
Craftspeople Mobility

On 27-28 October 2019 a workshop entitled Craftspeople Mobility in Archaeological, Historical and Ethnographic Record: A Comparative Perspective from the Aegean was held at the British School at Athens. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:
K. Nowicki, “Population movement in Crete and the Southeast Aegean during the Final Neolithic and the Bronze Age: evidence, facts and myths”
B. Dimova, J. Cutler, and M. Gleba, “Mobility and textile workers”
N. Blackwell, “Assessing Artisan Mobility versus Shared Technology in Mycenaean Stone Working: Regional Implications for the Use of the Pendulum Saw and its Modification”
B. Lis and E. Kiriatzi, “Placing potters’ mobility in a broader social context - stories from the prehistoric Aegean”
P. Halstead, “Mobility of people and livestock: shifting archaeological models and methods”


On 1 November 2019 applications are due to the Institute for Aegean Prehistory (INSTAP) for 2020 New or Renewal Research Grants, 2nd or 3rd Year Applications, the SCEC Librarian Fellowship, Six-Week Research Grants at INSTAP SCEC, and the Petrography Internship at INSTAP SCEC. Applications for Publication Subventions have no specific due dates. The application process is online at Further information is available at


Margo Tytus Visiting Scholars Program and the Cincinnati Summer Residency

On 1 February 2020 applications are due for both the Margo Tytus Visiting Scholars Program and the Cincinnati Summer Residency Program for 2020-2021. Applicants for the Margo Tytus Visiting Scholars Program will ordinarily be senior scholars who are a minimum of five years beyond receipt of the PhD, with notable publication histories, who are expected to be in residence at the University of Cincinnati for a minimum of one semester (ca. four months) and a maximum of two during the regular academic year. Tytus Scholars receive a monthly stipend of $1,500 plus housing near campus and a transportation allowance, as well as office space attached to the Burnam Classics Library.
Applicants for the Cincinnati Summer Residency program may be recent PhDs , scholars early in their careers, and/or those turning to new topics of research with their PhD in hand by the time of application, and will ordinarily be in residence at the University of Cincinnati for approximately two months in the summer terms, May to mid-August. Cincinnati Summer Residents receive housing near campus and office space attached to the Burnam Classics Library only. Further information and application forms are available at


On 15 September 2019 submissions are due to the journal SYNERGHEION. Rivista internazionale di studi greci. Lingue, Culture, Società on all aspects of the Greek language and culture, from the prehistoric antiquity to the modern and contemporary age, including their transmission through the ages, the translation activity and the history of tradition and reception of texts and other tangible or intangible resources. Submitted papers can be written in Italian, English, French, and Modern Greek, accompanied by an abstract in English and in the language of the contribution. The academic articles are peer-reviewed by applying the double-blind method, in accordance with international scientific standards. Further information is available at


SOMA 2019

On 1 October 2019 abstracts (2000 characters, title 200 characters) are due for the 23rd annual Symposium On Mediterranean Archaeology (SOMA 2019): The International Trade Around Mediterranean, to be held on 14-17 November 2019 in Koper, Slovenia. Further information is available at Sessions will include:
Legislation of the cultural heritage
Management and interpretation of underwater cultural heritage
Tools and methods (conservation, restoration, documentation, excavation)
Maritime cultural landscapes
Ports, harbours, and anchorages
Material culture of maritime trade
Seafaring and navigation


WAC – 9

On 15 October 2019 session submissions (300 words maximum) are due for the 9th World Archaeological Congress (WAC – 9), to be held on 5-10 July 2020 in Prague. On 15 December 2019 session abstracts will be announced and on 21 March 2020 submissions of individual papers and posters are due. Further information is available at


8th Annual International Conference on History & Archaeology

On 28 October 2019 session and paper proposals are due for the 8th Annual International Conference on History & Archaeology: From Ancient to Modern, to be held on 1-4 June 2020 in Athens. Further information is available from Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


CAA 2020

On 15 November 2019 abstracts for presentations are due for the annual conference of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA 2020): iNside iNformation, to be held on 14-17 April 2020 in Oxford. Further information is available at


14th International Congress of Thracology

On 30 November 2019 abstracts (500 words maximum) for presentations are due for the 14th International Congress of Thracology: ThRACing the Past from Bronze Communities to Iron Kingdoms, to be held on 6-9 May 2020 in Deva, Romania. Further information is available at

