On 31 October 2024 proposals of themes (4-6 sessions) are due for the 10th World Archaeological Congress (WAC-10), to be held in Darwin, Australia on 22-28 June 2025. On 31 January 2025, proposals for sessions (4-6 or 8-10 papers; 300 words maximum) will be due; on 30 April 2025 proposals for papers (200 words), posters, or displays will be due. Proposals for workshops are now open. Further information is available at https://worldarchaeologicalcongress.com/wac10/.
Kiel Conference 2025:
On 31 October 2024 abstracts (200 words) are due papers and posters for the seventh Kiel Conference 2025: Scales of Social, Environmental and Cultural Change in Past Societies, to be held at Kiel University on 24-29 March 2025. Further information is available at https://www.kielconference.uni-kiel.de/.
The program of the 62nd ARU Public Lectures Series of the Archaeological Research Unit of the University of Cyprus, focusing on the archaeology of Cyprus and the Aegean, has been announced for autumn 2025. All lectures are held virtually via ZOOM every Monday at 7:30 pm (EET) with some held in hybrid format; they are free and open to the public, but registration is required for access before each event starts. Registration is available at https://www.facebook.com/ARU.UCY/. Lectures of interest to Nestor readers will include:
12-14 September 2024: DAAD – Taziz Workshop: Dealing with Material Culture in the Eastern Mediterranean. Between Excavation and Digitization (hybrid) 30 September 2024: M. Devolder, “Masons’ marks and their meaning for the development of monumental architecture and the circulation of builders in the Bronze Age Aegean and Cyprus” (online) 4-5 October 2024: Second Graduate Forum for Mediterranean Archaeology FoMArc (hybrid) 7 October 2024: S. Vilain, “Through the looking-glass: Investigating Egyptian and Levantine imitations of Bronze Age Cypriot ceramics” (hybrid) 14 October 2024: Ά. Σπύρου, “Η Ζωοαρχαιολογία συναντά τη Βιολογία Διατήρησης: Μια διεπιστημονική προσέγγιση στην ανάδειξη της αξίας της Κυπριακής φυλής βοοειδών” (hybrid) 25 November 2024: C. Kearns, “Challenges and opportunities in the archaeology of rural landscapes of Iron Age Cyprus” (online) 2 December 2024: T. Pedrazzi, “Between the Levantine coast and Cyprus: Canaanite commercial jars as indicators of cross-cultural contacts (13th-12th Centuries BCE)” (hybrid)
ESHE 2024
On 11-15 September 2024 the 14th Annual Meeting of the European Society for the Study of Human Evolution (ESHE 2024) will be held in Zagreb, Croatia. Further information is available at https://www.eshe.eu/meetings/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include: E. Roditi, H. Bocherens, G. E. Konidaris, A. Athanassiou, V. Tourloukis, P. Karkanas, E. Panagopoulou, and K. Harvati, “Megaherbivore isotopic biogeochemistry supports glacial microrefugium status of the Megalopolis basin (Greece) across the Middle Pleistocene” K. Harvati, V. Tourloukis, N. Thompson, D. Giusti, G. Tsartsidou, A. Athanassiou, G. Konidaris, E. Roditi, E. Panagopoulou, and P. Karkanas, “The MEGAPAL survey: New results on the lower Paleolithic of the Megalopolis Basin, Southern Greece” G. A. Butiseaca, I. Vasiliev, M. T. J. van der Meer, I. J. E. Bludau, P. Karkanas, V. Tourloukis, A. Junginger, A. Mulch, E. Panagopoulou, and K. Harvati, “Expression of the MIS 12 glacial stage in the eastern Mediterranean and its impact over the middle Pleistocene hominins in Megalopolis Basin (Greece)” G. Marciani, S. Lombardo, S. Arrighi, N. Thompson, V. Tourloukis, S. Benazzi, and K. Harvati, “The Uluzzian of Klissoura cave 1, Greece” J. Gennai, P. Biagi, E. Starnini, and N. Efstratiou, “Neanderthal on the mountains: lithic technological behaviour at Samarina 1 (Pindus Mt., Greek Macedonia)”
