
Women in the Archaeology of Greece II

On 13 March 2024 the second workshop on Women in the Archaeology of Greece: Tribute to Veronika Mitsopoulos-Leon will take place at the Austrian Archaeological Institute in Athens, co-organized by the École française d’Athènes. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
M. Mauzy, “Alison Frantz, photographer and scholar – dual paths in archeology”
A. Loudarou and K. Fine, “Excavating the past, caring for the future: the case of Hetty Goldman (ASCSA) and her efforts to rehabilitate and relieve the Jewish communities of Greece after World War I”
A. Papoulakou, “Ευαγγελία Πρωτονοταρίου-Δεϊλάκη (1931 – 2002) … άγνωστες πτυχές του βίου και του έργου της μέσα από τα Αρχεία”


Marks, Marketing and Markets

On 14-15 March 2024 an international hybrid workshop entitled Marks, Marketing and Markets: Investigating the intersection of marking practices and commercial strategies in the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age eastern Mediterranean will take place at the Archaeological Research Unit at the University of Cyprus in the frame of the research project ComPAS (ERC Starting Grants, No. 947749), organized by C. M. Donnelly and A. Georgiou. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
N. Hirschfeld, “‘Babbling Pots’”
A. Bevan, “Marks, transactions and entropy in Bronze and Iron Age economies”
J. Webb, “Pre-firing pot marks and marking practices in Early and Middle Bronze Age Cyprus”
A. Karnava, “‘Brand’ identifiers and trade during the 2nd millennium BC in Crete”
C. Donnelly, “Writers who mark or markers who write? The interface between writing, marking, and trade on Late Bronze Age Cyprus”
A. Yasur-Landau, “Scripts of Land and Sea: marks and signs in maritime context in the southern Levant ca. 1500-1200 BCE”
E. Kozal, “Marking practices of Late Bronze Age Anatolia”
A. Kotsonas, “Marks, marketing and markets in the Greek world of the Early Iron Age”


Lidar and Landscapes

On 15 March 2024 a workshop entitled Lidar and Landscapes in the Archaeology of Greece will take place at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Further information is available at The program will be:
K. Sporn and W. Kennedy, “Lidar-Based Research in the Phokian Kephissos Valley”
S. Fachard and C. Chezeaux, “Lidar-Based Remote Sensing and Ground Truthing in the Eretria-Amarynthos Survey Project”
D. Matsas, M. Page, B. D. Wescoat, C. Witmore, T. G. Garrison, and B. W. Manquen, “The Samothrace Lidar Project”
A. R. Knodell, E. I. Levine, S. Wege, Michaela Fielder-Jellsey, and D. Athanasoulis, “Post-Fieldwork Lidar Applications in Archaeological Surveys: Feature Recognition and Quantification with the Small Cycladic Islands Project”
N. Doneus and M. Doneus, “Terrestrial and Underwater Use of ALS/ALB in Mediterranean Landscapes: Archaeological Prospection for Roman Land Use on the Croatian Coast”
G. Fontana, “Issues of Representativeness in Lidar-Based Landscape Archaeology in Mediterranean Contexts”
T. Talas, “Using Lidar in Geomorphological Mapping: The Case of the Amarynthos River Valley (Euboea, Greece)”
T. Bournas, C. Boutsoukis, and N. Dalampis, “Aerial Survey with Lidar and Photogrammetric Sensors in a Feature-Rich Mediterranean Environment: From Flight Parameters to Feature Extraction”
B. W. Manquen, T. G. Garrison, A. R. Knodell, and D. Athanasoulis, “Visualization, Vectorization, and Verification: Open-Source Lidar Methods for Archaeological Prospection and Accuracy Assessment in Mediterranean Shrublands”
J. García Sánchez, T. Lucas, J. Fonte, L. Donnellan, and J. Waagen, “Drone and Airborne Lidar in Greece: Mediterranean Perspective on Processing Techniques and Cultural Landscapes”
A. Kazolias, V. V. Panagiotidis, and N. Zacharias, “Lidar and Landscapes in Archaeology: The Case of Palaiokastro Pylos, Greece”
S. Pike, C. Drazen, and A. Kemp, “UAV-Based Survey of Ancient White Marble Quarries on Mt. Pentelikon: Challenges and Successes of a Lidar and Photogrammetric Survey in a High Relief Environment”
E. Levine, H. Indgjerd, S. Kristensen, and M. Samdal, “Using UAV Lidar to Reveal Quarried Landscapes on Naxos”
A. Dakouri-Hild, S. Davis, A. Agapiou, and E. Andrikou, “Exploring the Rural Landscape of Attica Using Lidar and Remote Sensing: The Case Study of KASP at Ancient Aphidna”
T. Lucas, “The Lidar survey at Akraiphia (Boeotia): Methodology and First Results”
Z. Papadopoulou, V. Samaras, P. Fylaktos, and A. R. Knodell, “Seeing the Trees through the Forest: Lidar Analysis and the Identification of Ancient Sites in the Busy Built Environment of Southeastern Rheneia”
R. Campbell, D. Athanasoulis, and A. R. Knodell, “Lidar Analysis and Phasing at Multiperiod Sites in Cycladic Landscapes: Examples from the Islets of Amorgos”
K. Trimmis, “Lidar Applications in the Australian Paliochora Kythera Archaeological Survey: Workflows, Paradigms, and Limitations”