Cycladic Seminar

The program of the Cycladic Seminar has been announced for autumn 2019. All seminars begin at 7:00 pm at the Archaeological Society, 22 Panepistimiou, Athens.
12 November 2019: Χ. Τελεβάντου, “Η μυκηναϊκή Ακρόπολη του Αγίου Ανδρέα Σίφνου: τα τελευταία δεδομένα”
10 December 2019: J. Rambach, “Evidence of contact between the Cyclades and Peloponnese in the 4th and 3rd millennia BC”


EAA AM 2019

On 4-7 September 2019 the 25th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA AM 2019): Beyond Paradigms will be held in Bern. Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:
G. Naumov, “Everything Else Matters: Reconsidering The Lacustrine Societies in the Prehistoric Balkans”
V. Todoroska, “The Prehistoric Wetland Sites of Ohrid and Prespa Lake”
T. Giagkoulis, “Does It Really Matter? Aspects of Spatial Organization of the Prehistoric Settlements in Amindeon Basin Western Macedonia, Greece”
P. Zervoudakis, “A Glocal Re¬evaluation of Possible Pleistocene Sea¬-crossings”
B. Whitford, “Life in the Foothills: A Diachronic Assessment of Neolithic Settlement Patterns in the Sandanski¬-Petrich Basin of Southwest Bulgaria”
R. Kunze, “Prospecting for Prehistoric Copper - Field Observations from a Geoarcheological Survey in SE Bulgaria”
T. Krapf, I. Gjipali, M. Gori, R. Ruka, and T. Hauck, “The Bronze and Iron Age Occupation of the Blazi, Neziri and Këputa Caves in the Mati Region of Northern Albania”
L. Burkhardt, “Socio-¬Economic Entanglements of the LBA Goldmine at Ada Tepe (Bulgaria)”
D. Nenova, “Is It Lonely in the Mountains? Patterns of Isolation and Interaction in Late Bronze Age Thrace”
M. Vercik, P. Ardjanliev, and P. Tušlová, “Going Global, Staying Local? The Ohrid Region Between the Bronze and the Iron Ages”
H. Price, P. Gheorghiade, T. Evans, R. Rivers, “The Mycenaean Aegean: Negotiating Too Much and Too Little Data”
S. Sebald, A. Papathanasiou, M. Richards, and G. Grupe, “You Are What You Eat: Isotopic Mixing Models Applied to Data from Neolithic Europe”
F. Fulminante and E. Farinetti, “Textile Tools from Survey Data: What Can We Learn from Them? A Test Study from Central Italy and Greece”
M. Gurova, “Neolithic Flint Assemblages from Bulgaria: The Challenge of Capturing a Transition”
T. Dzhanfezova and M. Grębska-Kulowa, “Pottery Tradition in Transition? The Passage from the Early to the Middle Neolithic Period at Ilindentsi, Southwest Bulgaria”
P. Zidarov, “Who Makes History in Prehistory? The Social Meaning of Advanced Technologies at Varna and Troy”
T. Boloti, “What Did Phugegwris See? Aspects of Domestic Furniture in the Late Bronze Age Aegean”
H. Whittaker, “Forms and Functions of Mycenaean Furniture”
J. Muñoz Sogas, “The Idaean Cave in Crete: An Ivory Carving Workshop”
B. Morda, “Crafting and Marketing in Neopalatial Crete: The Talismanic Seals as a Vehicle of Social Ideas”
E. Miller Bonney, “Concealing Crafting as a Message to the User”
A. Mazarakis Ainian, “Cult Practices in Early Iron Age Oropos?”
P. Charalambidou, “The Role of Feasting and Commensality: Comparing Euboean Sanctuaries During the Early Iron Age and Protoarchaic Period”