On 25-28 September 2024 the 4th Perspectives on Balkan Archaeology (PEBA 4). The Things of Life: Resources and Religion in the Metal Ages in Southeastern Europe will be held in Varna. Further information is available at https://pebasite.wordpress.com/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include: S.-M. Valamoti: Keynote R. Kurti, “Some Consideration on the Early Iron Objects from Iron Age Albania” T. Valchev, “Late Bronze Age Daggers from the Lower and Middle Course of the Tundzha River, Bulgaria – Imports and Local Imitations” J. Fries-Knoblach and M. Leppek, “Late Bronze Age Bresto (South-Western Bulgaria) - multiple resources, multi-purpose settlement?” B. Athanassov, I. Kulov, and P. W. Stockhammer, “Pots and Pits: Ritual Practices at Iron Age Bresto?” K. Çipa and S. Xhaferaj, “Economic Resources and Religious Aspects During the Bronze and Iron Age in Southwestern Albania” M. Gori, “Mobility Between Tangible and Intangible Resources. What Makes the World Go Round?” T. Krapf, “The Things of Life: The Diffusion of Cooking Pots in the Late Bronze Age Southern Balkans”
On 28-31 August 2024 the 30th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA AM 2024) was held in Rome. Further information is available at https://www.e-a-a.org/eaa2024. Papers of interest to Nestor readers included: N. Mac Sweeney, “The Making of a Mediterranean Network: The Retrospective Ethnogenesis of the Greeks” C. Pearson, “Another radiocarbon revolution? Uses of single tree-ring 14C in improving radiocarbon calibration and anchoring chronological frameworks” S. Bell, “Burial in the Ruins of the Late Minoan IIIC Settlement of Vronda: Comprehending and Constructing the Past, Present and Future” P. Zeman and B. Lis, “Another Look at Mycenaean Dimini: Alternative Centralisation in Late Bronze Age Coastal Thessaly” A. Brysbaert, “Persisting Through Change. Social Identities and Space in Bronze Age Aegean Crafting” G. Van Wijngaarden, “Archaeology of Archaeology at Ancient Troy: The Amsterdam Troy Project (2018-2022)” T. Lanjouw, A. Walsh, and J. Waagen, “The Contribution of State-of-the-Art Technology to the Archaeology of Archaeology Approach: A Case Study at Troy” J. Kramer, “(Re)Constructed Pots at Troy: The Local Pottery Menders from the University of Cincinnati Expedition to the Troad” S. Hilker, “Building on Blegen: Legacy Data from Mycenaean Zygouries” P. Tripodi, “Tracing Middle Bronze Age Dagger Biographies in Mainland Greece, Crete, and Cyprus” G. Muti, “Unravelling a Splendid Web. Aegean-Styled Discoid Loom Weights in the Eastern Mediterranean and Their Role in the LBA Maritime Exchanges” M. Bowers, “Interweaving Tradition and Innovation: The Textile Culture of the Late Bronze Age to Early Iron Age Aegean” A. Barouda, P. Quinn, and N. Efstratiou, “Exploring Plaster Technologies in Neolithic Makri, Northern Greece: An Insightful Perspective” T. Andreovits, “Digital Miniatures: Prospects and Limitations of 3D Documentation of Bronze Age Aegean Seal Images” J. Hilditch, “From The ‘Nitty-Gritty’ of Ceramic Analysis to a Community of Practice Perspective: A View from the Bronze Age Aegean” V. Orfanou, K. Aktipi, A. Batziou, E. Borgna, O. Jones, C. Kleitsas, K. Konstanti, I. Lemos, P. Degryse, and P. Stockhammer, “Metals in a Changing World: Material Insights into Social Transformations at the End of the Bronze Age in Greece” J. Albanese, “Warrior Burials and Other Myths from the Late Bronze Age in Greece” V. Nicolini, F. Montinaro, S. Aneli, S. Sasso, T. Saupe, R. Guglielmino, G. Vincenti, P. F. Fabbri, and L. Pagani, “Ancient Genomes from A Roca Vecchia, Apulia, Shed Light on Minoan Modes of Colonisation” L. Giorgi, A. Greco, and S. Lopez, “Potentiality of RTI and HDR on Bronze Age Phaistos ‘Writing’ Systems: The pa-i-to/Phaistos Epigraphic Project” O. Boitte, R. Vargiolu, Roberto, J. Vosges, and H. Procopiou, “Exploring Mycenaean