On 30 April 2024 applications from young researchers are due for the third year of the Petros D. Goneos Memorial Award for Studies on the Culture of the Cyclades ($7000) for the academic year 2024-2025; on 3 May 2024 letters of recommendation are due. Further information is available at https://cycladic.gr/en/research/chrimatiko-epathlo-sti-mnimi-petrou-d-goneou/. The Goneos award seeks to encourage, support, and promote high quality research from new researchers who focus on topics related to the culture of the Cyclades from the Neolithic up to the post-Byzantine period or its perception in modern times, approached through disciplines such as archaeology, anthropology, and art history, as well as natural and physical sciences. Innovative and pioneering approaches, collaborative, interdisciplinary projects, and the use and development of information technologies are encouraged. Applications should: • Outline clearly and in detail how this award will enable the proposed research and lead to its completion. • Demonstrate how the outcomes of the project are expected to contribute to the field by filling research gaps and promoting further research. • Demonstrate the capability of the researcher/s to achieve the proposed outcomes. This can be proven through past academic achievements, prior publications, and reference letters.
On 30 June 2024 abstracts are due for an international conference entitled Κέα-Κύθνος ΙΙ: Ιστορία και Αρχαιολογία, to be held on 20-24 October 2024 on Kea and Kythnos. Abstracts should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Further information is available at https://www.facebook.com/groups/230503754201416/permalink/1489116688340110/. Topics will include: • Archaeological field work, material studies, and synthetic studies • Management of sites and monuments • Museological and museographic topics • Epigraphic and numismatic issues • Diachronic studies focused on landscape archaeology • Historical studies on Kea and Kythnos
On 30 June 2024 abstracts are due for workshops at the 14th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (14th ICAANE), to be held on 2-7 June 2025 in Lyon; on 31 October 2024 abstracts for papers and posters are due. Further information is available at https://14icaane.inviteo.fr/. Thematic sessions covering interdisciplinary research and new approaches of the archaeology of the Ancient Near East, from Prehistoric to Islamic times will be: • Advances in Near Eastern Archaeology • Natural resources and anthropised landscapes • Heritage and archaeology • The materiality of inscribed and figurative objects • Neolithic paths • Life and death: Human behaviour and practices • Characterizing culture? • Islamic archaeology
Decoding Representations of Status
On 1 September 2024 abstracts (300 words maximum) are due for an online symposium entitled Decoding Representations of Status in the Bronze Age Aegean: Patterns, definitions and interpretations, to be held on 28-29 November 2024 via Zoom, hosted by the Dokuz Eylül University Archaeology and Archeometry Application and Research Center in Türkiye and the Irish Institute of Hellenic Studies at Athens. Abstracts should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Topics will include: • Manifestations of status on pottery • The semantics of symbols in LBA society • Display of status in graves • Rituals (religious and/or secular) and status connections • Defining status through architecture • Storage strategies and their relation to status • Possession of metals and status • Indications of status in the osteoarchaeological and archaeobotanical archaeological data • Theoretical approaches on status
On 4-6 April 2024 a conference entitled Interdisciplinary Ceramic Research in the Peloponnese – Technological Traditions through the Ages will be held at the Austrian Archaeological Institute Athens. Further information and Zoom links are available at https://www.oeaw.ac.at/en/oeai/events/event-detail/interdisciplinary-ceramic-research-in-the-peloponnese. