Past Lectures and Conferences


On 7-8 January 2025 the final meeting of the project Exploring the dynamics and causes of prehistoric land use change in the cradle of European farming (EXPLO) was held in Thessaloniki. Further information is available at The program was:

P. Schläfli, C. De Jonge, K. Ganz, O. Rach, D. Sachse, A. Thévenaz, L. van Vugt, and W. Tinner, “A new Mediterranean palaeoclimate calibration and its relevance and limits for Late Glacial and Holocene temperature reconstructions at Limni Zazari, Northern Greece”
L. van Vugt, E. Gobet, K. Ganz, G. Wienhues, T. Giagkoulis, A. Damanik, H. Vogel, M. Grosjean, A. Bogaard, K. Kotsakis, A. Hafner, and W. Tinner, “The environmental context of Neolithization at Limni Orestiás Kastorias, Greece”
Q. Pourrier, L. van Vugt, E. Gobet, K. Ganz, M. Hinz, R. Ballantyne, A. Bogaard, A. Hafner, and W. Tinner, “Vegetation responses to climate and Neolithic agriculture at Lin (Albania, Lake Ohrid) from 6300 to 5700 cal BCE (8250-7650 cal BP)”
K. Ganz, S. Hersberger, L. van Vugt, E. Gobet, C. Morales-Molino, T. Giagkoulis, S. Breu, L. Hächler, L. Kiener, R. Lloren, S. Ogi, E. Schaad, P. Zahajská, P. D. Zander, N. Dubois, M. Grosjean, O. Heiri, H. Vogel, A. Bogaard, A. Hafner, K. Kotsakis, and W. Tinner, “From sea to summit: the impact of climate and land use on the vegetation at different altitudes in northern Greece”
J. Castillo-Guerra, L. van Vugt, E. Gobet, K. Ganz, C. Morales-Molino, J. F. N. van Leeuwen, T. Donders, and W. Tinner, “A novel higher resolution pollen record of Northern Greece discloses climatic, cultural and vegetational changes during the Bronze Age”
C. Morales-Molino, L. van Vugt, K. Ganz, S. Gassner, T. Giagkoulis, E. Gobet, A. F. Lotter, A. Bogaard, A. Hafner, K. Kotsakis, and W. Tinner, “Human impact on the vegetation around Limni Zazari during the Bronze Age”
L. van Vugt, K. Ganz, E. Gobet, C. Morales-Molino, R. Ballantyne, A. Ballmer, S. Brechbühl, S. Breu, S. O. Brugger, J. Castillo-Guerra, A. Damanik, N. Dubois, T. Giagkoulis, M. Grosjean, L. Hächler, O. Heiri, S. Hersberger, C. De Jonge, L. Kiener, A. Knetge, J. F. N. van Leeuwen, R. Lloren, A. F. Lotter, S. Ogi, O. Rach, Q. Pourrier, D. Sachse, E. Schaad, P. Schläfli, C. Schwörer, C. Senn, S. Szidat, A. Thévenaz, B. Vannière, H. Vogel, J. Volery, G. Wienhues, P. Zahajská, P. D. Zander, A. Bogaard, K. Kotsakis, A. Hafner, and W. Tinner, “The impact of Early Holocene climate change on the vegetation and the implications for the introduction of farming to Europe”
M. Bolliger, A. Maczkowski, J. Francuz, and J. Reich, “Dendroarchaeology at Lake Ohrid: Tree-Ring Chronologies from the Waterlogged Site of Ploča Mičov Grad, North Macedonia (5th to 2nd Millennia BCE)”
J. Reich, “Shore settlements in the southwestern Balkans: New perspectives on regional chronology”
M. Yermokhin, A. Maczkowski, M. Bolliger, J. Francuz, A. Anastasi, K. Anastasi, A. Ballmer, M. Brunner, I. Gjipali, T. Giagkoulis, M. Hinz, M. Hostettler, J. Reich, S. Szidat, and A. Hafner, “The last dendrochronological results from the Neolithic site of Lin 3, Albania”
M. Hinz, M. Brunner, A. Hafner, A. Anastasi, K. Anastasi, I. Gjipali, and R. Ruka, “Lin 3 on Lake Ohrid: New Results on Stratigraphy, Finds, and the Early to Middle Neolithic Transition”