Knappers’ Toolkits” P. Elefanti, G. Marshall, and E. Yiannouli, “Neanderthal Occupation of the Ionian Island of Kephalonia, Western Greece. Preliminary Results of the Ashore Project” F. d’Ambola, “Trojan Wanderers Between East and West: Approaching Sacred Landscapes in Northern Epirus” Y. Saito, “Sensing Illuminated Olympos Over Time and Space, Along with Its Transformed Religious Aspects in Homer” E. Tsafou, E. Alberti, B. Lis, J. Morrison, “Aegean Cooking Sets and Cooking Traditions – A Combined Comparative Approach” I. Sandei, “Combining Use-Wear Analysis and Experimental Archaeology. A Focus on Cooking Wares from Middle Bronze Age Phaistos (Crete)” A. Kalara, “Cooking and Consumption Practices on Minoan Peak Sanctuaries: The Case of Pantotinou Koryfi and Stavromenos Anatoli, Ierapetra, Southeastern Crete” J. Morrison and E. Tsafou, “Using Minoan Cooking Pots: Experimental Cooking and Organic Residue Analysis” M. E. Alberti, “Comparing Bronze Age Cooking Sets from Crete and Sardinia” B. Casa, V. Vassallo, R. Orabi, S. Hermon, and P. Fischer, “Recording Commingled Archaeological Human Skeletal Remains Using LiDAR: A Case Study from Late Bronze Age Hala Sultan Tekke, Cyprus” A. Vrettou, “Approaching the Coast(S): Cross-Cultural Interactions Between Cyclades and Crete During the Early Bronze Age” A. Gonzalez San Martin, “Working the Landscapes: Connecting Community and Labour in Bronze Age Cyprus” C. Marangou, “Unusual or Different Neolithic Images: Allusions to Material or Social Facts and Phenomena?” M. Mina, “More Than Meets the Eye: Somatoperception Through Neolithic Figurines” S. Kiorpe, “Human Remains Outside Funerary Contexts in Bronze Age Crete” A. Yasur-Landau, “Irresistible Analogies and Universal Adaptors: Negotiating Unfamiliar Landscapes and Maritime Intercultural Contact in the Bronze and Iron Age Mediterranean” E. Fuller, “Desolate Shores: Late Bronze Age Aegean Harbours as Heterotopias” L. Hulin, “Unity and Diversity in the Maritime Cultural World of the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age Eastern Mediterranean” L. Hitchcock, “Pirate Ships as Heterotopic Spaces: Transforming Dystopian-Scapes in the 12th Century BCE” I. Voskos, D. Kloukinas, and A. Georgotas, “From Curvilinear to Rectilinear: Architectural Transformations in 4th-3rd Millennia Cal. BC Cyprus and Their Social Implications” M. Devolder and I. Caloi, “Making Space for the Community in Late 3rd Millennium Malia (Crete)” G. Vavouranakis, “Urbanisation and Connectivity in the Prehistoric Aegean: A Bottom-Up Approach” C. Theotokatou, “‘In the Beginning Was Chaos’: Investigating the Organization and Social Significance of Space in Late Cypriot Domestic Units” M. Amadio and M. Devolder, “Urbanisation in Process: Formal, Technical and Cultural Features of Ashlar Architecture in Late Bronze Age Cyprus” N. Nikolova, “The Early Neolithic Ditches in the Balkans: What Do We Know So Far?” M. Kulow, “Early Neolithic Ditches in South-Western Bulgaria: Their Concept and Peculiarities” K. Bacvarov, “Enclosing Early Farming Villages in the Eastern Balkans: Determinants, Strategic Choices, and Social Implications” K. Boyadzhiev and Y. Boyadzhiev, “Ditch Features at The Late Neolithic – Early Chalcolithic Settlement Near Bata, Panagyurishte Municipality, Southern Bulgaria” G. Katsarov, N. Nikolova, A. Tsurev, and K. Bacvarov, “The Copper Age Enclosures at Stamboliyski in Bulgarian Thrace: From Ditch Digging to Deposition and Infilling” P. Minkov, “‘Rolling in the Deep’: Small Clay Artifacts from Early and Middle Bronze Age Ditches in Bulgaria” F. Porta and A. Sotgia, “Cultivating Complexity: Unveiling Bronze Age Communities Through Resource Storage’s Dynamics. The Case Study of Pyla-Kokkinokremos (Cyprus)” A. Mercogliano, M. Gazis, A. Spiroulias, K. Filis, A. Hein, and P. Day, “Incised Pottery