Recentering Central Greece

On 21-22 March 2024 a hybrid specialist workshop entitled Recentering Central Greece in the Aegean Middle Bronze Age will take place at the at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. Further information is available at The program will be:
C. Hale and B. Lis, “Recentring central Greece”
P. Kapsali, “Glancing past life in the Cephissus valley: the pottery from Kalyvia-Ayia Marina as a proxy for understanding shifts in commensal activities in the late 3rd millennium BCE”
I. Mathioudaki and D. Skorda, “The Soultani plot at Kirrha (Phocis) and its contribution to central Greek pottery sequences”
M.-P. Montagné, “Chipped stone tools as a tracer of MBA changes in central Greece: the case of Mitrou (East Lokris) and Kirrha (Phokis)”
R. Worsham, “Questioning the ‘spiritual poverty’ of Middle Helladic Eutresis”
K. Sarri, “Grey’s Anatomy: How Grey Minyan style evolves and how it pairs and merges with other MBA pottery classes”
C. Hale and J. Sterba, “REgional Networks and LOcal Recipes for Complexity: New archaeometric results from Middle Bronze Age central Greece and their implications”
M. Lindblom, “The Middle Helladic to Late Helladic ceramic transition in central Greece”
M.-F. Papakonstantinou, “À la recherche du temps perdu. Recent interdisciplinary research in prominent MH sites of the Spercheios valley and its contribution in recentring the region in the Aegean Middle Bronze Age”
T. Krapf and M.-F. Papakonstantinou, “A Kamares Cup from Middle Helladic Agia Paraskevi at Lamia and its implication for the synchronisation of chronologies”
E. Karantzali, “Local Middle Helladic pottery in the Spercheios valley: Ceramic categories from levelling and cleaning deposits in Frantzi and from a use deposit in Lygaria”
A. Balitsari, “New evidence for the ceramic traditions and the exchange networks in Attica in the first half of the 2nd millennium BCE”
A. Philippa-Touchais and G. Touchais, “Connectivity and interaction between communities of southern mainland Greece (Aspis-Argos and Vranas-Marathon) and central Greece during the MBA”
M. Crego, N. Abell, and J. C. Overbeck, “Ayia Irini IV, Kea, and central Greece”
W. Gauß, “Central Greece and Kolonna. Observations on the Middle Bronze Age ceramic sequence, imports, and exports”
P. Pavúk, “What can coastal western Anatolia tell us about the Middle Helladic period in Greece? Twenty years on”
J. Maran, “Closing thoughts on the state-of-the-art for Middle Bronze Age central Greece”


