
ΑΕΜΘ 2020

On 5-7 March 2020 the 33rd meeting of the conference Το Αρχαιολογικό Έργο στη Μακεδονία και στη Θράκη (ΑΕΜΘ 2020) will be held in Thessaloniki. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
Κ. Καλλιντζή, Σ. Παπαδόπουλος, and Μ. Χρυσάφη, “Ανασκαφική έρευνα στον προϊστορικό οικισμό Διομήδειας Ξάνθης”
Σ. Παπαδόπουλος and Σ. Δηλοπούλου, “Προϊστορικός οικισμός Καλαμπακίου Δράμας: πρώτες παρατηρήσεις”
Δ. Μαλαμίδου, P. Darcque, Χ. Κουκούλη-Χρυσανθάκη, and Ζ. Τσιρτσώνη, “Ντικιλί Τας 2019. Η έναρξη του νέου κύκλου ερευνών (2019-2023) στον προϊστορικό οικισμό”
M. Rivero-Montero, M. Gomez-Paccard, Δ. Κοντοπούλου, Ε. Αηδονά, and J. Pavon-Carrasco, “Μεταβολές του γεωμαγνητικού πεδίου στην αρχή της 1ης χιλιετίας π.Χ. όπως καταγράφονται στην κεραμική τριών θέσεων της Κεντρικής Μακεδονίας”
Τ. Μπεκιάρης, Αι. Παπανθίμου, and Σ.-Μ. Βαλαμώτη, “Αλέθοντας στη Μακεδονία της Εποχής του Χαλκού: η τεχνολογία των μακρολιθικών εργαλείων άλεσης από το Αρχοντικό Γιαννιτσών”
Ε. Βούλγαρη, “Η κεραμική από τον οικιστικό ορίζοντα IV του Αρχοντικού Γιαννιτσών”
Α. Γεωργιάδου, Μ. Ελευθεριάδη, Φ. Λογοθετίδου, and Π. Ιωαννίδου, “Οικισμός Εποχής του Σιδήρου στην Παραλίμνη του Δήμου Πέλλας. Η έκπληξη της αποξηραμένης λίμνης Γιαννιτσών”
Ι. Γραικός, “Η αποσπασματική διαχρονία της Βέροιας: από τη Νεολιθική Εποχή στην Ύστερη Αρχαιότητα”
Α. Κατσαβέλη, Σ. Τριανταφύλλου, Χ. Ζιώτα, and Α. Χονδρογιάννη- Μετόκη, “Οστεολογική μελέτη νεολιθικών ταφών καύσεων από τις θέσεις Κλείτος και Τούμπα Κρεμαστής Κοιλάδας του νομού Κοζάνης”
Ν. Χονδρού, “Κάτω Άγιος Ιωάννης Πιερίας. Ανάλυση κεραμικού συνόλου της Νεότερης Νεολιθικής”
Κ. Κωτσάκης, Τ. Γιαγκούλης, J. Francuz, A. Maczkovski, M. Bolliger, and S. Szidat, “Δισπηλιό Καστοριάς. Δενδροχρονολογική ανάλυση”


Attica from the Late Bronze Age to the end of the Archaic period.

On 13-25 March 2020 an international conference entitled Attica from the Late Bronze Age to the end of the Archaic period. The Spatial Roots of Politics and Society will be held in Athens. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
N. Papadimitriou, “Mycenaean Attica: How Much ‘Mycenaean’ and How Much ‘Attica?’”
K. Kalogeropoulos, “Separated by the Erasinos River. The Northern and Southern Plain of Mesogeia from the Late Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age”
F. van den Eijnde, “Between Polis and Ethnos. A Networked Approach to the Development of the Athenian Polis”
N. Arvanitis, “Big Sites in Attica Beyond Athens. The Case of Eleusis and Acharnai”
M. Rönnberg, “A Wealth of Choices: Changing Preferences and Local Particularities in the Placement of Burials in Attica from the Late Helladic to the Archaic Period.”
A. Alexandridou, “Regionalism within Early Iron Age Athens: The Domestic Nucleus at the Academy”