of the EH III – MH I North-Western Peloponnese: Regional Insights into the Cetina Phenomenon” S. Menelaou, “Prehistoric Seaborne Connections and Mobility Dynamics in the Eastern Aegean Region: Insights from Ceramic Analysis” G. Ferentinos, L. Karali, M. Gkioni, and P. Stefanopoulos, “The Role of the Aegina Bronze Age Harbour in the Minoan and Mycenaean Networks in the Eastern Mediterranean” N. Naiboglu and E. Fidan, “Island Architecture on Land: The Question of Early Bronze Age Insulae in Tavşanlı Höyük (Inland Western Anatolia)” N. N. Köknar, “Riverscape Geography and Settlement Clusters in Western Anatolia During the Late Bronze Age” Y. De Raaff, “From Household to Community: The Energetics of the Construction of Ambitious Buildings in Early Mycenaean Greece” V. Georgiopoulou, “Painting Under the Shadow of a Palace: The Case of the House of the Frescoes at Knossos, Crete” Y. Emmez and A. M. Büyükkarakaya, “Exploring Mortuary Practices During Neolithic Period in Tepecik-Çiftlik Höyük” D. Koptekin, G. Umurtak, R. Duru, E. Fidan, Erkan Ö. Çevik, B. Erdoğu, T. Korkut, A.-S. Malaspinas, and A. Gütherström, “Ancient DNA Teams, and METU/Hacettepe, “Genomic Insights into the Emergence of Neolithic Villages in Western Anatolia” K. Zeman-Wisniewska, L. Recht, and M. Wiśniewski, “Erimi-Pitharka Archaeological Project: Application of Digital Technologies” P. Pavuk, T. Krapf, F. Iacono, and L. Bernardo Ciddio, “On the Way North, West, and East: Aegean Matt-Painted Wares in the Early Late Bronze Age” E. Vliora and E. Kiriatzi, “Moving Around the Tell Settlements of Central Macedonia, Greece: The Case of Late Bronze Age Matt Painted Pottery” T. Krapf and E. Agolli, “Between Regional Confinement and Cultural Transmission: Stylistic Attributes of Matt-Painted Pottery in Southern Albania and Adjacent Areas” O. C. Aslaksen, “A PXRF Study of Bronze- and Early Iron Age Matt-Painted Pottery from Albania, Epirus and Central Greece” C. Haywood, “The Early Iron Age Matt-Painted Pottery of the Ionian Islands: Some Preliminary Remarks” E. Angeli, “Conceptual Metaphor Theory in Archaeology: Seeking Metaphors and Symbols on Painted Pottery from Middle Neolithic Central Greece” A. Stroulia, T. Bekiaris, V. Melfos, and C. Stergiou, “Celt Production Processes and Loci in Neolithic Greece: The Case of the Thracian Site of Makri” A. Vinet, “Addressing Social Behavior in Neolithic Anatolia Through Technofunctional Study of Chipped Stone Tools” T. Bekiaris, “Echoes from the Cave: Exploring the Life-Histories of Macrolithic Artifacts from Late Neolithic Drakaina Cave, Kephalonia Island, Western Greece” I. Moutafi and S. Voutsaki, “A Close Embrace: A Unique Double Burial from the Early Mycenaean Ayios Vasileios North Cemetery, Laconia, Greece” R. Pierini, “Olive Crops in Late Bronze Age Crete: Biodiversity and Textual Sources” A. Mara, “Between the Sea and Land: Regional Narratives Encapsulating Northern Albanian Archaeology During the Early and Middle Bronze Age” M. Pieniazek, “The Treasures from Troy – A New Look at an Old Story” D. Kloukinas, “Earthen Architecture, Environment and Taskscapes in Neolithic Northwestern Greece” L. Bombardieri, M. Amadio, S. Ghislandi, and I. Rellini, “Earthen Heritage in the Eastern Mediterranean Between Archaeology and Sustainability (EARTHERITAGE Project)” T. Strasser, “Environmental Impact on Pleistocene Crete: Faunal Turnover and Resources in an Island Ecosystem” R. Timonen, “Unveiling Sustainable Farming Strategies in the Late Bronze Age Argive Plain, Greece: A Critique and Application of Carrying Capacity Analysis” T. Kinnaird, A. Dakouri-Hild, S. Davis, and E. Andrikou, “Living off/with the Landscape in the Hinterlands of Athens: Insights from the Kotroni Archaeological Survey Project (KASP) at Ancient Aphidna” S. Triantaphyllou, “Identifying Death in LBA