ΑΕΜΘ 2024

On 28-29 March 2024 the 36th meeting of the conference Το Αρχαιολογικό Έργο στη Μακεδονία και στη Θράκη (ΑΕΜΘ 2024) will be held in Thessaloniki. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
Τ. Μπεκιάρης, Ά. Στρούλια, Χ. Στεργίου, and Β. Μέλφος, “Λίθινα εργαλεία με κόψη από τη νεολιθική Μάκρη Έβρου: κατασκευαστικές ακολουθίες και χωρικά συμφραζόμενα”
Φ. Γεωργιάδης, “Νέες αρχαιολογικές έρευνες στο σπήλαιο Μαρώνειας, στο πλαίσιο της Προγραμματικής Σύμβασης του ΥΠ.ΠΟ. με την Περιφέρεια Ανατολικής Μακεδονίας και Θράκης και τον Δήμο Μαρώνειας-Σαπών για τη βιώσιμη αξιοποίηση του σπηλαίου”
Χ. Μιχελάκη, Χ. Κονταξή, Φ. Γεωργιάδης, Ι. Ευσταθίου, Α. Καζνέση, Σ. Κατσαρού, Π. Μπιλάλη, and Π. Δεϊλάκη, “‘Ιστορίες και μύθοι από τα βάθη της σπηλιάς’. Ένα εκπαιδευτικό ταξίδι στα αρχαιολογικά σπήλαια της Ελλάδας”
Ντ. Ούρεμ-Κώτσου, Α. Σαρρής, Ν. Παπαδόπουλος, Κ. Βουβαλίδης, Γ. Μανιάτης, Χ. Καραδήμα, Μ. Χρυσάφη, Δ. Μάτσας, Α. Μουσιώνη, Μ. Κουτσουμανής, Σ. Κώτσος, Δ. Σκουλαρίκη, Κ. Σγουρόπουλος, Γ. Πολυμέρης, Π. Χρυσαφάκογλου, Δ. Οικονόμου, Σ. Δοάνη, and Ι. Χρόνης, “Το ερευνητικό πρόγραμμα MapFarm. Χαρτογραφώντας τους πρώιμους γεωργούς στη Θράκη”
Ν.-Λ. Νικολαΐδη and Δ. Μαλαμίδου, “Οι πρώτες ενδείξεις για την ύπαρξη οικισμού της Νεότερης Νεολιθικής περιόδου στη Νιγρίτα Σερρών”
Κ. Παπαστάθης, Μ. Λαζοπούλου, Μ. Παρδάλης, and Κ. Ευκλείδου, “Η ολοκλήρωση της ανασκαφής στο νεκροταφείο του Αγίου Ιωάννη Σιθωνίας. Ταφικά μνημεία και ταφικές πρακτικές από την Πρώιμη Εποχή του Σιδήρου μέχρι τους κλασικούς χρόνους”
Α. Τουλουμτζίδου, “Ἕνα χωρίον ἐκτισμένον ἐπὶ ἀρχαίου νεκροταφείου εἰς τὰ πρόθυρα τῆς Θεσσαλονίκης. Προπολεμικές ανασκαφές και ευρήματα από τη Θέρμη Θεσσαλονίκης”
Ε. Μανακίδου, Δ. Τσιαφάκη, and Κ. Τσονάκα, “Καραμπουρνάκι 2023: θέματα προστασίας και ανάδειξης του αρχαίου οικισμού”
Σ. Χρονάκη, Y. Agafonova, Ζ. Αμοιρίδου, Σ. Βογιατζή, Α. Καραθάνου, Ά. Λύκα, Κ. Μαστορογιάννης, Γ. Παπαδιάς, Γ. Παρχαρίδου, Κ. Παυλόγλου, Ι. Νεστορίδης, Κ. Χονδρός, Σ. Ανδρέου, and Σ. Τριανταφύλλου, “Η πανεπιστημιακή ανασκαφή στην Τούμπα Θεσσαλονίκης, 2023”
Α. Χονδρογιάννη-Μετόκη, Β. Λαϊνά, and Φ. Ντοβόλης, “Αρχαιολογικές μαρτυρίες στο ορυχείο Μαυροπηγής με συνέπεια και συνέχεια: ο οικισμός της αρχαιότερης νεολιθικής στη θέση Ασπρότοπος και το νεκροταφείο στη θέση Λουλούδια”
Δ. Χονδρού, Σ. Δημάκη, and Μ. Γεωργιάδης, “Ένα εργαστήριο λίθινων τριπτών εργαλείων στη Δήμητρα Γρεβενών. Πρώτες παρατηρήσεις και ερωτήματα”
Λ. Γκέλου, Μ. Τσίγκα, and Α. Τουλιοπούλου, “‘Μια φορά και έναν καιρό…στο χωριό μου το Νεολιθικό - Μαθαίνοντας τον τόπο μου’: Εκπαιδευτικό Πρόγραμμα 2023”
Δ. Κλουκίνας, Τ. Γιαγκούλης, and Κ. Κωτσάκης, “Η συμβολή της μελέτης οικοδομικών πηλών ανωδομής στην αρχιτεκτονική αποκατάσταση των κτηρίων του νεολιθικού οικισμού Δισπηλιού Καστοριάς”
Ευ. Βούλγαρη, Μ. Σωφρονίδου, and Κ. Κωτσάκης, “Τετραποδικά αγγεία από το Δισπηλιό Καστοριάς”
Τ. Μπεκιάρης, Γ. Στρατούλη, Χ. Στεργίου, J. L. González, and Κ. Κωτσάκης, “Τεχνολογίες της λίμνης: η κατασκευή λίθινων εργαλείων με κόψη στο νεολιθικό Δισπηλιό Καστοριάς”



