It gives us great pleasure to congratulate Jeremy B. Rutter, Sherman Fairchild Professor of the Humanities at Dartmouth, on his receipt of the Gold Medal for Distinguished Lifetime Achievement from the Archaeological Institute of America, to be presented at the annual meetings 3-6 January 2013 in Seattle. Professor Rutter has published widely on Bronze Age Aegean pottery from Crete, the Cyclades, and the Greek Mainland. The AIA gives out one such award yearly for work in archaeology. The editors of Nestor join the AIA in saluting Professor Rutter.
On 15 January 2013 abstracts (400 words maximum in .doc, .docx, or .pdf format) are due for a conference entitled An Island Between Two Worlds: The Archaeology of Euboea from Prehistoric to Byzantine Times, to be held on 12-14 July 2013 in Eretria by the Norwegian Institute at Athens in collaboration with the 11th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities and the 23rd Ephorate for Byzantine Antiquities of the Hellenic Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs, Culture, and Sports. Further information is available at; abstracts and inquiries should be sent to the conference email address at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The themes of the conference will be:
History of archaeological research on Euboea
Euboea between the mainland and the islands
The first Euboeans: evidence for Palaeolithic and Neolithic habitation in Euboea
In the middle of the wine-dark sea: Euboea and maritime interactions during the Aegean Bronze Age
From core to periphery: Euboea from Geometric to Hellenistic times
Times of trouble or prosperity? Euboea during Roman and early Byzantine times
Between east and west: the archaeology of Byzantine, crusader, and Venetian Euboea
Problems and solutions: future directions of archaeological research on Euboea
The past as the driving force of the future: Euboean cultural heritage and tourism
Difficult issues and simple solutions: supporting and funding archaeological research and cultural heritage protection on Euboea
Textile Trade and Distribution
On 15 January 2013 proposals and a draft of the layout for posters (500 words maximum in German or English) are due for an international conference entitled Textile trade and distribution in antiquity, to be held on 9-10 April 2013 at the Phillipps Universität, Marburg. Further information and registration forms are available at
CHNT 18 2013
On 20 January 2013 proposals for sessions, workshops, and roundtables (200-300 words) are due for The 18th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 18 2013), to be held on 11-13 November 2013. Abstracts and inquiries should be sent to the conference email address at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Documentation is the main topic of this year's conference: researchers using new technologies are invited discuss what documentation they are using and why. The following points about documentation should be considered:
Documentation should be available for scientific research
Documentation should be comparable with old and future documents
Documentation can be used for monitoring and preservation of national cultural heritage
Documentation has to be suitable to fight illicit actions. Without a good documentation it is hard or impossible to find stolen objects.
Documentation has to enable repair or reconstruction, at least virtually
Chert Conference
On 1 February 2013 abstracts (300-500 words, with up to one image) are due for the fifth Arheoninvest Symposium 'Stories Written in Stone': International Symposium on Chert and Other Knappable Materials, to be held on 20-24 August 2013 at "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, Romania. Further information, a list of sessions, and registration forms are available at Abstracts should include the title, presenter(s) and affiliated institutions of each, preferred session, and presentation type (oral or poster). The symposium will focus on two major themes:
The chaine operatoire of knapped stone artefacts
Raw material exploitation strategies: mining and surface collection
Ancient lithic trade and economics
Stone tool production and processing techniques
Use-wear analyses: signs of usage on stone tools (a.k.a. traceology)
Auxiliary sciences related to microcrystalline quartz
Microcrystaline quartz as a geological material
Characterizing lithic sources
Lithotheques collections of comparative raw materials
Gemology – Microcrystaline quartz as a gemstone today and in the past
SOMA 2013
On 1 March 2013 abstracts (3000 characters, with titles 200 characters, in English) are due for the 17th annual Symposium On Mediterranean Archaeology (SOMA 2013): Management of Cultural Heritage in the Coastal Zone, to be held on 25-27 April 2013 in Moscow. Further information and forms are available at Papers will be grouped in different sessions dedicated to the different regions of the Mediterranean. Each session will be developed following a chronological sequence, from the Prehistory to the Medieval Age. Special consideration will be given to papers adopting an innovative theoretical and methodological approach. Papers regarding the following themes will also be accepted:
