?” L. Giorgi, “How many Weapons for the Palace? An Interpretation Proposal for the Use of ka-ko in the Pylos Linear B Tablets” W. Jenerałek, “Interdisciplinary Research on Gold Mining at the Amalara Archaeological Site in Northern Greece—Final Result” G. Di Lorenzo, “An Eye Single-Blade Bronze Axe from Achaia and the Possible Trading Circuits from Italy, Central Europe and Greece between the Last Phases of Mycenaean Palaces and the First Iron Age” M. Łapińska, A Dualism of the Lily in the Aegean Seals. Ornament—Sign Concept” J. Bobik, “Neither Frescoes nor Rock Reliefs: Zoomorphic Plastic Decorations on Pottery from Western Anatolia in the Second Millennium BCE” N. Kouvalakis, “Assessing the Evidence for the Emergence of Social Inequality during the Neolithic: Case Studies from the Region of Modern-Day Greece” F. M. C. Toscano, A. D'Izzia, and F. Lo Faro, “Metal Production as Evidence of Social Changes and Interaction between the Aegean World and Sicily in the Second Millennium BC” E. Papathoma and I. Vrettou, “Traces of Milk in Two Mycenaean Cups from Glyka Nera, Attica” N. Papakonstantinou and S. Triantaphyllou, “‘Bones on Fire’. A Re-Consideration of the Use of Fire on Human Remains in the Prehistoric Aegean” A. Nafplioti and I. Serpetsidaki, “Dating the Use of Early Mortuary Contexts on Crete: Combined Relative Dating and Absolute AMS Radiocarbon Determinations” S. Cushman, “When, Where, and Why? The Distribution of Chamber Tomb Groups in the Argolid in Chronological and Local Context”
New Materialism
On 22-24 June 2023 a conference entitled Resource – Event – Practice. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on New Materialism will be held in hybrid format within the framework of the Leibniz Science Campus "Resources in Transformation (ReForm)". Further information is available at https://reform.ressourcencampus-bochum.de/en/resource-event-practice/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include: C. von Rüden and J. Jungfleisch, “Eventful Histories: Thoughts on the Material-discursive and Corporeal Becoming of ‘Aegean’ Wall-paintings in Tell el-Dab‘a/Egypt”
On 26-27 May 2023 an international conference entitled Signs of the Times – The Archaeology of Late Bronze Age Kydonia/Khania was held in hybrid format, hosted in Stockholm by the Swedish Institute at Athens. Further information is available at https://www.sia.gr/en/articles.php?tid=807. The program was: A. Karivieri, “Welcome to Stockholm! The Department of Classical Studies at Stockholm University 75 years” J. Wallensten, “The Swedish Institute at Athens 75 years and the importance of the Greek-Swedish and Greek-Swedish-Danish field projects” M. Andreadaki-Vlazaki, “The Minoan Habitation under the Town of Khania” E. Hallager, “The Greek-Swedish- and Greek-Swedish-Danish excavations and their impact on Minoan Crete” B. P. Hallager, “The local Kydonia pottery workshop and its impact” E. Protopapadaki, “Prepalatial pottery groups from the Greek–Swedish Excavations at the Agia Aikaterini square, Kastelli Chania” O. Krzyszkowska, “Late Minoan Seals and Sealing Practices: Insights from Khania” D. Evely, “The nature of the small finds from Kastelli, Khania” A.-L. Schallin, “Terracotta figurines from Khania” A. Sarpaki, “The archaeobotanical landscape of Bronze Age Kydonia/ Chania” D. Mylona, “Earthquakes, pastoral economics and religious fervor: animal sacrifice at LM IIIB Kydonia, (Khania)” V. Petrakis, “Total ku-do-ni-ja: integrating archaeological and textual evidence in the study of a remarkable centre in LM II-IIIB Crete” P. J. P. McGeorge, “The human bones from the Minoan graves and Katre 1, Khania” G. Vidén, “Conclusion – from a personal point of view
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