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ps vol 1 ch 13 fig 01

13.01 Plan of Insulae VIII.7 and I.1 during Phase 6

ps vol 1 ch 13 fig 02

13.02 Plan of Property VIII.7.1–4 during Phase 6

ps vol 1 ch 13 fig 03

13.03 Plan of Property VIII.7.5–6 during Phase 6

ps vol 1 ch 13 fig 04

13.04 Amphora set into the basin (from Phase 5a) in northwest corner of Room 11 of VIII.7.5–6

ps vol 1 ch 13 fig 05

13.05 Possible base to a staircase in the southwest corner of Room 11 of VIII.7.5–6

ps vol 1 ch 13 fig 06

13.06 Plan of Property VIII.7.7–8 during Phase 6

ps vol 1 ch 13 fig 07

13.07 The course of Drain 10 and Drain 11, running west–east, in VIII.7.7–8

ps vol 1 ch 13 fig 08

13.08 The overflow system of Drain 11 between the cesspit (SU 17020), its new head (SU 17006), and secondary catchment basin (SU 17100) in Room 37 of VIII.7.7–8; viewed from the northeast

ps vol 1 ch 13 fig 09

13.09 The merging of Drain 10 and Drain 11 in Room 32 of VIII.7.7–8 before exiting onto the via Stabiana

ps vol 1 ch 13 fig 10

13.10 Plan of Property VIII.7.9-11 during Phase 6

ps vol 1 ch 13 fig 11

13.11 Plan of Property VIII.7.12 during Phase 6

ps vol 1 ch 13 fig 12

13.12 Doorstop 2 (at left and above Doorstop 1 from Phase 5a) in Room 58 of VIII.7.12; viewed from the west

ps vol 1 ch 13 fig 13

13.13 The passage of Drain 24, passing to the south of Waste Feature 14 in Room 58 of VIII.7.12; viewed from the west

ps vol 1 ch 13 fig 14

13.14 Plan of Property VIII.7.13–15 during Phase 6

ps vol 1 ch 13 fig 15

13.15 Plan of Property I.1.1–2/10 during Phase 6

ps vol 1 ch 13 fig 16

13.16 Plan of Property I.1.3–5 during Phase 6

ps vol 1 ch 13 fig 17

13.17 Threshold 32, between Rooms 110 and 114 of I.1.3–5, raised in Phase 6 (on fill SU 59041); viewed from the west (Room 110)

ps vol 1 ch 13 fig 18

13.18 The slight widening of the via Stabiana outside I.1.3–5; viewed from the west

ps vol 1 ch 13 fig 19

13.19 Plan of Property I.1.6–9 during Phase 6

ps vol 1 ch 13 fig 20

13.20 Bar Counter 4 in Room 132 of I.1.6–9; viewed from the southwest

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 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 01

12.01 An indication of the types of properties (as they will appear in their final form), noting the predominance of retailing and hospitality activities that mostly appear from Phase 5

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 02

12.02 Plan of Insulae VIII.7 and I.1 during Phase 5a

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 03

12.03 Plan of Property VIII.7.9–11 during Phase 5a

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 04

12.04 Drain 18 along with the filling of Fish-Salting Vat 3 in Room 48 of VIII.7.9–11; viewed from the west. Note also Threshold 11

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 05

12.05 The viewshed from the street through to the rear room (Room 56) of VIII.7.9–11

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 06a

12.06a a. Drain 17 passing through the newly opened doorway that had previously separated properties VIII.7.5–8 (at right) and VIII.7.9–11 (at left); viewed from the west. b. Inlet basin to Drain 17 in Room 44 of VIII.7.9–11

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 06b

12.06b a. Drain 17 passing through the newly opened doorway that had previously separated properties VIII.7.5–8 (at right) and VIII.7.9–11 (at left); viewed from the west. b. Inlet basin to Drain 17 in Room 44 of VIII.7.9–11

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 07a

12.07a The catchment in Drain 17 (above) with lava capstone (below) in VIII.7.9–11

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 07b

12.07b The catchment in Drain 17 (above) with lava capstone (below) in VIII.7.9–11