On 8-12 April 2024 the 51st Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods to Archaeology Conference (CAA2024): Across the Horizon will be held in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland, New Zealand. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
E. Tour, “Utilising deep neural network models to aid in the decipherment of Linear A”


The Archaeology of Affluence

On 8–9 May 2024 an international conference entitled The Archaeology of Affluence: Comparative perspectives on surplus, wealth, and social organisation in pre-modern societies will be held in Bologna, Italy on. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
P. Halstead, “Surplus, scarcity and affluence: questions of definition, archaeological recognition and social change”
M. Cultraro, “Investigating models of affluent and fluent Bronze Age communities in Northern Aegean: Poliochni on Lemnos and the roots of proto-urban complexity”
S. Todaro, “Plain cups for central places? Meal distribution and the management of collective works in Crete at the end of the EBA: new perspectives from EM III Phaistos”
M. Perna, “On the footsteps of Enrica Fiandra. The cretulae: an elementary accounting system between the Aegean and Ancient Near East”
L. Girella, “Living with and without the kouloures: the meaning of a presence and absence in the Protopalatial and Neopalatial Crete”
B. Montecchi, “The management of affluence at Late Minoan IB Agia Triada”
M. E. Alberti, “Creating added value: the management of textile production in Minoan Crete (MM IB – LM IB)”
D. Puglisi, “The crocus gatherers of the Xestè 3 at Akrotiri: female initiations and management of affluence in Late Bronze Age I Aegean”
D. G. Aquini, “Silver and gold take turn. Investigating the dichotomy of affluence in Minoan jewellery”
E. Oddo, “Affluence inside and out: built environment and regional organization of Neopalatial Knossos”
S. Cesaratto, “The concept of surplus in contemporary economics and its application to the ancient civilizations”
A. M. A. Vergaki, “Social inequality in Late Bronze Age Crete: origins, evolution, and the role of the multitude”
L. Bombardieri and M. Amadio, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone’. Exploring the socio-economic settings of Middle Bronze Age Erimi at the dawn of urbanisation in Cyprus”
F. Porta, J. Driessen, and J. Bretschneider, “Unravelling Pyla-Kokkinokremos: exploring the socio-economic structures of a late Cypriot settlement”
A. Simandiraki-Grimshaw, “Corporeal ecosystems of affluence in Bronze Age (Minoan) Crete”
E. Borgna and A. Mercogliano, “Affluence, resources and social growth in a long-term rural community of eastern Achaea: The Trapeza of Aigion, from MBA to the final LBA”
F. Iacono and M. Cattani, “Affluent societies of the Bronze Age: uncoupling affluence and hierarchy in the Central Mediterranean 2000-1000 BC c.a.”