Northern Greece: A Dialogue Between the Human Remains and the Funerary Practices” N. Herrmann, K. Cruz, T. Van Damme, A. Gaggioli, B. Burke, and B. Burns, “The Assessment of Mortuary Activities and Burial Interactions from the Blue Stone Structure at Eleon, Greece” T. Tsempera, T. Theodoropoulou, D. Filioglou, P. Stockhammer, A. Mittnik, A. Balitsari, S. Dederix, and N. Papadimitriou, “Multiple Infant Burials at Early Mycenaean Thorikos, SE Attica” I. Hoegner, “Understanding Mycenaean LH III Secondary Activities in Chamber Tombs: Results of the Interdisciplinary Study of the Elateia-Alonaki Necropolis” E. Borgna, G. de Angeli, S. Freilich, I Högner, and P. Stockhammer, “The Mycenaean Cemetery of the Trapeza: Individual Histories from a Long-Term Funerary Landscape” S. Voutsaki, I. Moutafi, P. Tritsaroli, E. Vika, and P. Erdil, “The Early Mycenaean Ayios Vasileios North Cemetery, Southern Greece: Integrating Archaeological Theory and Archaeological Science” L. Kvapil, K. Shelton, and G. Price, “The Changing Power of the Past at the Late Bronze Age Cemetery of Aidonia, Greece” S. Cushman, “Precocious Prosymna: Middle Helladic III/Late Helladic I Tomb Deposits in Archaeological and Archival Context” R. Phillips, “Deposition, Disarticulation, Destruction: The Parallel Treatment of Bodies and Objects in Early Mycenaean Burials” N. Papakonstantinou, “Mortuary Practices in Mycenaean Attica: An Integrated Analysis of Human Remains from the Chamber Tomb Cemetery at Kolikrepi-Spata, Greece” M. Tsipopoulou, We vs Them: Funerary Competitions at the Protopalatial Necropolis of Petras, Siteia - Crete F. Nani, “From Dusty Notes to 3D-Modelling: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Reconstructing the Burial Landscape at the Koan Mycenaean Cemetery of Langada” P. Fischer, “The Tombs of the Cosmopolitan Late Bronze Age City of Hala Sultan Tekke, Cyprus” A. Maeir, “Iron Age Tombs at Tell Es-Safi/Gath: New Finds and New Analyses” M. Relaki, “Dying to Make a Difference. Questioning Funerary Practices as Markers of Ethnicity” F. Frankovic, “Not Another Paper on Mycenaeans! Replacing Ethnic with Other Group Identities in the 2nd Millennium BCE East Aegean-West Anatolian Region” E. Trinder, “The Dead Deserve a Proper Burial: The Quest for the Ethnicity of Bronze and Iron Age Burial Mounds in Albania” S. Vakirtzi, “Recording Textile Tools’ Contexts? Cases from Aegean Prehistory” K. Sarri, “Grey Areas in the Identification and Recording of Textile Tools. Some Enigmatic Cases from Aegean Prehistory” T. Boloti, “Net Sinkers or Loom Weights? Perforated Sherds from the Prehistoric Settlement on Koukonisi, Lemnos as a Study Case” R. Worsham and Y. de Raaff, “Early Mycenaean Fortification and Community Building at Malthi, Greece” F. Carbotti, “Between Mountains and Sea. Preliminary Data from the Survey of Three Protohistoric Fortified Settlements in Southern Albania” E. Voulgari, M. Sofronidou, and K. Kotsakis, “The Dynamics of Storage Vessels and Storage: The Case of Neolithic Dispilio, North Greece” M. Truffi, F. Nomi, G. Saltini Semerari, and A. Guidi, “Once Upon a… Hut. ‘Sacred (?) Huts’ Below Temples: Comparisons Between Italy and Greece in the Iron Age” A. Pierattini, “Identifying Early Greek Temples. Problems of Method and Definition” N. Mac Sweeney, “Migration and the Making of the Greek World: The Work of the MIGMAG Project” I. Chatzikonstantinou, S. Chronaki, K. Fülöp, D. Kadi, E. Stamataki, V. Papathanasiou, E. Kiriatzi, C. Snoeck, and S. Triantaphyllou, “The Aegean Sparks: Interdisciplinary Exploration of Fire Use in Experimental and Prehistoric Archaeological Contexts Containing Skeletal Remains” V. Papathanasiou, S. Triantaphyllou, A. Lioutas, and V. Misailidou-Despotidou, “Managing Fire and Bones: Osteoarchaeological Evidence from Early Iron Age Central