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 08

12.08 The projection of the downpipe (SUs 15009 and 2065) from Room 55 southward into a basin (SU 2034) in Room 46 in VIII.7.9–11; note the north wall of the tank from Phase 4b

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 09a

12.09a The water system in Room 46 of VIII.7.9–11: top, overflow from the first settling (and display) basin; middle, the second settling basin; bottom, access to Cistern 3

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 09b

12.09b The water system in Room 46 of VIII.7.9–11: top, overflow from the first settling (and display) basin; middle, the second settling basin; bottom, access to Cistern 3

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 09c

12.09c The water system in Room 46 of VIII.7.9–11: top, overflow from the first settling (and display) basin; middle, the second settling basin; bottom, access to Cistern 3

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 10

12.10 Cooking Facility 4 in Room 44 of VIII.7.9–11; viewed from the north

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 11

12.11 The exposed eastern part of the triclinium in Room 46 of VIII.7.9–11; viewed from the north

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 12

12.12 Plan of Property VIII.7.7–8 during Phase 5a

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 13

12.13 Cistern 5 in Room 32 of VIII.7.7–8

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 14a

12.14a Inside Cistern 5 in Room 32 of VIII.7.7–8; the three votive cups during excavation

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 14b

12.14b Inside Cistern 5 in Room 32 of VIII.7.7–8; the three votive cups during excavation

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 15

12.15 Plan of Property VIII.7.12 during Phase 5a

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 16a

12.16a The above-ground tank and Cooking Facility 6 in Room 66 of VIII.7.12: above, viewed from the west (and above); below, viewed from the south

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 16b

12.16b The above-ground tank and Cooking Facility 6 in Room 66 of VIII.7.12: above, viewed from the west (and above); below, viewed from the south

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 17

12.17 Plan of Property I.1.1–2 during Phase 5a

  ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 18

12.18 The Phase 5a fills of Fish-Salting Vat 5 in Room 101 of I.1.1–2; note Drain 33 (Phase 5b)

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 19

12.19 The storage vessel (SU 54052) during excavation in Room 106 of I.1.1–2

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 20

12.20 Plan of Property I.1.6–9 during Phase 5a

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 21

12.21 Decorated wall plaster and opus signinum flooring in the northeast corner of Room 132 of I.1.6–9; note also Bar Counter 4

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 22

12.22 Bar Counter 4 and Drain 41 in Room 132 of I.1.6–9

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 23a

12.23a Drain 41 in Room 132 of I.1.6–9: above, the eastward stretch (with capping removed) along Bar Counter 4; below, the southward stretch toward Room 123

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 23b

12.23b Drain 41 in Room 132 of I.1.6–9: above, the eastward stretch (with capping removed) along Bar Counter 4; below, the southward stretch toward Room 123

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 24

12.24 Plan of Property VIII.7.1–4 during Phase 5a

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 25

12.25 Plan of Property VIII.7.5–6 during Phase 5a

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 26

12.26 The capping of Waste Feature 2 in Room 20 in VIII.7.5–6 (at right); note the new opening formed from an amphora

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 27

12.27 Waste Feature 3 in Room 20 of VIII.7.5–6; viewed from the east

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 28

12.28 Waste Feature 1 in Room 20 of VIII.7.5–6; viewed from the east

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 29

12.29 Plan of Property VIII.7.13–15 during Phase 5a

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 30

12.30 The arrangement of two small, narrow rooms uncovered in (later) Room 78 of VIII.7.13–15; viewed from the south

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 31

12.31 Waste Feature 5 in (later) Room 78 of VIII.7.13–15; viewed from the west

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 32

12.32 Plan of Property I.1.3–5 during Phase 5a

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 33a

12.33a Doorstop 4 (above Doorstop 3) directly behind the “night-door” of Threshold 20 in Room 118 of I.1.3–5: above, viewed from the east; below, viewed from the west

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 33b

12.33b Doorstop 4 (above Doorstop 3) directly behind the “night-door” of Threshold 20 in Room 118 of I.1.3–5: above, viewed from the east; below, viewed from the west

