
11th Annual International Conference on History

On 15 March 2013 abstracts (300 words) are due for the 11th Annual International Conference on History: From Ancient to Modern, to be held on 29 July-1 August by the History Research Unit of the Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER). Further information is available at

Mycenaean Seminars in London

The University of London School of Advanced Study, Institute of Classical Studies has announced the following schedule of Mycenaean Seminars in London for Spring 2013, to take place in the Institute of Classical Studies, Senate House South Block Ground Floor G22 / 26, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU. Unless otherwise stated, Mycenaean Seminars begin at 3:30 pm. Further information is available from Dr. Olga Krzyszkowska at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at

13 February 2013: P. Militello, "Texts and contexts: craft production at Νeopalatial Ayia Triada"

13 March 2013: T. Tartaron, "Local maritime connectivity in the Mycenaean world"

15 May 2013, 5pm: A. Kanta, "The Minoan palatial centre of Monastiraki Amariou in west-central Crete" (Michael Ventris Memorial Lecture)

Archaeologies of Greece 2013

On 15-16 March a workshop entitled Archaeologies of Greece: State of the Field 2013 - Big Questions, Next Directions will be held by the Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology at Brown University. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

Analyzing Collapse

On 10-16 December 2012 a workshop entitled Analyzing Collapse: Destruction, Collapse and Memory was held at the Jerusalem Institute of Advanced Studies and the Scholion Research Center. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:

J. Maran, "Monuments and Social Memory Before and After the Demise of the Mycenaean Palaces"

S. Morris, "Cities of Memory in Monuments and Narrative – Troy, Mycenae and the Afterlife of the Aegean Bronze Age"

Mycenaean Seminar in Athens

On 28 February 2013 S. Andreou addressed the Mycenaean Seminar in Athens on "Το Βορειοδυτικό Αιγαίο κατά την Ύστερη Εποχή Χαλκού: οι τοπικές ιστορίες και η δυναμική των διαπολιτισμικών επαφών" in the Ioannis Drakopoulos Amphitheatre (Central Building of the University of Athens Panepistimiou 30).

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