On 31 May 2013 abstracts are due for a conference entitled Popular religion and ritual in the east Mediterranean from the 3rd millennium BC to the 5th century AD, to be held on 10-11 December 2013 by the Faculty of History and Archaeology of the University of Athens. Abstracts (250 words in English (and Greek if possible)) containing author(s) name(s), affiliation(s) and contact details) should be submitted to
Household cult and ritual (e.g. foundation rites)
Places of popular cult
Funerary activity as popular ritual
Other types of popular ritual (e.g. ritual acts involving conspicuous food and drink consumption or public gatherings)
The emulation of elite cult and other ritual habits by wider social groups
On 1 June 2013 confirmation of interest and preliminary titles are due for a conference entitled Textiles and Cult in the Mediterranean Area in the first millennium BC, to be held on 21-22 November 2013 at the Danish National Research Foundation's Centre for Textile Research, SAXO Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. On 1 August 2013 abstracts (250 words) should be sent to
The April 2013 (40.4) issue of Nestor is now available as a free download.
On 25-28 March 2013 the Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods to Archaeology Conference (CAA 2013 Perth): Across Space and Time was held in Perth, Australia. Further information is available at http://www.caa2013.org/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:
A. Goren, "Virtual Archaeology - creating an interdisciplinary toolbox for 3D visualization of ancient sites and landscapes in computer game engines"
D. Henderson, R. Boys, A. Golightly, A. Baggaley, G. Sarson, and A. Shukurov, "Inference for population dynamics in the Neolithic period"
C. Piccoli, P. Aparajeya, G. Papadopoulos, V. Stissi, J. Poblome, P. Bes, J. Bintliff, F. Leymarie, and P. Daras, "Towards automatic classification of pottery sherds: a combined approach"
On 5-6 April 2013 the symposium Ανασκαφή και Έρευνα, IX: Aπό το ερευνητικό εργό του Τομέα Αρχαιολογίας και Ιστορίας της Τέχνης was held in Athens, Greece at the Department of Archaeology and History of Art of the University of Athens. Further information is available at http://eclass.uoa.gr/modules/document/file.php/ARCH284/Programma%20Symposiou%20Tomea%20Arxaiologias.pdf. Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:
Γ. Κουρτέση-Φιλιππάκη, Γ. Ρήγινος, Α. Chabrol, and Δ. Σακκάς, "Αρχαιολογική έρευνα επιφανείας στη λεκάνη του Mέσου Καλαμά Θεσπρωτίας: 2011-2013"
Ε. Μαντζουράνη, Έ. Ζαββού, Α. Θέμος, and Γ. Βαβουρανάκης, "Η Ελαφόνησος πριν και μετά το 2009: παλαιά και νέα αρχαιολογικά ευρήματα"
Γ. Παπαθεοδώρου, Μ. Γεραγά, and Ε. Μαντζουράνη, "Παλαιογεωγραφική ανάπλαση της θαλάσσιας περιοχής της Ελαφονήσου (Ν. Α. Πελοπόννησος) με χρήση μεθόδων γεωφυσικής διασκόπησης"
On 10 April 2013 G. Cadogan spoke at The New York Aegean Bronze Age Colloquium at the Institute of Fine Arts on "M & M's. Myrtos and Mallia: Middle Minoan Entente Cordiale or Unitary State?"