M. Brunner, A. Anastasi, K. Anastasi, A. Maczkowski, M. Bolliger, M. Hinz, S. Szidat, I. Gjipali, and A. Hafner, “Lake Maliq revisited: Fresh perspectives on neolithic submerged settlements at former Lake Maliq, Albania”
A. Maczkowski, J. Francuz, M. Bolliger, T. Giagkoulis, K. Kotsakis, and A. Hafner, “High resolution early summer precipitation reconstruction for the 55th-52nd centuries BC in the Kastoria Basin”
M. Hostettler, “Prehistoric Population and Land Use Dynamics in the Southern Balkans”
A. Hafner, “Wetland regions in the Southern Balkans: Dendrochronology and prehistoric settlements: Concluding remarks”
K. Kotsakis, “Dispilio before and after EXPLO”
T. Giagkoulis, F. Stefanou, D. Kloukinas, and E. Kalogiropoulou, “Aspects of Dispilio architecture: buildings, burned daub analysis, and cooking facilities”
S. Kyrillidou, I. Siamidou, and K. Kotsakis, “Site Stratigraphies at Neolithic Dispilio”
E. Voulgari, M. Sofronidou, E. Tsiola, N. Katsikaridis, and V. Kilikoglou, “The Middle and Late Neolithic pottery from Dispilio: ‘Deux ou trois choses que je sais d'elle’”
N. Saridaki, K. Christodoulou, A. Hein, and V. Kilikoglou, “Pottery technology and provenance in Dispilio”
T. Papadakou and G. Tsartsidou, “Phytolith analysis of organic temper in clay”
A. Dimoula, “Pottery relations North and South”
I. Siamidou, “The Final Neolithic at Dispilio Kastorias”
I. Chatzikonstantinou and S. Triantaphyllou, “Human remains from Dispilio: The study of cremations”
T. Bekiaris and G. Stratouli, “The macrolithic assemblage from Neolithic Dispilio, Kastoria, NW Greece”
B. Milić, A. Kita, and J. Gibaja, “Crafting Neolithic Lifeways: The Role of Lithics at Dispilio”
G. Stratouli and E. Koutsopoulou, “Bone and antler tools from the lake-side Neolithic Dispilio, Kastoria, NW Greece”
P. Halstead, D. Androulaki, R. Chronaki, V. Isaakidou, and I. Siamidou, “Farming, herding and foraging by the lake: recent land use and food procurement in the vicinity of Neolithic Dispilio”
R. Veropoulidou, M. Ergun, V. Isaakidou, S. Kyrillidou, M. Ntinou, K. Papayiannis, T. Theodoropoulou, G. Tsartsidou, D. V. Cardador, and A. Bogaard, “Site formation processes at Neolithic Dispilio: new insights from EXPLO”
V. Isaakidou, P. Halstead, K. Papayanni, T. Theodoropoulou, R. Veropoulidou, D. Androulaki, R. Chronaki, D. Kadi, and A. Bogaard, “Domestic and wild animal exploitation in the South Balkan lake district: the evidence of faunal remains from Neolithic Dispilio”
M. Ergun, M. Charles, C. Douché, E. Gkatzogia, E. Margaritis, M. Ntinou, E. Stroud, G. Tsartsidou, and A. Bogaard, “Plant diversity, crops and land use at Neolithic Dispilio”
D. V. Cardador, M. Charles, M. Ergun, T. Gkatzogia, P. Halstead, V. Isaakidou, A. Styring, R. Wood, and A. Bogaard, “Reconstructing the chronology and ecology of agropastoral management at Neolithic Dispilio”
R. Ballantyne, M. Ntinou, L. Stroud, and A. Bogaard, “Lin archaeobotany: site formation and land use”
S. Niehaus, “Fossil insect remains from Lin 3, Albania: Initial results”
A. Holguin, M. Charles, and A. Bogaard, “The archaeobotany of Ploča Mičov Grad”
A. Bogaard and the bioarchaeology team, “EXPLO bioarchaeology synthesis”

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