On 25-27 March 2020 SCAPECON2020: NO(E)SCAPE? Relational archaeology in the Aegean Bronze Age: Breaking boundaries: negotiating change in the Aegean Bronze Age will be held in Groningen, The Netherlands. Further information is available at The program will be:
A. Brysbaert, “A ‘Moving’ Story about Labour. The Taskscape of the Late Bronze Age Argive Plain”
S. Emra and S. Cveček, “Negotiation and interaction in EBA Çukuriçi Höyük: differing solutions to competing ‘scapes’ with the beginning of rising inequality”
B. Ongar, “Household Archaeology in West Anatolia during the Late Bronze Age”
P. Zeman, “Entangled Mycenae: Case Study of a Late Bronze Age palatial town”
S. Hilker, “Beyond the Palace: Case Studies in Mycenaean Townscapes”
S. Voutsaki, “Towards an archaeology of kinship”
T. Andreovits, A. Kita, and D. Theodoraki, “Prehistoric and modern deathscapes: an ethnoarchaeological approach”
A. Katevaini, “Contextualizing Late Minoan Tombs”
I. Rom, “Negotiating death in the Bronze Age: a view from western Greece”
D. Rousioti, “Investigating the sacred landscape in the Late Bronze Age Greek Mainland”
P. Ramirez-Valiente, “Bodyscapes of Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Crete: Changes in sex and gender of anthropomorphic figurines”
E. Sezgin, “An Assessment of Gender Roles in the Early Bronze Age Aegean”
T. Mumelter, “Affective Fields in Akrotiri’s Miniature Frieze, Thera”
D. Wolf, “Symbols as Social Strategy? Late Palatial Hard-Stone Glyptic as Identity Markers”
G. Paglione, “Reconstructing the landscape through the Linear B texts: The case of coriander cultivation in Phaistos”
A. Vergaki, “Lonesome are the eyes: The depiction of the animals on the Ayia Triadha Sarcophagus”
A. Durick, “Origin to Deposition: The socio-cultural significance of gold provenance studies in the North Aegean and Ancient Thrace”
J. Driessen, “The Big Bang Theory? The Santorini Eruption and its Impact on Aegean Societies”
Y. van den Beld, “Understanding socio-political processes through the study of labour investment: the case study of the North Cemetery at Ayios Vasilios”
A. Filipek, “One but many. The concept of the great mother goddess in the study of the Minoan religious system in the Bronze Age”
Y. de Raaff, “Experimenting with change: the built tomb of the North Cemetery at Ayios Vasileios, Lakonia”
K. Regnier, “Building interactions beyond boundaries during the Bronze Age: the case of the Aegean tripod stone mortar”
D. Spiliopoulou, “Life with the help of artificial light sources in the prehistoric settlement of Akrotiri, Thira”
T. Valchev, “The marble pendant from the prehistoric settlement mound Maleva Mogila near the village of Veselinovo, Yambol municipality, Bulgaria”
A. Vouza, “Memory scapes at funerary places”
J. Witowski, “Relation between the form of Aegean swords and modes of use in the light of use-wear analysis -- the case of two bronze swords from the Athenian Agora”
E. Tsafou, “Identifying the changing function and use of cooking vessels in Minoan societies”
A. Mercogliano, “Breaking ceramic boundaries: formation and change in pottery assemblages during the Middle Helladic period with a special look at the Trapeza settlement (Eastern Achaea)
D. Frank, “Tracing Early Mycenaean Ceramic Traditions in the North-East Peloponnese”
K. Dudlik, “Mortuary Practices in Context. Local Idiosyncrasies in Search of the Koan Identity”
F. Nani, S. Vitale, and C. McNamee, “Building Identities: Breaks and Continuity in Construction Practices at the Prehistoric Settlement of the ‘Seraglio’ on Kos”


On 29 February 2020 abstracts (500 words maximum) are due for a conference for young researchers entitled Maritime Archaeology Research Exchange (MARE), to be held on 11-16 June 2020 in Hamburg. Further information is available at Panels will be held on the following topics:
• Theory and Methods of Maritime Archaeology
• Archaeology of Harbours, Ports, and Marinas
• Shipbuilding: Types and Use
• Trade Routes