Marine / Seamanship History
Conservation, preservation and archaeological site management
Restoration and Museology
CIPA 2013
On 1 April full papers are due for the 24th International Symposium of the International Committee for Architectural Photogrammetry (CIPA 2013). Recording, documentation and cooperation for Cultural Heritage, to be held on 2-6 September 2013 in Strasbourg. Further information is available at The main symposium topics will be:
Recording, documentation and information management of cultural heritage, archaeological and architectural heritage conservation
Terrestrial/aerial photogrammetry and applications to cultural heritage
Terrestrial/aerial laser scanning, mobile mapping and applications to cultural heritage
Remote sensing and application for cultural heritage
GIS for cultural heritage documentation and applications
3-D Modeling, animation, reconstruction and visualization of cultural heritage
Web techniques regarding cultural heritage
Multi-sensor systems for cultural heritage, new sensors
Intellectual property and open source relating to cultural heritage
Standard/guideline for documentation of cultural heritage
Strategies for long-term archiving of digital information of cultural heritage, prevention of cultural heritage against risk/hazard
Education, training and communication
ICOMOS section
Other than above, but appropriate as a symposium topic
On 3-6 January 2013 the 114th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America will be held in Seattle, WA. Further information is available at the AIA website at In addition to the papers and posters noted in Nestor 39.8 (November 2012), the following workshops may be of interest to Nestor readers:
Beyond Iconography II: Materials, Methods and Meaning in Ancient Surface Decoration
"Porous Borders": Presenting Ancient Art in the Encyclopedic Museum
Minoanization vs. Mycenaeanization: Two Sides of the Same Coin?
On 3-4 December 2012 D. Panagiotopoulos delivered lectures to the Aegean Seminar in Zagreb and the University of Zagreb entitled "Minoan Bull-Leaping. Anatomy of an Athletic Ritual" and "Minoan Koumasa. Exploring the History of a Liminal Scape in Southern Crete." Further information is available from Helena Tomas at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
A. Papadopoulos, "Parallel Lives? The Relationship between Warriors, Pirates and Merchants in Late Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean"
B. Molloy, "A portrait of Dorian Grey (areas): Warfare and mobility in the central and southern Balkan peninsula in the 13th to 11th centuries BC."
S. O'Brien, "Violence and Gender in the Late Bronze Age Aegean"
I. Georganas, "'Warrior Graves' vs Warrior Graves in Late Bronze Age Aegean"
Mycenaean Seminar in Athens
On 19 December 2012 A. Vasilaki delivered a lecture to the Mycenaean Seminar in Athens entitled "Υστεροελλαδικό Αψιδωτό / Ελλειψοειδές (ωοειδές) Μέγαρο στα Τζαννάτα Πόρου Κεφαλονιάς."
Aegean Seminar in Zagreb
On 19 December 2013 M. Galaty delivered lectures to the University of Zagreb and the Aegean Seminar in Zagreb entitled "High Altitude Archaeology: The Shala Valley Project, Northern Albania" and "'Riding the River Styx: New Research In and Around Alepotrypa Cave, Greece." Further information is available from Helena Tomas at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The Ashmolean Museum of the University of Oxford has recently launched a website on the "Sir Arthur Evans Archive" providing a first, basic, overview of its holdings ( Although not to item level, the website is a welcome addition and promises to be a very useful tool for Aegean Archaeology (especially for those interested in Minoan archaeology and its history). The website is based on the work of Dr Yannis Galanakis (formerly the curator for the Bronze Age Aegean collections and the Sir Arthur Evans archive at the Ashmolean and currently Lecturer in Aegean Archaeology at the University of Cambridge). One of the innovations of the website, instigated by Dr Galanakis in collaboration with Oxford's RTI team (Dr Jacob Dahl, Klaus Wagensonner and Nicholas Reid), is the digitization of the museum's small, but representative, Linear B collection from Knossos. The technology applied (RTI: Reflectance Transformation Imaging) allows for the best possible reading of these tablets online as it were under a completely new light:
With the RTIViewer (free to download - following instructions in the webpage given above), you can access the Linear B photographs by cutting and pasting the url into the application (using the globe and folder icon to the right of the main screen of the RTIViewer). The images can be enlarged to magnificent effect and the lighting changed to make readings clearer and to see fingerprints and erasures. This resource should prove extremely useful for teaching and this form of visualisation may pave the way for future research in the field. For comments on the web site please contact the Ashmolean's webmaster at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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