On 16 April 2023 abstracts (300 words maximum) are due for The Connected Past: Digital Methods for Studying Networks and Complexity in the Humanities (The Connected Past 2023), to be held on 12-15 September 2023 in Helsinki. Further information and the link to submit abstracts are available at https://connectedpast.net/other-events/helsinki-2023/. Contributions may include, but are not limited to: • New digital methods or tools for studying historical, archaeological, or lexical datasets • Modelling – spatial, statistical, material datasets • Geospatial analysis, methods, and applications • Exploring trade routes, mobility, interaction, migration of people, things, and ideas • Integration of spatial and material datasets • Diachronic, multi-scalar analyses using digital methods • Traditional SNA applied to historical datasets • Agent Based Modelling (ABM) • Digital materiality • Text mining and analysis • Novel visualization methods and analysis of datasets • Digital methods and community archaeology/heritage management in the Middle East • ANE imperial dynamics and social networks
The New York Aegean Bronze Age Colloquium has announced the updated schedule of lectures during the remainder of spring 2023. The lectures will take place on Zoom and begin at 12 pm EST. Further information is available at https://nyabac.tumblr.com/. Thursday, 6 April 2023: N. Abell, “An Exploration of Mechanisms of Interaction and Exchange in the MBA–LBA Cyclades” Tuesday, 18 April 2023: J. Soles, “The Rise and Fall of a Rich Minoan Town in Crete: 50 Years of Greek-American Collaboration Excavating at Mochlos”
ICAP 2023
On 28 March – 1 April 2023 the 15th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection: Advances in On- and Offshore Archaeological Prospection (ICAP 2023) will be held in Kiel, Germany. Further information is available at https://www.icap2023.uni-kiel.de/en. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include: A. Sarris and T. Strasser, “Investigating the sedimentary fillings of Megalos Peristeres Cave, Rethymno, Crete, through GPR techniques” A. Sarris, K. Hatzigiannakis, and D. Panagiotopoulos, “The contribution of geophysical and spectral imaging techniques in the archaeological investigations of Minoan Koumasa”
SAA 2023
On 29 March – 2 April 2023 the Society for American Archaeology 88th Annual Meeting (SAA 2023) will be held in Portland, OR. Further information is available at https://www.saa.org/annual-meeting. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include: D. Pullen, “Taking the Palace out of Palatial Control” K. Grossman and T. Paulette, “Society against the State in Prehistoric Cyprus? Exploring the Politics of Village Life” D. Pollard, “Peaks Above, Plains Below: The Deeper Context of Settlement Patterning in Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Crete” A. Simmons, “The Hippos Who Would Not Die: Akrotiri Aetokremnos, Cyprus, and a Scientific Dilemma” A. Brysbaert, “A Moving Taskscape in the Late Bronze Age Argolid, Greece” C. Hastorf, “Forensic Culinary Archaeology: Seeking the Longevity of Recipes and Their Flavors from Crete” F. Dibble, “Formation Processes and Biases in Big Data”
CAA 2023
On 3-6 April 2023 the Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods to Archaeology Conference: 50 Years of Synergy (CAA 2023) will be held in Amsterdam. Further information is available at https://2023.caaconference.org/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers included: R. Rivers, H. C. W. Price, P. Gheorghiade, V. Vasiliauskaite, A. Diachenko, T. Evans, and F. Rossi, “Minoan Assemblage Distributions and Machine Learning” P. Cuthbertson, P. Tsakanikou, S. Kübler, and N. Galanidou, “Landscape Heterogeneity at the Acheulean Site of Rodafnidia (Lesbos, NE Aegean): Connecting sites and continental models through intermediary scales” E. Mavros, “Gaming as a Guide to the Past Environments: A Gentle Assistance to Landscape Archaeology in Palaepaphos, Cyprus” C. Safadi, “Establishing the guiding principles for maritime heritage data and databases in the eastern Mediterranean: initial review of feasibility and potential” K. A. Crawford, G. Artopoulos, and I. Romanowska, “Does economic exchange drive settlement persistence patterns? Simulating patterns between Cyprus and the Levant during the Late Bronze Age” P. Gheorghiade and C. Spencer, “Travelling the wine dark sea – Networks of Mobility in the Late Bronze Age Mediterranean” A.-M. Xenaki, “Point Process Modelling of human-landscape relations in Eastern Crete” P. Kyriakidis and E. Gravanis, “A Framework for Modeling/Simulating Controls, Patterns and Consequences of Maritime Human Mobility Potential in Early Prehistory”