International Mustafa V. Koç Underwater Archaeology Symposium

On 30 March 2020 abstracts (400 words maximum) are due for a conference entitled International Mustafa V. Koç Underwater Archaeology Symposium, to be held on 11-12 June 2020 in İstanbul. Further information is available at


Nostoi II

On 30 April 2020 abstracts are due for an international conference entitled Nostoi II. Traveling in the Eastern Mediterranean: Sea + Inland Routes from the Early Bronze to the End of the Early Iron Age, to be held in Heraklion from 14-17 January 2021. Title, name affiliation, and abstract should be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Submission forms and further information are available at!Aj62JBNWcF_ujZUm0As6ajiooXyigQ%3Fe%3DFsFAOa&
• Tracking and Mapping Sea and Inland Routes
• Writing and Sealing Bureaucracy of Exchange
• Merchants, Commodities, and Gifts
• Systems of Commercial Interaction
• Mobility, Agency, and Technology
• Routes and Means of Transportation
• Piracy and Sea People
• Art and Iconography
• Maritime Cultural Landscapes
• Ideology (religion, beliefs, customs)

Crete. Emerging Cities

The Museum of Cycladic Art has announced a program of lectures on the occasion of the recent exhibition “Crete. Emerging Cities: Aptera - Eleutherna-Knossos” All lectures will be held at 7:00 PM. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
20 January 2020: F. Gaignerot-Driessen, “Before the polis: Recent discoveries at Anavlochos, Lasithi”
17 February 2020: M. Devolder, “Unfolding the History of the Palace at Malia”

τΟ Εργον 19

On 8 February 2020 the 5th Annual Workshop of the Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, τὸ ἔργον 19: Το αρχαιολογικό έργο του Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου, 2019, will take place in Nicosia. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
Α. Βιώνης et al., “Το Πρόγραμμα SeSaLaC στην κοιλάδα του Ξερού (Επαρχία Λάρνακας) και το Εργαστήριο ArtLandS στη Βοιωτία (Ελλάδα) κατά το 2019”
Ο. Κουκά, “Όψεις κοινοτικής πολυπλοκότητας στο Ανατολικό Αιγαίο και τη Δυτική Μικρά Ασία κατά την Εποχή του Χαλκού”
Β. Κασσιανίδου, “Πυροτεχνολία στην Χαλκολιθική εποχή της Κύπρου: Χαλκός και φαγεντιανή”
Ά. Γεωργίου, “Συνθέτοντας διαφορετικές όψεις της κεραμικής παραγωγής στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο κατά την Ύστερη Εποχή του Χαλκού”
Γ. Παπασάββας, “Κυπριακός χαλκός και Αιγυπτιακός χρυσός: Αξίες και ισοτιμίες κατά την Ύστερη Εποχή του Χαλκού”
Α. Χαραλάμπους, “Προκαταρκτική αποτελέσματα των γεωχημικών αναλύσεων στον Θορικό Λαυρίου”
Θ. Μούτσιου, “Γεωχωρικά μοντέλα για τη μελέτη της Πλειστοκαινικής Κύπρου: Το ερευνητικό πρόγραμμα PLEICY (POST-DOC/0916/0185)”

Hellenic Institute of Egyptology Conference

On 10-14 February 2020 an Egyptological conference entitled Quod est Superius est sicut quod est Inferius: The Cosmic Hypostasis and Earthly/Social Function of Women during Antiquity in Egypt and in the Mediterranean Basin will take place in Athens, organized by the Hellenic Institute of Egyptology, the Universidade Aberta of Lisbon, the Centre of History of the Lisbon University, the Writing & Scripts Centre of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina and the Hellenic Society for Aesthetics, under the auspices of the Association of Greek Women Scientists. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
N. A. Hoskins, “Ephemeral Fabrics from Egypt and the Aegean: Before and After Tutankchamūn”
T.-S. Andreovits, “The Construction of Gender and Age in the 2nd Mill. BC in the Aegean through the Iconography”

9th Tennessee Undergraduate Classics Research Conference

On 22 February 2020 the Ninth Annual Tennessee Undergraduate Classics Research Conference will be held at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
C. Burke, “Defining and Analyzing Assemblages: Burial, Sanctuary, and Settlement Deposition in the Protogeometric Period”

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