On 12-16 June 2024 the 20th International Aegean Conference: HYDOR. Water Resources and Management in the Aegean Bronze Age will be held in Amsterdam. Further information is available at The preliminary program is:
T. F. Tartaron, “Water-Worlds of the Aegean Bronze Age: Toward a Comprehensive Perspective”
T. Carter, S. Crewson, K. Mallinson, D. Mihailović, V. Mastrogiannopoulou, D. Contreras, J. Holcomb, and D. Athanasoulis, “The Significance of Springs at Stelida, Naxos: From Neanderthal Camps to Later Bronze Age Ritual Landscape”
G. Albertazzi, “The culture / nature interplay contribution to the evolution of fresh-water management systems in Bronze Age Cyprus: a preliminary survey”
E. Alberti, M. Pomadère, and L. Lespez, “Malia and the water: sources, and uses of the salt and fresh water from the Protopalatial to the Neopalatial times”
J. P. Crielaard, L. Godefroy, and T. Sheik, “The importance of wetlands in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age Aegean”
N. Cucuzza, “Haghia Triada and the water in Late Minoan IIIA-B”
M. Gkazis, “Waterscapes in Late Bronze Age western Greece”
K. Jazwa and K. van den Berg, “The Way of Water: The Influence of Water on ex novo Settlement Locations during the LBA Collapse”
S. Katsarou, “Water in caves: Aspects of social ecology in the Greek Neolithic and the Bronze Age”
M. Gkouma, P. Karkanas, T. Brogan, C. Sofianou, and Y. Papadatos, “Minoan occupation in wetland areas: results from the geoarchaeological study of Minoan habitation in the area of Ierapetra, East Crete”
N. Papadimitriou, “Rivers, floods and wetlands in prehistoric Attica”
D. Pullen, T. Tartaron, and R. K. Dunn, “Wringing Water Out of a Karstic Landscape: Fissures, Faults, and Terraces at Late Bronze Age Kalamianos”
S. Todaro, “Coastal Marshes and water Engineering Works in Crete at the Onset of the II Millennium BC: New Insights from Phaistos and Patrikies”
D. Mylona, “Fish and marine mollusks from freshwater and brackish aquatic habitats on Bronze Age Crete”
M. Boyd, M. Floquet, M. Gkouma, J. Wright, J. Herbst, T. Kinnaird, E. Margaritis, I. Moutafi, G. Gavalas, and C. Renfrew, “Water as a threat: terraces and water management in the Early Bronze Age Cyclades in the light of recent data from Keros”
N. B. Ayash, “The Role of the Waterscape in the location of Tholoi in the Central Messara”
G. Vavouranakis, “An elemental approach to water in Minoan”
S. Aulsbrook and D. Mason, “Need This, Don’t Need That: Aspects of Water Management at Mycenae”
I. Caloi, “The use of pedestalled basins in settlements and funerary contexts of Crete in the Middle and Late Bronze Ages”
M. Cultraro, “Investigating Urban Water Management in EBA Northern Aegean: a sustainable paradigm from Poliochni, Lemnos”
J. Driessen, “Water and Waste – The Role of Water in the Court-Centered Building at Sissi”
R. Koehl, A. Aston, J. Earle, S. Manolakakis, and M. D. Yilmaz, “Water Management in the Early Cycladic II and Late Cycladic IIIC Middle Developed Periods on the Koukounaries Hill, Paros, Greece”
M. Lane, “Antecedents to the drainage at Gla”
P. Militello, D. Puglisi, and A. Asouliman, “How much water does a Minoan site need? Water Management in the southern Mesara in the Palatial Period”
S. Perrakis, “The Transformation of a Waterscape: The case study of the Kato Zakros Valley”
Y. de Raaf, “Drains and drainage channels in Middle Helladic and early Mycenaean settlements”
K. Shelton, “Well, well, well (?) Water management and use at Petsas House, Mycenae”
D. Smith, “Hydor, hygiene and water management at Bronze Age Phylakopi, Melos”
J. Soles, C. Davaras, C. Sofianou, and G. Doudalis, “1000 Years of Water Management at Minoan Mochlos, ca. 3100-1430 BC”
P. Tomkins, “A Hard Rain’s a-Gonna Reassessing water management on the Kephala Hill at Knossos during the Bronze Age”
D. Fallu, S. Chryssoulaki, G. Tsartsidou, L. Vokotopoulos, S. Cucchiaro, E. Straffelini, A. Lang, C. Bahl, R. Scaife, and T. Brown, “Land and water management at Choiromandres, Zakros in the second millennium C.: A geoarchaeological study on climatic conditions, erosion, soils and cultivation”