V. Kuleshov, “Remnants of the Past, Fragments of the Present: Means of Payment and Ways of Counting Wealth in the Homeric Age”
C. Marangou, “A Rock-¬Cut Landscape by the Sea: Myrina Kastro in Prehistory and Antiquity (Lemnos Island, Greece)”
H. Ozturk, “Babies in the Aegean Bathwater”
E. Zangger, “Introduction: The Luwians and Their Contemporaries in Late Bronze Age Western Asia Minor”
I. Hajnal, “West of Troy ¬– An Interdisciplinary Approach”
M. Vassileva, “Southeastern Balkans and the LBA Aegean¬-Anatolian Network”
C. Bachhuber and M. Massa, “In Search of a ‘Luwian’ State: Regional Analysis of the Late Bronze Age in the Konya Plain, Turkey”
M. Türkteki and E. Fidan, “An Important Bronze Age Settlement in Inland Western Anatolia: Intensive Survey Project of Tavsanli Höyük and Its Surroundings”
A. Asinmaz, “A Spatial Investigation of the Distribution of Late Bronze Age Settlements in Western Anatolia”
S. Aydingun, “Late Bronze Age of Istanbul”
A. Kourkoulakos, “A Re-¬Interpretation of the Late Bronze Age Chronology at Beycesultan Based on C¬-14 Dating”
A. Kloekhorst, “The Linguistic Landscape of Middle and Late Bronze Age Western Anatolia”
W. Waal, “In Search of the Missing Link. Writing in Western Anatolia During the Late Bronze Age”
F. Breyer, The Relationship Between Hieroglyphic and Cuneiform Luwian. Reflections on the Origins of Anatolian Hieroglyphs”
F. Wouduizen, “Arzawa, Assuwa, and Mira: Three Names for One and the Same Country in Western Anatolia”
S. Taskin, “Possible Coastal Luwian Settlements in the North¬-East Aegean”
U. Berndt, “Status Display in Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Sanctuaries Reviewed ¬– What Shapes a Find Assemblage?”
K. Giannakos, “Hittite Documents Referring to Contemporaries Abroad ¬ and Their Implications for Dating the Trojan War”
I. Rutherford, “From Dandanku to Calchas: Military Rituals As a Case of Religious Interaction Between Anatolia and Greece”
E. Margaritis and C. Pagnoux, “Olive and Grape in Prehistoric Aegean: Reseating the Research Agenda”
M. Milella, S. Haddow, M. Vasic, B. Tibbetts, and C. Knüsel, “A Multi-Proxy Analysis of Diachronic Changes in the Social Dimensions of Sex and Age-at-Death at Neolithic Çatalhöyük”
B. Tibbetts, “Funerary Treatment of Çatalhöyük Subadults: Implications for the Study of Social Variability and Cultural Tradition in Neolithic Near East Populations”
K. Harabasz, “An Integrated Approach to Revealing Human Biographies. The Case of the Neolithic Settlement at Çatalhöyük in Central Anatolia”
C. Knusel, M. Milella, L. Bennison-Chapman, S. Doyle, C. Tsoraki, and B. Glencross, “Social Violence and Intolerance at Neolithic Çatalhöyük, Central Anatolia, Turkey (7100-¬5950 Cal. B.C.)”
C. Lemorini and D. D’Errico, “Funerary Practices at Neolithic Çatalhöyük (Central Anatolia): What Use¬-Wear Analysis and Chipped Stone Tools May Tell Us”
C. Tsoraki and R. Veropoulidou, “Microhistories of Funerary Practices at Neolithic Çatalhöyük, Turkey: Insights from the Stone and Shell Burial Assemblages”
