
On 15-17 December 2014 the annual conference of the Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG 2015) will be held in Manchester. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

N. Zhuravska, "Talking to gods through things. Material engagement in Minoan religion"

H. Whittaker, "Horns and Axes"

E. Corey-Lopez, "What Constitutes Archaeological Data?"

Spyridon Marinatos

On 22 December 2014 a colloquium entitled Σπυρίδων Μαρινᾶτος: Σαράντα χρόνια ἀπὸ τὸν θάνατό του will be held at the Archaeological Society at Athens. Further information is available at The program will be:

Β. Χ. Πετράκος, "Σπυρίδων Μαρινᾶτος (1901-1974)"

Ν. Μαρινάτου, "Ὁ Σπυρίδων Μαρινᾶτος στὴ Γερμανία τοῦ Μεσοπολέμου καὶ ἡ ἰδέα τοῦ ἀστικοῦ ἀνθρωπισμοῦ"

Μ. Παντελίδου-Γκόφα, "Οἱ ἀνασκαφὲς στὸν Μαραθώνα"

Γ. Τζωράκης, "Σπυρίδων Μαρινᾶτος. 1924-1938. Ἕνας κοσμοπολίτης ἀρχαιολόγος στὴν Κρήτη τοῦ Μεσοπολέμου"

W. D. Niemeier, "Τὸ κρητικὸ ἔργο τοῦ Μαρινάτου"

Ἄ. Χανιώτης, "Φάμα Σπυρίδωνος Μαρινάτου: Ἡ ἱστορία τῆς ἀρχαιολογίας ὡς προφορικὴ ἱστορία"

Ν. Βασιλικοῦ, "Sir Denys Page-Σπυρίδων Μαρινᾶτος, μιὰ ἀρχαιολογικὴ φιλία. 1967-1974"

Χ. Ντούμας, "Προϊστορικὴ Θήρα καὶ Μινωϊκὴ Κρήτη"

Minoan Architecture and Urbanism

On 5-6 January 2015 an international workshop entitled From Static Data to Dynamic Processes: New Perspectives on Minoan Architecture and Urbanism will be held in Toronto. Further information is available at The program will be:

Q. Letesson and C. Knappet, "Minoan built environment: recent perspectives, future challenges"

T. Whitelaw, "Minoan urbanism as a dynamic process: context, structure and change"

J. Shaw, "The Middle Minoan Slipway for Ships at the Kommos Harbor, and Harbor Development in Prehistoric Crete"

M. Buell and J. McEnroe, "Community Building/Building Community at Gournia"

T. Cunningham, "Best Laid Plans: An Archaeology of Architectural Errors in Bronze Age Crete"

J. Driessen, "'The House of the Mother as Fact and Symbol'. Understanding in-house Minoan relationships"

M. E. Smith, "Minoan cities in the context of comparative urbanism"

SCS 2015

On 8-11 January 2015 the 2015 Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America and the Society for Classical Studies will be held in New Orleans. Further information is available at the AIA and SCS websites at and In addition to the AIA papers and posters listed in Nestor 41.8 (November 2014), the SCS program will include the following paper of interest to Nestor readers:

C. J. Tully, "Trance-former/Performer: shamanistic elements in Late Bronze Age Minoan cult"

Material Koinai in the Greek Early Iron Age and Archaic Period

On 30 January - 1 February 2015 an international conference entitled Material Koinai in the Greek Early Iron Age and Archaic Period will be held at the Danish Institute at Athens. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

M. E. Voyatzis, "The Early Iron Age Pottery from Mt. Lykaion and the Western Greek Koine"

A. Alexandridou and A. Philippa-Touchais, "Towards an Argive 'koine': From shared votive material expressions to shared social identities"

X. Charalambidou and N. Müller, "Ceramics and Social Interactions on Naxos and the Cyclades"

L. Donnellan, "Consumption and functionality of pottery in the Euboean koine"

S. Houby-Nielsen, "Textile production in Aetolian Chalkis and material koinai"

M. Wecowski, "The 'Middle-Geometric Attic koinē' and the rise of the aristocratic symposion"

V. Misailidou-Despotidou, "Tradition and innovations in the bronze jewellery of the Iron age and Archaic period in Macedonia"

In Poseidon's Realm XX

On 16-22 March 2015 In Poseidon's Realm XX: Land unter! will be held in the Germanic Museum, Nürnberg. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

Z. Friedman, "Why and what type of ships/boats are depicted in clay objects from the Greek Geometric to the Roman Periods"

G. Plath, "The correlations of Phaistos, Kommos and Agia Triada under aspect of coastal alterations"

Assyria to Iberia at the Dawn of the Classical Age

On 6-7 November 2014 a symposium to celebrate the exhibition Assyria to Iberia at the Dawn of the Classical Age was held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:

A. E. Killebrew, "The World of the Philistines and Other 'Sea Peoples'"

A. Özyar, "Phoenicians and Greeks in Cilicia: Coining Elite Identity in Iron Age Anatolia"

A. Caubet, "Phoenicia, Cyprus, and the West"

W.-D. Niemeier, "Greek Sanctuaries and the Near East"


On 30 November 2014 abstracts are due for the 43rd Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Conference: "Keep the Revolution Going" (CAA 2015 SIENA), to be held on 30 March – 3 April 2015 in Siena, Italy. Abstracts (500 words including title, affiliations, and key words) must be submitted online. Further information and the form for abstract submission are available at The main themes will be:

