Aegeus – Society for Aegean Prehistory has announced the schedule of Aegean Lectures for 2013, to take place at the Swedish Institute at Athens (Mitseon 9) at 7 P.M. Further information is available at
25 January 2013: G. Stratouli, "Ανιχνεύοντας νοικοκυριά, ανθρώπους και νοήματα: Δέκα χρόνια ερευνητικής δραστηριότητας στο νεολιθικό οικισμό Αυγής Καστοριάς"
22 February 2013: S. Dimaki, "Η ΥΕΙΙΒ-ΙΙΙΑ1 περίοδος στο Καλαπόδι Λοκρίδας"
29 March 2013: K. Kalogeropoulos, "Η ακρόπολη της Βραυρώνας κατά τη μυκηναϊκή περίοδο"
26 April 2013: M. Lindblom, "An LH IIIC Settlement in the Later Sanctuary of Poseidon on Kalaureia (Poros)"
14 June 2013: P. Koutsaftis, Archaeological film: TO.RA.KE.
On 22 February 2013 K. P. Foster will address the New York Aegean Bronze Age Colloquium on "The Adornment of Aegean Boats." Further information is available from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Beyond Collapse
On 1-2 March 2013 the 29th Annual Visiting Scholar Conference: Beyond Collapse: Archaeological Perspectives on Resilience, Revitalization & Reorganization in Complex Societies will be held at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale (SIU). Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
D. Small, "Using Complex Adaptive Systems as a Heuristic Model for Understanding the Rise of Community Complexity in Iron Age Crete"
M. Spigelman, "Revitalization and Reconfiguration in 12th Century BCE Cyprus"
K. Lantzas, "Reconsidering Collapse: Identity, Ideology, and Post- Collapse Settlement in the Argolid"
Conflict in the Peloponnese
On 22-23 March 2013 the 2nd Postgraduate & Early Career Researcher Work in Progress Conference: Conflict in the Peloponnese: Social, Military and Intellectual, from Prehistory to Modernity will be held at the University of Nottingham by the Centre for Spartan & Peloponnesian Studies (CSPS). Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
S. O'Brien, "Pylos and Mycenae: Reassessing the role of force in the 'Mycenaean State'"
C. V. Alonso-Moreno, "The King, the Priest and the Peasant: Social Conflict and Solutions in Pylos"
K. Leith, "Prosymna's 'archers': weaponry deposition and martial identity in the Late Bronze Age cemetery at Prosymna in the Argolid"
CAA 2013
On 25-28 March 2013 the 41st Annual Conference of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA 2013): Across Space and Time will be held in Perth, Australia. Further information, including a list of sessions, is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
C. Piccoli, P. Aparajeya, G. Papadopoulos, V. Stissi, J. Poblome, P. Bes, J. Bintliff, F. Fol Leymarie, and P. Daras, "Towards automatic classification of pottery sherds: a combined approach"
S. White and A. Wilson, "Androids on Andros: Digital field data collection for the Zagora Archaeological Project using ODK and Heurist"
On 24 January 2013 O. Psychoyou addressed the Mycenaean Seminar in Athens on "A Mycenaean Sanctuary on Proph. Ilias at Mt Arachnaion in the Argolid" in the Ioannis Drakopoulos Amphitheatre (Central Building of the University of Athens Panepistimiou 30).
16th Sheffield Aegean Round Table
On 25-27 January 2013 the 16th Annual Sheffield Aegean Round Table - Of Odysseys and Oddities: Scales and modes of interaction between prehistoric Aegean societies and their neighbours was held at the Sheffield Centre for Aegean Archaeology. Further information is available at The program was:
K. Kristiansen, "Connectivity and conflict in the Bronze Age"
P. Halstead, "Scales and modes of interaction in and beyond the Neolithic Aegean: talking across the barriers"
Ç. Çilingiroğlu, "Impressed Pottery as a proxy for connectivity in the Neolithic Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean"
On 26 January 2013 a symposium entitled Thera and Minoan Crete. New insights into two 'cultures of disaster' was held in Heidelberg. Further information is available at The program was:
M. Marthari, "From Cycladic to Minoanising: Cultural and social transformation in pre-eruption Thera as reflected in pottery and settlement patterns"
C. Doumas, "The role of Crete in the development of prehistoric Thera"
L. Platon, "The phase of the Theran volcanic destruction in Crete: some observations on the pottery types and motifs of the 'LMIA mature' phase, as it has been defined in selected Cretan sites"
On 1 February 2013 a symposium entitled Island, Mainland, Coastland & Hinterland: Ceramic Perspectives on Connectivity in the Ancient Mediterranean was held in Amsterdam. Further information is available at
A. Bevan, "Pottery, politics and persistent landscapes in the Mediterranean"
K. A. M. van den Berg, "Barbarian Ware Strikes Again: Problems and Potential Significance of a Particular Ceramic Assemblage for Understanding Past Networks"
E. Nodarou and Y. Papadatos, "Mixing traditions – mixing cultures 'kampos group' pottery in prepalatial Crete"
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