Macedonia, Greece” I. Mathioudaki, “Staying In-Between: Ceramic Perspectives on Style Based on the Study of Minoan Pottery” K. Shelton and L. Kvapil, “Positioning Pottery Between Producer and Consumer at the Late Bronze Age Workshop of Petsas House, Mycenae, Greece” P. Kapsali, “Ceramic Media, Change and Activity (Re)Arrangements: Investigating Serving and Consumption Vessels from Early Helladic Settlements” E. Oddo, “A View from the Tall Grass: The Place of Reed Decoration in the LM IA Ceramic Repertoire in Crete” L. Recht, M. Yamasaki, B. Clark, and K. Zeman-Wisniewska, “Late Cypriot ‘Bathtubs’: A Case Study from Erimi-Pitharka” V. Vlachou, “Ceramic Stylistic Diversity in Early Greece: Exclusive Style(s) and Ritual Containers” F. Meneghetti, “Browsing Legacy Material: The Case of the Archives of the French Mission at Enkomi (Cyprus)” F. M. C. Toscano, “Weaving Relationships: Exploring Connections in the Messarà Plain Beyond the Dark Ages” V. Klontza-Jaklova, “Horse as a Historical and Archaeological Source, and as a Cultural Monument. Case Study: Cretan Horse.” C. De Souza, “The Art of Horsemanship Riding in Geometric Greece: The Relationship Between Horse and Rider in Iconography and Bioarchaeology” K. Nikita, “Glass Vessels in Mycenaean Greece: Manufacture, Provenance and Their Function in Context” E. Grabar, G. Papasavvas, and A. Charalambous, “Revisiting the Bronze Artifacts Excavated by the French Expedition at Enkomi” D. Berger, B. Höpfer, and C. Maise, “From Cyprus to Switzerland? Analytical Evidence for Cypriot and Alpine Copper in the Middle Bronze Age Settlement of Möriken” E. Miller Bonney, “Local Resistance Through Mortuary Architectural Traditionalism to a Soft Invasion on Bronze Age Crete” A. Dimoula, Z. Tsirtsoni, and S. M. Valamoti, “Bronze Age Cooking Ceramic Fabrics from Northern Greece and Bulgaria: Technological Variability and Uses” E. Simoni and O. Christakopoulou, “The Cracking the Code Project; Ancient Tales from the Grave. A Quantitative Approach to an Unknown Protogeometric Community from Aetolia” A. Maczkowski, J. Francuz, M. Bolliger, T. Giagkoulis, K. Kotsakis, and A. Hafner, “High Resolution Early Summer Precipitation Reconstruction for the 55th-52nd Centuries BC in the Kastoria Basin, North-Western Greece” U. Oguzhanoglu, “A New Style of Clothing and Ornament? Some Early Bronze Age Burial Gifts from West Anatolia” D. Sari, “The Emergence of Ritual Pits: A Case from the Epipalaeolithic Context of Gedikkaya Cave in Northwestern Türkiye” S. Murray, “Economic Change, Gender, and Labor in the Greek Early Iron Age”
On 30 September 2024 abstracts (approximately 300 words) and personal details (title, full name, affiliation, email address) are due for an Early Career Researchers Conference entitled Change and power entanglements: Investigating a reciprocal relation in the Bronze Age Aegean, to be held on 7-9 March 2025 in Heidelberg. Abstracts should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Further information is available at https://www.academia.edu/121726391/Change_and_Power_Entanglements_Investigating_a_reciprocal_relation_in_the_Bronze_Age_Aegean. Contributions will be welcomed on the following themes/axes: • Continuities and discontinuities: development of power versus abrupt changes • Nurturing power: changes in the economy, trade and social networks, (re)sources, settlements patterns, administration • Holding on to power: resilience of power institutions through periods of crisis • Nature as a driving factor for change: topographical constants, climate change, geographic isolation, tectonic activity • Showcasing power: changes in iconography, architecture, performance, material culture, ceremonial and social practices • Changes in mnemonic strategies: past as catalyst and a resource
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