Past Lectures and Conferences

Écritures et déchiffrements

On 6-8 February 2025 an international colloquium entitled Écritures et déchiffrements du golfe Arabo-Persique à la mer Égée entre les Troisième et Premier millénaires avant notre ère. Où en sommes-nous? was held at the University of Milan. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:
L. Godart and A. Sacconi, “L’apparition de l’écriture en Crète"
M. Civitillo, “What does 'deciphering' Cretan Hieroglyphic script mean? A few points on potentially ‘inflected’ sign sequences”
E. Notti, “Naming, writing and measuring ‘at the time of Minos’. Some reflections on Bronze Age Aegean notations on clay vessels and their representations”
C. Consani and M. Negri, “Geroglifico A-SA(-)SA-*095-NE - Lineare A (J)A-SA-SA-RA-ME (e varianti). Fra interpretazione fonetica dei segni, esegesi testuale e decifrazione. Parte I”
C. Consani and M. Negri, “Geroglifico A-SA(-)SA-*095-NE - Lineare A (J)A-SA-SA-RA-ME (e varianti). Fra interpretazione fonetica dei segni, esegesi testuale e decifrazione. Parte II”
C. Varias García, “Linear B script after Ventris’ decipherment: progress achieved and future perspectives”
M. Andreadaki-Vlazaki and A. Greco, “Le tavolette in Lineare B di Kydonia (The ku-do-ni-ja Epigraphic and Palaeographic Project)”
S. Ferrara, “Synergistic Methods applied to the Decipherment of Ancient Scripts”
M. Valério, “The Cypro-Minoan script system: reappraising recent developments”



On 1 March 2025 the Thirteenth Annual Tennessee Undergraduate Classics Research Conference (TUCRC) was held at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:
A. Schollenberger, “Reconstructing the Mycenaean Warrior Ethos: Exploring the Displays of Power of the Mycenaean Elite through Chariot Iconography”
L. Pajor, “Identifying Religion in Mycenaean Feasts from the Archaeological Record”

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