
Norwegian Institute at Athens

On 6 February 2012 I. Georganas spoke at the Norwegian Institute at Athens on "Tholos Tombs in Early Iron Age Aegean."

Mycenaean Seminar in Athens

On 23 February 2012 Μ. Βλαζάκη spoke at the Mycenaean Seminar in Athens at the Central Building of the University of Athens (Panepistimiou 30) on "Αχαιοί στην Κυδωνία."

Ventris Award

On 15 February 2012 applications are due for the 2012 Michael Ventris Memorial Award for Mycenaean Studies of up to £2000, to be awarded to postgraduate students or young scholars who have obtained a doctorate within the past eight years in the field of Mycenaean civilization or kindred subjects, to promote research in (1) Linear B and other Bronze Age scripts of the Aegean and Cyprus and their historical and cultural connections, or (2) all other aspects of the Bronze Age of the Aegean and Cyprus. Applications in either hardcopy or as an email attachment (PDF or compatible with Word 2003) should be sent to the Deputy Director, Institute of Classical Studies, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU, United Kingdom. Applications should include age, qualifications, academic record, an outline of the proposed work, and the names and addresses of two referees, who should at the same time be asked to write independently in support of the application. Further information is available at

Postgraduate Conference on Burial and Society

On 31 January 2012 abstracts (250-300 words) are due to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for a postgraduate research conference entitled Between Life and Death: Interactions between Burial and Society in the Ancient Mediterranean and the Near East, to be held on 11-12 May 2012 at the University of Liverpool. Further information is available from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

High-Tech Heritage

On 1 February 2012 abstracts (300 words maximum) for poster presentations, research papers (20 minutes), demonstrations, workshops, roundtables, and organized sessions or symposia are due for the UMass Center for Heritage & Society's 2nd Annual International Heritage Conference. High-Tech Heritage: How are Digital Technologies Changing Our Views of the Past? to be held on 2-4 May 2012 in Amherst, MA. Further information, submission forms, and lists of conference themes and topics are available at

Buffalo TAG 2012

On 1 March 2012 abstracts (300 words maximum) are due for Buffalo TAG 2012, to be held on 17-20 May 2012 at the University at Buffalo. Further information, including a list of approved sessions, is available at

Palaeoethnobotany Work Group Conference

On 31 March 2012 pre-registration forms are due (to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for the 16th Conference of the International Work Group for Palaeoethnobotany, to be held on 17-22 June 2013 in Thessaloniki; on 1 September 2012 abstracts (one A4 page) are due in Word format to the same email address. Further information is available from Soultana M. Valamoti
 at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at The Proceedings of the conference will be published as a special issue of Vegetation History and Archaeobotany. Conference topics will be:

1. 'Integration' of different lines of archaeobotanical evidence, i.e. plant macros, pollen, charcoal, phytoliths

2. Field recovery techniques and solving problems in difficult situations

3. The archaeobotanical investigation of food remains

4. The contribution of ethnobotany to archaeobotanical research

5. Origins of agriculture

6. Dispersal of cultivated plants, with sub-sessions dedicated to special themes and with practical demonstrations:

6.1. The origin and early spread of naked wheat

6.2. New Glume Wheat, 13 years after

Euromed 2012 Cultural Heritage Conference

On 28 May 2012 paper submissions for full and project papers and for short papers with poster presentations are due for the International Conference on Cultural Heritage Euromed 2012, to be held on 29 October – 3 November 2012 in Lemesos, Cyprus; on 20 August camera-ready copies of all papers are due. Further information is available at

New York Aegean Bronze Age Colloquium

The following lectures to the New York Aegean Bronze Age Colloquium have been announced. All lectures will be held at the Institute of Fine Arts, One East 78th Street at 6:30 pm. Please R.S.V.P. to 212-992-5803 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

17 February 2012: C. Voaretto, "Where Do Relative and C-14 Dating Meet?"

16 March 2012: S. Ferrence, "Affluence in Eastern Crete: Metal Objects from the Early to Middle Minoan Cemetery of Petras"

Colloquium in honor of Dr. Hector Catling

On 3 March 2012 a colloquium in honor of Dr. Hector Catling will be held at the Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies in Oxford. RSVP by 23 February 2012 for attendance to Marie-Christine Keith, Deputy Hon. Sec. of the Friends of the BSA, 12 Sovereign Court, 51 Gillingham Street, London SW1V 1HS or by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The program will be:

A. Snodgrass, "The Menelaion: Hektor megathumos and the redemption of a Mycenaean site"

W. Cavanagh, "Hector Catling and the epic of the North Cemetery at Knossos:

I. Freestone, "The Fitch Laboratory: (nearly) forty years on"

Short interventions on other aspects of Dr. Catling's contributions to archaeology and to the British School at Athens will be presented by speakers including J. Boardman, G. Cadogan, P. Warren, and J. Whitley.