On 21-23 May 2015 a conference entitled Salamis of Cyprus, History and Archaeology from the Earliest Times to the Late Antiquity was held at the University of Cyrus, Nicosia. Further information is available at http://www.salamis2015.com/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:
V. Karageorghis, "Excavating at Salamis: reminiscences"
M. Yon, "Un cinquantenaire. Les fouilles de l'Université de Lyon à Salamine"
J. Karageorghis, "Jean Pouilloux le Salaminien"
N. Kourou, "Cyprus and the Aegean in the Geometric period: the case of Salamis"
C. Ioannou, "Le pouvoir assyrien et les rois de Salamine (VIIIème – VIIème s. av. J.-C.)"
S. Fourrier, "Les sanctuaires de Salamine de l'époque geométrique jusqu'à la période archaïque"
A. Georghiadou, "La production céramique de Salamine à l'époque Chypro-Géométrique"
V. Vlachou, "Death and the Elite: Funerary Rituals and Gifts at Salamis and the Aegean"