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include: W. Gauß, I. Iliopoulos, C. Katsarou, A. Koumoussi, E. Alram-Stern, F. Ruppenstein, J. B. Rutter, D. Scahill, R. Smetana, and V. Xanthopoulou, “Ceramic production and consumption at Aigeira from the neolithic to early modern times” M. Zavadil, “Always and everywhere the same? ‘Adriatic Ware’ from Kakovatos (Elis), Pheneos (Korinthia) and Midea (Argolid)” E. M. Kreuz, “Close neighbours? The relationship between Aegina and areas adjacent to the Saronic Gulf at the onset of the late Bronze Age” V. Testolini, C. Burke, R. Klöckl-Zorić, M. Zavadil, E. Alram-Stern, G. Kordatzaki, J. Kraschitzer, V. Xanthopoulou, I. Iliopoulos, and E. Trinkl, “6500 years of pottery making in Pheneos: A longue durée perspective on raw materials, technology, and style” A. Hein, “Exploring the manufacture and dissemination of ceramics from different perspectives – Is it just about collecting data or about completing the picture?” S. Gimatzidis, “Cultural motives and social implications of early Greek ceramic technology transfer overseas from an analytical perspective” J. H. Sterba and H. Mommsen, “Chemical and Archaeological Provenance - Do we mean the same?” E. Kiriatzi, “Multiscale and diachronic study of ceramic landscapes in the Aegean and the case of the Peloponnese” I. Iliopoulos, “Clayey georesources in Western Greece: a key to understanding patterns of ceramic manufacture, consumption, and trade in antiquity” A. Hein and K. Pollatou, “Integrating raw material studies in ceramic provenance studies: The case of the Eastern Aegean region” V. Xanthopoulou and I. Iliopoulos, “Investigating Geological Resources for Clay Craftsmanship in Northern Peloponnese (Corinthia and Achaea Provinces)” V. Valantou, M. Kylafi, E. Militsi, and N. Zacharias, “The Pylos Geoarchaeological Program: Ceramic Fabrics at the area” P. M. Day, “The past and present of craft organization and knowledge transfer: what are we hoping to achieve?” B. Lis and C. Hale, “The difficult and long beginnings of using the wheel in the NE Peloponnese” A. Balitsari and E. Kiriatzi, “Craft specialization and clay paste standardization: A comparative study of Argolid and Attica in the Middle Bronze Age” A. Mercogliano, E. Borgna, P. M. Day, A. Hein, and V. Kilikoglou, “Pottery production and circulation at the MH settlement of the Trapeza” G. Klebinder-Gauß, “Aeginetan cooking pottery. Tracing mechanisms of production, export and the transfer of potting technologies”
Nemea 100
On 15 April 2024 a conference entitled Nemea 100: From Blegen to Berkeley and Beyond will be held in Berkeley, California. Further information is available at https://nemeacenter.berkeley.edu/nemea-100/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include: J. L. Davis, “The Cincinnati Program at Nemea” J. C. Wright, “Archaeology and Ayiorgitiko: Nemea Through the Ages” K. Shelton, “Nemea at 100: Current Research and Future Goals” L. Kvapil, “Beyond the Aidonia Treasure: The Nemea Center and TAPHOS” M. K. Dabney, “Late Mycenaean Nemea”
SAA 2024
On 17-21 April 2024 the Society for American Archaeology 89th Annual Meeting (SAA 2024) will be held in New Orleans, LA. Further information is available at https://www.saa.org/annual-meeting. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include: C. Broodbank, “Continental Dynamics and the Shaping of Island Societies” M. Mina, “Cave of Wonder: A Sacred Topos of Maritime Identities on Kalymnos” A. Knodell, “The Materiality of Surveillance: Scale, Complexity, and Polity C. Knappett, “Beyond the Knossian State: Urban Economy and Society at the East Cretan Site of Palaikastro” T. Ogawa, N. Müller, H. Procopiou, S. Triantaphyllou, and E. Kiriatzi, “Cooking in Clay: A Diachronic Study of Potting and Cooking Traditions in Bronze Age Toumba Thessaloniki, Northern Greece” D. Fallu, A. Lang, L. Vokotopoulos, F. Gaignerot-Driessen, and A. Brown, “Climate, Vulcanism, and Agricultural Terrace Construction in Late Bronze Age Crete” A. Simmons, “Son of a Son of a Sailor: Island Life and the Colonization of Cyprus” T. Cunningham, “Praxis Makes Perfect? The Archaeological Correlates of Social Failure in Minoan Crete” E. Simoni and O. Christakopoulou, “The ‘Cracking the Code’ Project: Markers of Culture and Networks in Early Iron Age Stamna, Greece” B. Manquen, T. Garrison, A. Knodell and D. Athanasoulis, “Remote Sensing Remote Islands: Error Analysis of Lidar-Based Archaeological Survey of the Small Cycladic Islands, Greece” A. Cercone, “Thinking Locally: A Glimpse at Ceramic Production at Küllüoba, Turkey, during the Early Bronze Age” A. Gaggioli, “Toward a Social Geoarchaeology of Aegean Burial and Ritual at Eleon, Greece” R. Kulick, “Micromorphology of Earthen Architecture at Palaikastro, Crete” F. Dibble and R. Madgwick, “Isotopes and Texts: Animal Management Strategies in Ancient Greece”
On 30 May 2024 applications are due for the Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 2024 Best PhD / Master MSc Thesis Award ($800 for each level) for an innovative PhD or MSc defended after January 2022. Further information is available at https://www.maajournal.com/index.php/maa/BestAward.
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