A. Van de Moortel, “Water Management in the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Coastal Community of Mitrou, Central Greece”
T. Palaima, “Cultural Attitudes towards Water and Its Importance in Mycenaean Palatial Culture”
M. Dabney, “Water in Mycenaean Mortuary Practices”
T. Kalantzopoulou, “Να ξεχαστεί σαν των βουνών το περσινό το χιόνι: A conceptual investigation of the Minoans’ relationship with snow”
P. Kousoulis and C. Papadaki, “Water as a medium and idiosyncratic expression of the Mediterranean magical koine”
L. Nixon, “Minoan Water Sanctuaries”
M. Yamasaki, “Underwater spaces between reality and…”
R. A. Smith, “Spouting Off: An Investigation of the Functionality of Pouring Spouts in Neopalatial and Pospalatial Gournia”
I. Nikolakoupoulou, K. Birtacha, G. Vougioukalakis, F. Georma, and I. Bitis, “Tsunamigenic deposits in LB I Akrotiri, Thera”
L. Vokotopoulos and C. Agouridis, “Ἱερὸν ὕδωρ: The use of water at the sacred caves of Adiavatos and its significance for the rites”
J. Wright, “Palaeoclimate and the Emergence of the Mycenaean Palace”
T. Cunningham, “Water management and agriculture in the Far East of Crete during the Bronze Age”
D. Intartaglia, “Water and agriculture in Bronze Age Crete”
L. Kvapil, “Eating from Field and Fen: Water in Food Production and Procurement in LBA Greece”
G. Price, “(Working) Isotopic Currents: Tracking transhumance practices in domesticated livestock at Bronze Age Mycenae”
J. S. Meier, “What’s the catch of the day? Seafood remains at Petsas House, Mycenae”
E. Borgna and S. Todaro, “Phaistos and the searching for landing places along the western Mesara coast: a diachronic perspective”
T. Brogan, C. Sofianou, V. Apostolakou, M. Eaby, and D. Mylona, “Maritime Coastscapes and Small Worlds in East Crete during the Middle and late Bronze Age”
S. Ferrence, C. Sofianou, P. Betancourt, A. Giumlia-Mair, K. Chalikias, M. Eaby, J. M. Kenoyer, and G. Ludvik, “Maritime Coastscapes and Big Worlds: Crete and the East in the Late Bronze Age”
G. Di Lorenzo, “Territory occupation and exchange ways with the central Mediterranean in the post-palatial era, through the waterscapes: some case studies from Western and N.- western Greece”
J. Shaw and J. Wright, “Evidence for seafaring at Kommos harbor: Ceramic, architectural, and other international interconnections”
T. Strasser, “Stone-Age Seafaring in the Aegean: An Ever-Changing Seascape”
S. Vitale and A. Queri, “Waters, Sea Routes, and Connectivity: Seafaring Technology and the Making of the Early Late Bronze Age Aegean”
A. Yasur-Landau, “The Anthropogenic Reef: Bronze Age Anchorages between the Aegean and the Levant”
M. Marthari, “New insights into boats, longboats, and society in the Cyclades in the period just before the appearance of the Aegean sailing boat in the light of new excavations at Chalandriani and Kastri, Syros”
F. Blakolmer, “Water and earth in Aegean iconography: The pictorial formulae of terrestrial rockwork and coralline forms … and some misconceptions by Aegean artists”
E. Drakaki, “A Historical and contextual approach of the ownership of hard- stone seals with motifs of waterbirds from the Late Bronze Age Greek Mainland”
E. Egan, “New Thoughts on the Knossos Argonaut Frieze”
K. P. Foster, “From Water Lilies to Flying Fish: Wondrous Waterscapes in Minoan and Cycladic Iconography”
M. Nikolaidou and N. Merousis, “Waterscapes and Aquatic Symbolism in the Funerary Iconography of Postpalatial Crete”
L. Phialon, V. Aravantinos, and E. Tsota, “A re-examination of water- related motifs from Tanagra: contribution to the study of Aegean Late Bronze Age funerary symbolism and beliefs”
V. Pliatsika, “The elusive waterscapes of Mycenaean pictorial pottery”
E. Shank, “Water in Miniature-Style Wall Paintings”
A. Philippa-Touchais and G. Touchais, “The waterscape in the Argolid and the first figurative motives in Middle to Late Bronze Age Transition Pottery”
A. Vlachopoulos, “‘Nilotic’ versus ‘aquatic’ in Aegean art”
J. Weingarten: Closing address