M. Pilloud, S. Haddow, C. Knüsel, and C. Larsen, “Funerary Practices at Çatalhöyük Within the Broader Framework of the Neolithic in Central Anatolia”
S. Haddow, S. Votruba, R. Özbal, and J. Pearson, “A Histotaphonomic Approach to Assessing Funerary Practices in Neolithic Anatolia”
A. Aston, “How the Cycladic Islanders Found Their Marbles: Material, Skill and Social Cognition in the Ancient Aegean”
L. Phialon, “Hollow and Different: New Insights on Late Bronze Age Terracotta Figures and Figurines from Boeotia”
V. Chrysovitsanou, “The Wrong Tool for the Job? Classical Archaeology Methods in the Study of Prehistory: The Case of the Cycladic Figurines”
P. Zervoudakis, “Half Farmers, Half Gatherers: Ethnoarchaeology of Foraging in the Aegean Basin”
Z. Koren, “Singular Determination of the Malacological Provenance of Royal Purple”
T. Boloti, “Horizontal vs Vertical Loom = Tradition vs Innovation? The Case of Koukonisi Settlement (Lemnos Island) in the North Eastern Aegean”
A. Ulanowska, “Textiles and Seals: Investigating Relations Between Textile Production and Seals and Sealing Practices in Bronze Age Greece Using Statistical Methods”
A. Peatfield, “Anatomical Models and the Recognition and Representation of Disease in Minoan Bronze Age Crete”
C. Aamodt, “Purification Rituals and the Notion of Hygiene in Mycenaean Greece”
T. Alusik, “Methodology and Sources for the ‘History’ of Prehistoric or ‘Dark Age’ Medicine: The Case of Greece”
E. Miller Bonney, “Can Agential Realism Function As Riposte to Positivist Archaeology?”
I. Moutafi, “Funerary Taphonomy As a Key to the Social Bioarchaeology of the Mycenaean Period”
A. Windler, “From the Aegean Sea to the Paris Basin: The Economic Dimension of Spondylus Exchange Between 5500 and 5000 BC”
C. Marangou, “Originals and Copies: From Imitation to Miniaturization (Neolithic Period¬ Early Bronze Age)”
F. Meneghetti, “A Reappraisal of Miniature Oxhide Ingots from Late Bronze Age Cyprus”
S. Triantaphyllou, C. Snoeck, Y. Chatzikonstantinou, and D. Panagiotopoulos, “The Use of Fire on the Human Remains in a Minoan Tomb: The Case of Tholos B at Koumasa, Crete”
S. Triantaphyllou, “Bodies on Fire: Tracing the Practice of Burning the Human Remains in the Prehistoric Aegean Through Macroscopic Methods”
T. Giagkoulis, “The Wooden Accessing and Enclosing Structures of the Neolithic Lakeside Settlement Anarghiri IXB in Amindeon Basin (Western Macedonia, Greece)”
A. Marciniak, P. Filipowicz, K. Harabasz, and J. Hordecki, “Semantic Web Applications and Public Outreach. Exploring the Çatalhöyük Database”
N. Papadimitriou and S. Finlayson, “Sensory Approaches to Aegean Sealstones: Investigating Questions of Craftsmanship and Use”
A. Goumas, N. Papadimitriou, and E. Konstantinidi-Syvridi, “From Trace to Tool – From Movement to Practice. A Craftsman’s Perspective on Mycenaean Gold Technology”
S. Kaltsogianni, “Understanding Neolithic Settlements in Their Entirety: Peripheral Spaces in Neolithic Northern Greece, Though Central to Prehistoric Everyday Life”
A. Peatfield, “The Mountains of Crete: Ritual and Representation of Spiritual Geography in the Minoan Bronze Age”