Field and laboratory data recording

Sematic, data modelling, management, and integration

Data analysis and visualisation

3D modelling, visualization, and simulations

Spatio-temporal modelling and GIS

Remote sensing

Users and interfaces: education, museums and multimedia

Cultural heritage interpretation and modelling past urban and rural contexts

Theoretical issues and the relation of CAA with the Digital Humanities

Open software, open data

CIG 2015

On 30 November 2014 proposals are due for the 2015 Biannual Graduate Student Conference of the Canadian Institute in Greece (CIG 2015), to be held on 6-7 February 2015 at the University of Windsor (Ontario, Canada). Papers on the theme of Reproduction and Repurposing in Antiquity will be particularly welcome although all aspects of Greek and Roman antiquity pertaining to Greek culture and the Greek world are invited. A professional workshop on drawing archaeological ceramics and understanding pot sherds will be conducted by Tina Ross, archaeological illustrator and publication artist at projects at Mitrou, Livatho Valley, Pylos, Nestor's Palace, and Eleon; to reserve a place in the workshop, contact Jeffrey Banks (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Abstracts (300-500 words) and a brief summary of qualifications (name, institution, current degree(s) and program, etc.) should be sent by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Minoan Seminar

The program of the Minoan Seminar has been announced for 2014-2015. Unless otherwise stated, all seminars begin at 6:30 pm at the Archaeological Society, 22 Panepistimiou, Athens; those planning to attend should inform the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Further information is available at

7 November 2014: A. Karnava, "Minoan Neopalatial sealings from Akrotiri in Thera: a study on function and iconography"

30 January 2015: F. Georma, I. Nikolakopoulou, and I. Bitis, "Building B in Akrotiri, Thera"

27 February 2015: W. Gauss, "Kolonna on Aegina, A Central Aegean Hub: Helladic, Cycladic and/or Minoan?"

20 March 2015: S. Triantafyllou, "Managing with death in Prepalatial and Protopalatial Crete: a fresh look at the skeletal remains"

24 April 2015: M. Tsipopoulou, "Documenting sociopolitical changes in Pre- and Proto-Palatial Petras: the House Tomb cemetery"

25 May 2015: A. Karetsou, "Symbolisms and iconography of the LM IIIA2-B larnakes at Kalochorafitis Mesara"

Aegean Seminar in Zagreb

The program of the Aegean Seminar in Zagreb has been announced for autumn 2014 at the Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia. Further information is available from Helena Tomas at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

10 November 2014, 6:00 pm: J. Wright, "The Palace at Mycenae as a Place of History and Imagined Identity"

11 November 2014, 11:00 am: M. Dabney, "Using Archaeological Science to Reconstruct Mycenaean Burial Practices"

3 December 2014, 5:00 pm: M. Radivojević, "The earliest metallurgy at the Balkan peninsula"

EuroMed 2014

On 3-8 November 2014 the 5th International Euro-Mediterranean Conference (EuroMed 2014) will be held at the entrance of the ancient Amathus city by Limassol in Cyprus. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

V. Noula, "Municipality of Farsala Greece - Homeric Achilles' Homeland - A three year struggle for the preservation of a 9000 year history"

A. Lentini, "Optical remote sensing, image analysis and measurement applied to the archaeological materials from Pyrgos (Cyprus)"

19th Neolithic Seminar

On 7-8 November 2014 the 19th Neolithic Seminar. Pottery and food: dietary practices in prehistory will be held at the Department of Archaeology, Ljubljana University, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

C. Çakırlar, H. Özbal, and Z. Kızıltan, "Milk, mussels, and more in Neolithic northwestern Turkey: Incipient osteoarchaeological, organic residue, radiocarbon, and aDNA results from Istanbul-Yenikapı"

A Celebration of Eighty Years for Prof. Anthony Snodgrass

On 7-9 November 2014 a conference titled A Celebration of Eighty Years for Prof. Anthony Snodgrass will be held at Magdalene College, Cambridge. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

O. Dickinson, "The use and abuse of the Ahhiyawa texts"

D. Small, "An Explosion, Not Revolution: Recasting Issues in the Greek Iron Age"

J. Whitley, "The Krater and the Pithos: Two kinds of agency"

A. Coucouzeli, "Gifts for Gods at Zagora on Andros: A Fresh View"

V. Stissi, "Survey, excavation and the appearance of the early polis: a reappraisal"

I. Morris, "Structural revolution: archaeology, the rise of the Greek state, and the shape of the ancient world"

S. Manning, "Events, episodes and history: chronology and the resolution of historical processes (the Hyksos, the end of the LBA, the 8th century BC)"

P. L. Halstead, "The sh*** that you find on the surface: manuring, folding, grazing and archaeological field survey in the Mediterranean countryside"

J. Bintliff, "The first thirty-six years of the Boeotia Project, Central Greece"

Ancient Textiles in Context

On 15 November 2014 a conference entitled Ancient Textiles in Context will be held at Hunter College West Building, 8th Floor Faculty Dining Room (south-west corner of 68th Street and Lexington Avenue), New York City, sponsored by the The Danish National Research Foundation's Centre for Textile Research, Saxo Institute, University of Copenhagen. Please RSVP by 3 November to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

M.-L. Nosch, "Textile crops in Mycenaean agriculture"

J. Cutler, "Interweaving threads: interpreting the material evidence for textile production and textile technology in Palatial Crete"

L. Rahmstorf and M. Siennicka, "Early Bronze Age textile production on the Greek mainland and the Cyclades: some evidence for Anatolian influence"

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