Australasian Society for Classical Studies

On 12-15 February 2024 the 45th Annual Meeting of the Australasian Society for Classical Studies was held in Melbourne. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:
V. Kerr-Harris, “‘Locs’ Can be Deceiving: Hair, Revisionism, and the (Mis)Appropriation of Aegean Art”
C. Tully, “Fat Black Athena: fear and loathing at the crossroads of female corporeality”


Το Έργον ‘23

On 24 February 2024 a workshop entitled Το Έργον ‘23: Ετήσια Ημερίδα για το Αρχαιολογικό Έργο του Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου το 2023 was held in hybrid format by the Archaeological Research Unit at the University of Cyprus. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:
Κ. Κοπανιάς and Μ. Ιακώβου, “Παλαίπαφος-Μαρτσέλλο 2021-2023: νέα δεδομένα για το αστικό τοπίο της Αρχαίας Πάφου στην Ύστερη Εποχή του Χαλκού”
Α. Σαρρής, “Ερευνητικές δραστηριότητες του Εργαστηρίου Digital Humanities GeoInformatics 2023”
Ο. Κουκά, “Έρευνες πεδίου στο Ανατολικό Αιγαίο κατά το 2023”
Γ. Παπασάββας, “Η διπλή ζωή του Θεού του Ταλάντου”
Ά. Γεωργίου, “Επισκόπηση των ερευνητικών και άλλων δραστηριοτήτων του ComPAS (ERC Starting Grants) για το 2023”
C. Cateloy, “Tracing the exchange networks in the eastern Mediterranean during the 2nd millennium BCE: new insights from the ComPAS project”
C. Donnelly, “Σημεία γραφής αριθμών και μέτρων και η χρήση τους στα εμπορικά δίκτυα της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου της 2ης χιλιετίας π.Χ.”
‘Α. Γεωργιάδου, “Μελετώντας τα δίκτυα επαφών της Κύπρου με τη Συροπαλαιστίνη στην Πρώιμη Εποχή του Σιδήρου (11ος -8ος αι. π.Χ.): η περίπτωση του Κιτίου”
Α. Χαραλάμπους, J. Webb, Β. Κασσιανίδου, and Γ. Παπασάββας, “Ολοκλήρωση και αποτελέσματα του ερευνητικού προγράμματος ‘North Coast Metals’”
D. Ioannides, A. Charalambous, S. Hadjipanteli, F. Chelazzi, and V. Kassianidou, “Shedding light on copper production in the 1st Millennium BC: the Mines of Asgata-Kalavasos”
V. Klinkenberg, “Burnt buildings at Chalcolithic Palloures”
Μ. Πολυδώρου, “Μεταβολές της θαλάσσιας στάθμης κατά τα τελευταία 5000 έτη, όπως προσδιορίζονται απο την ανάλυση Ακτολίθων”
Ά. Δημητρίου, “Πρόγραμμα SHARE: στα χνάρια της αρχαιολογίας των ναυαγίων στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο”
M. Secci, I. Katsouri, and S. Demesticha, “MARE CYPRIUM: Multimedia Applications for Cypriot Maritime Cultural Heritage”

INSTAP Academic Press

Susan C. Ferrence, Director of Publications of INSTAP Academic Press, sends the following announcement:

INSTAP Academic Press and ISD are pleased to announce that the latest editions of the Prehistory Monographs series have arrived.

These new volumes contain valuable insights from surveys and excavations conducted on the Minoan sites of Crete, exploring the intricate connection between society and its surroundings. They delve into the fascinating field of Minoan metallurgy, analyze intriguing burial customs, and offer detailed examinations of cremation practice and bone analysis.

Additionally, we'd like to draw your attention to a special offer valid for a limited time as part of the AIA book exhibit at the annual meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America that was held earlier in January in Chicago. For the next two months, the complete INSTAP backlist is available at significantly reduced prices with certain titles discounted by up to 50%--an excellent opportunity for you to expand your collection!

Latest volumes:
Backlist Flyer:

For orders in Europe, please email directly Simon Baker at ISD International: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

AEA 2024

On 15 March 2024 abstracts (300 words) are due for the 2024 Spring Conference of the Association for Environmental Archaeology (AEA 2024), to be held in Faro, Portugal on 3-5 May 2024. Further information and the form for submission are available at The themes of the conference will be:
• Palaeolithic environments, subsistence, and diet
• Agricultural origins and the earliest villages
• Adaptations to coastal and wetland environments
• Environmental impact of sustained human settlements
• Human adaptations to extreme or arid environments
• Cross-disciplinary research in environmental archaeology


TAG-US 2024

On 22 March 2024 session and workshop proposals (200 words) are due for the 2024 meeting of the Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG-US 2024), to be held in Santa Fe on 21-23 May 2024. On 22 April 2024 abstracts for papers (150 words) are due. Further information and the form for submission are available at


AIA 2025

On 25 March 2024 (8 April with a late fee) submissions for colloquia, joint AIA/SCS sessions, and open-session papers and posters needing an early decision to acquire a visa or obtain funding are due for the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA 2025), to be held in Philadelphia, PA from 2-5 January 2025. On 5 August 2024 (19 August with a late fee) submissions are due for workshops, open session papers and posters, and any provisionally accepted colloquia that are resubmitting. On 1 November 2024 applications are due for Lightning Round and Roundtable submissions. Submission forms and further information are available at

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