EMAC 2019

On 16-18 September 2019 the 15th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics (EMAC 2019) will be held in Barcelona. Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:
M. Kibaroglu, E. Kozal, A. Klügel, G. Hartmann, and P. Monien, “Tracing the Provenance of Red Lustrous Wheel-Made Ware (RLW): Petrographic, Geochemical and Sr-Nd Isotope Analysis”
M. Choleva, E. Kiriatzi, N. Petropoulos, and N. Müller, “Shared technological milieus: defining the borders between wheel-made and hand-made pottery production in Early Helladic Argolid”
A. Dimoula, S. Koulidou, Z. Tsirtsoni, and S. M. Valamoti, “Fusion cooking pots: an integrated cooking pottery study at the northern edge of the Mycenaean world”
S. Menelaou and O. Kouka, “Pottery production and technological traditions at Neolithic and Chalcolithic Samos, Greece: preliminary data from Kastro-Tigani and Heraion”
M. Dikomitou-Eliadou, N. S. Müller, M.s Martinón-Torres, J. M. Webb, A. Benzonelli, and M. D. Glascock, “Elemental analysis of pottery from the Early and Middle Bronze Age necropolis of Lapithos. The early history of a long-lived production centre in Cyprus”
S. Todaro, “For a ‘best practice approach’ to experimental reproductions of ancient pottery: on-site testing of raw clay with archaeological tools and installations. A pilot study from Bronze Age Crete”
S. Hacosmanolu, M. Kibarolu, E. Kozal, H. Mönninghoff, and J. Opitz, “Provenance and Production Technologies of Late Bronze and Iron Age Plain and Drab Ware from Sirkeli Höyük (Cilicia, South Anatolia)”
C. Burke and M. Zavadil, “Tradition and Adaptation: The Potting Technology of Middle Helladic Archaia Pheneos”
J. Kozatsas, K. Kotsakis, D. Sagris, and K. David, “Individualised traditions. Tracing out pottery forming techniques through X-ray micro-CT in a pottery assemblage from Middle Neolithic Sesklo (Thessaly, Greece)”
V. Xanthopoulou, I. Iliopoulos, N. Kougia, A.-M. Pollatou, and I. Liritzis, “Archaeometric Analysis for the Characterization of Ceramic Fabrics and Local Clays from Late Helladic Kastrouli (Central Greece)”
Y. Papadias, E. Vliora, A. Dimoula, N. Saridaki, and A. Krahtopoulou, “Fields of sherds: an integrated study of prehistoric ceramics across the cultural landscape of western Thessaly, Greece”
N. Saridaki and K. Kotsakis, “Mobility in the Neolithic of Northern Greece: Case Studies Based on Pottery from Central and Western Macedonia, Greece”
B. Lis, E. Kiriatzi, and N. Müller, “Mobility of Aeginetan potters around 1200 BC: a science-based archaeological approach”
B. Lis, E. Kiriatzi, and A. Batziou, “Towards a better understanding of handmade burnished pottery in Late Bronze Age Greece”
E. Kiriatzi, V. Şahoğlu, M. Choleva, Ü. Çayir, and M. İncirlili, “Understanding the role of Çeşme – Bağlararası in Aegean and Anatolian networks during the 2nd mil. BC: the case of Minoanising pottery”
E. Voulgari, “The tyranny of the obvious: Decorated pottery from Neolithic Dispilio, Greece”
I. Caloi, “Identifying wheel-fashioned and wheel-thrown vases in Middle Minoan Crete. Coupling macroscopic analysis and experimental archaeology”



On 19-21 September 2019 the 8th Annual Meeting of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution (PESHE 8) will be held in Liège. Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:
J. Marreiros, “Functional analysis on the lithic assemblage from Layer I (the Bachokirian) at the onset of the Upper Paleolithic in Bacho Kiro cave, Bulgaria”
K. Harvati, “Marathousa 2: A new Middle Pleistocene locality in Megalopolis Basin (Greece) with evidence of human modifications on faunal remains.”


VII Purpureae Vestes

On 2-4 October 2019 the VII Purpureae Vestes International Symposium: Redefining Textile Handcraft, Structures, Tools and Production Processes will be held in Granada, Spain. Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:
A. Ulanowska, “Textile Production and Administrative Practices in Bronze Age Greece: The Evidence from Seals and Seal-Impressions”
G. Muti, L. Bombardieri, and G. Albertazzi, “Weaving a River Valley Biography. An Examination of the Relationships between Textile Production, Social Dynamics and Natural Resources in Bronze Age Kouris Valley (Cyprus)”
G. Nikolovieni, “Crafting the Dress: From Textile Tools to Iconography at the Neolithic Site of Strofilas, Andros, Greece”
K. Żebrowska, “Textiles and Seals: On Use of Seals with Textile Motives in Bronze Age Greece”


Purple Dye Production and Use in Cyprus and the Aegean

On 1-2 November 2019 a conference entitled The materiality of purple dye production and use in Cyprus and the Aegean from Prehistory to the Late Roman period will take place at the Archaeological Research Unit (ARU), University of Cyprus, Nicosia. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
D. S. Reese, “A survey of shell purple-dye production and use in the eastern half of the Mediterranean”
R. Veropoulidou, “Purple dye in the Aegean Bronze Age: the archaeo-malacological perspective”
P. M. Fischer, “Purple dye production at the Late Cypriot site of Hala Sultan Tekke, Cyprus”
A. Batziou, D. Agnousiotis, and R. Veropoulidou, “A purple dye workshop at “Magoula Pefkakia?” Preliminary results from the integrated study of archaeological finds from a Bronze Age site near Volos, Greece”
S. Sotiropoulou and T. Marketou, “Rhodian purple dye: evidence from the prehistoric settlement at Trianda and the ancient town of Rhodes, Dodecanese”

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