On 13-18 March 2023 the Kiel Conference 2023: Scales of Social, Environmental & Cultural Change in Past Societies was held in Kiel. Further information is available at https://www.kielconference.uni-kiel.de/. Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers included: S. Sabatini, “Consideration about the role of Nuragic Sardinia in the European Late Bronze Age metal trade” L. Burkhardt, “The Ada Tepe gold mine (LBA) in the context of resources, exchange networks and social (in)equality” S. Menelaou, “Mobility dynamics and socio-technological changes in the mid-late 3rd millennium BC circum-Aegean: reviewing the ceramic evidence” P. Suchowska-Ducke, “The bronze cup from Dohnsen as evidence of social and physical networks” M. Brandl, C. Hauzenberger, and P. Filzmoser, “Testing craft specialisation in Neolithic chert economy: A case study from western Anatolia” K. Kotsakis, T. Giagkoulis, A. Maczkowski, J. Francuz, and A. Hafner, “Dispilio, Lake Orestias (Kastoria, Greece): new insights into the chronology and architecture of a Neolithic wetland habitation” S. Perrakis, “Water Management Strategies in Prehistorical Crete: The Case Study of the Zakros region” J. Stühler, “Modularity in Late Helladic Architecture: The Case of the Corridor Houses” S. Schaefer-Di Maida, J. Laabs, M. Wunderlich, R. Hofmann, H. Piezonka, P.-A. Kreuz, S. Sabnis, J. P. Brozio, C. Dickie, and M. Furholt, “Scales of political practice and patterns of power relations in Prehistory” X. Jia, E. Skourtanioti, L. Bejko, I. Pojani, H. Ringbauer, J. Krause, and P. W. Stockhammer, “Archaeogenomic pilot research of Kamenice, a prehistoric Albanian tumulus (1600-500 BCE)” A. Bogaard, “Farming and early urbanism in Europe: the interplay of sociality, ecology and uncertainty” E. Weiberg and M. Finné, “Land use expansion in Late Bronze Age Greece – a success story?” M. Hostettler, “Exploring changes in land use and human impact in the prehistoric Southern Balkans and Northern Greece” S. Dannemann, P. Avramidis, A. Emmanouilidis, J.-M. Henke, C. Piechocki, and I. Unkel, “First results: Suitability of the Chora Plain on Samos (Greece) for ancient agriculture”
SIZWG 2023
On 22-25 March 2023 a conference entitled Beyond the baseline: Broadening stable isotopic horizons in zooarchaeology was held by the ICAZ Stable Isotopes in Zooarchaeology Working Group (SIZWG) in Berlin. Further information is available at https://zooarchisotopes.com/sizwg-22nd-to-25th-march-2023-berlin/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers included: B. Irvine, R. Özbal, C. Luke, C. H. Roosevelt, C. Çakırlar, and F. Pirson, “Investigating Palaeoenvironment and Animal Management in Western Anatolia from the Neolithic to the Roman Period Utilising Stable Isotopes of Carbon and Nitrogen” R. Özbal, S. Emra, S. Kamjan, E. Özdoğan, and N. Benecke, “Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope results for faunal samples from Aşaği Pinar” C. Çakırlar, T. Brongers, and S. Pilaar Birch, “Neolithic herd management and foraging ecologies of wild fauna in Istanbul around 8.2k BP”
GAO 2023
On 27-29 March 2023 the annual Graduate Archaeology at Oxford Conference (GAO 2023) was held in Oxford. Further information is available at https://gao2023conference.mystrikingly.com/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers included: A. Falezza, “Mediterranean ports of interactions: Aegean and Southern Italy in the Late Bronze Age” A. Holguin, M. Charles, and A. Bogaard, “Life on the lakeshore: the plant food-systems of the Late Neolithic in the southern Balkans”
A New Home for the Archives of the Program in Aegean Scripts and Prehistory
The Department of Classics at the University of Cincinnati is pleased to announce the acquisition of the Archives of the Program in Aegean Scripts and Prehistory (PASP). Founded by Thomas G. Palaima in 1986, the PASP Archives contain the original papers and collections of the scholars who contributed to the decipherment of Linear B: Alice E. Kober, Michael G. F. Ventris, and Emmett L. Bennett, Jr.; many of these papers are accessible online. In addition, PASP houses an extensive collection of 1:1 scale photographs of inscriptions, particularly those of the Linear A and the Linear B systems, as well as thousands of rare offprints on scripts-based subjects. The PASP collections, both physical and digital, will be formally transferred to UC Classics in the summer of 2024. During this transition phase from late spring through early fall of that year, every effort will be made to fulfill requests for information, but significant delays will occur. We expect to open access to the physical holdings by late fall of 2024, with access to the digital holdings soon afterwards. More information about UC Classics may be found at https://classics.uc.edu/, with information about the Archives and Special Collections of the Department of Classics at UC at https://classics.uc.edu/departments/classics/archives. More information about PASP may be found at https://sites.utexas.edu/scripts/.
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