On 27-28 February 2015 a workshop entitled Mobilizing the Past for a Digital Future: the Potential of Digital Archaeology was held at the Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston, MA. Further information is available at http://uwm.edu/mobilizing-the-past/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:
S. Ross, "Creating Interoperable Digital Datasets: the Federated Archaeological Information Management Systems (FAIMS) Project"
J. Gordon, K. Koo, M. K. Toumazou, D. B. Counts, and E. Walcek Averett, "Technology and Teaching at the Athienou Archaeological Project, Cyprus"
3rd Young Researchers' Conference in Aegean Archaeology
On 15 February 2015 abstracts (in English, maximum 250 words) are due for the 3rd Young Researchers' Conference in Aegean Archaeology, to be held on 24 April 2015 by the Department of Aegean Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw. Proposals are invited from doctoral students, PhD candidates, and scholars who have recently completed doctoral research on the Aegean areas and cultures in the Bronze Age, including art, crafts, everyday life, social/funerary/political landscapes, long-distance relations, Aegeans overseas, impact on other cultures; also including a broader context: new methods/approaches/technologies applied to the research, new technologies in data/research/site management, etc. Proposals should be sent to the Department of Aegean Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Further information is available at http://www.archeo.uw.edu.pl/zalaczniki/upload1595.pdf and https://www.facebook.com/events/1402646503367359/.
The program of the Aegean Lectures has been announced for spring 2015. Unless otherwise stated, all seminars begin at 7:00 pm at the Swedish Institute, Mitseon 9, Athens. Further information is available at http://www.sia.gr/files/Aegean-Lectures-2015-EN.pdf
23 January 2015: P. Tomkins, "Fragments of Complexity. Piecing together the puzzle of 'Prepalatial' Knossos (c. 3600-2000 BC)"
20 February 2015: B Burke, "The Mycenaean Age and its endurance at ancient Eleon in Boeotia"
27 March 2015: P. Pavúk, "Beyond Argolis. Survival of MH traditions into LBA in Central Greece"
17 April 2015: T. Giannopoulos, "The traditional paradigm of the Indo-European problem and the 'Coming of the Greeks'"
May 2015: J. Zurbach, "Reappraising Kirrha. New evidence on landscape, economy and society from Southern Phocis"
Cyprus Seminar
The program of the Cyprus Seminar has been announced for spring 2015. The seminars begin at 7:00 pm at the Museum of Cycladic Art, 4 Neophytou Douka, Athens. Further information is available at http://www.cycladic.gr/frontoffice/portal.asp?cpage=NODE&cnode=294&clang=1. Lectures of interest to Nestor readers will include:
4 May 2015: Ν. Παπαδημητρίου, "Κυπριακό και αιγαιακό εμπόριο κατά τη 2η χιλιετία π.Χ. Μια συγκριτική προσέγγιση"
EKVAM Spring Seminars on the Archaeology of Izmir
The program of EKVAM Spring Seminars on the Archaeology of Izmir has been announced for spring 2015. The seminars begin at 4:30 pm at the French Institute of Izmir. Lectures of interest to Nestor readers will include:
3 March 2015: O. Pinar, "Prehistory of Izmir from the Paleolithicum until the Beginning of Chalcolithicum"
17 March 2015: A. Aslan, "Izmir and its Close Surroundings during the Early and Middle Bronze Ages"
CIG 2015
On 6-7 February 2015 the 2015 Biannual Graduate Student Conference of the Canadian Institute in Greece (CIG 2015) will be held at the University of Windsor (Ontario, Canada). Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
T. Ross, Archaeological Illustration Workshop
K. Banks, "Repurposing Akrotiri: The Minoanization of a Cycladic Town"
R. Bennett and W. Chennette, "Minoan Metamorphosis: Repurposing at Palaikastro"
On 25 April 2015 a workshop entitled Telling the Whole Story at Multi-Period Sites will be held at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Further information is available at http://aiathens.weebly.com/lecturesevents.html. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
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