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 34

12.34 Bar Counter 3 in Room 118 of I.1.3–5; viewed from the west

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 35

12.35 The low-walled feature on the sidewalk fronting I.1.5; note the cobblestone surface of Phase 4c

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 36a

12.36a Cooking Facility 9 in Room 110 of I.1.3–5: above, viewed from the west; below, viewed from the south to show opening

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 36b

12.36b Cooking Facility 9 in Room 110 of I.1.3–5: above, viewed from the west; below, viewed from the south to show opening

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 37

12.37 The eastward extension of the Quadriporticus

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 38

12.38 The (northern) section of fill in Drain 25 in VIII.7.13–15

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 39

12.39 Drain 30 in the vicolo north of Insula VIII.7; viewed from the north

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 40

12.40 Plan of Property I.1.1–2/10 during Phase 5b

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 41a

12.41a The Fountain at the Porta Stabia; note also Drain 1

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 41b

12.41b The Fountain at the Porta Stabia; note also Drain 1

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 42

12.42 Drain 33 in Room 101 of I.1.1–2/10; viewed from the west

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 43

12.43 Bar Counter 1 in Room 101 of I.1.1–2/10; viewed from the north

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 44

12.44 The facade of I.1.1–2/10, with Bar Counter 1 blocking Entrance 1a

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 45a

12.45a Doorstop 6 in Room 106 of I.1.1–2/10; viewed from the west

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 45b

12.45b Doorstop 6 in Room 106 of I.1.1–2/10; viewed from the west

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 46

12.46 Bar Counter 2 in Room 106 of I.1.1–2/10

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 47

12.47 Cooking Facility 8 in Room 108 of I.1.1–2/10; viewed from the east

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 48

12.48 Plan of Property VIII.7.1–4 during Phase 5b

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 49

12.49 The four tanks along the north of Room 1 of VIII.7.1–4

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 50

12.50 Plan of Property VIII.7.9–11 during Phase 5b

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 51

12.51 Cooking Facility 5 in Room 53 of VIII.7.9–11; viewed from the north

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 52

12.52 The construction fills associated with each phase of development, indicating the spike in both Phase 4 and Phase 5

 ps vol 1 ch 12 fig 53

12.53 The number of finds associated with each phase of development, with a pronounced spike in Phase 5

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 01 lg

11.01 Aerial view indicating the properties (VIII.7.13–15, I.1.3–5, and I.1.6–9) that were newly constructed in Phase 4; viewed from the west

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 02 lg

11.02 Plan of Insulae VIII.7 and I.1 during Phase 4a

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 03 lg

11.03 Plan of Property VIII.7.13–15 during Phase 4a

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 04 lg

11.04 Drain 25 in the northwest corner of (later) VIII.7.15; viewed from the west

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 05 lg

11.05 Stone structure (SU 28047) in the northwest corner of (later) VIII.7.15; viewed from the south

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 06a lg

11.06a Terracotta fragments of a left foot (TC28-5) and a face (TC28-6); both from SU 28012

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 06b lg

11.06b Terracotta fragments of a left foot (TC28-5) and a face (TC28-6); both from SU 28012

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 07 lg

11.07 Plan of Property I.1.3–5 during Phase 4a

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 08 lg

11.08 The “workbench” along the southern side of (later) Room 118 of I.1.3–5

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 09 lg

11.09 Soak-Away 8 within Waste Feature 20 in (later) Room 118 of I.1.3–5

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 10 lg

11.10 Soak-Away 8 (Punic amphora of type: T- within Waste Feature 20 after the removal of the fills (SUs 51072 and 51087); in (later) Room 118 of I.1.3–5, viewed from the south 164

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 11 lg

11.11 The pit (SU 55098) in Room 120 of I.1.3–5 following excavation; viewed from the south

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 12 lg

11.12 The lava bedrock at the bottom of the pit (SU 55098) in Room 120 of I.1.3–5

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 13 lg

11.13 The footholds cut into the pit (SU 55098) in Room 120 of I.1.3–5

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 14 lg

11.14 Plan of Property I.1.6–9 during Phase 4a

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 15 lg

11.15 Fish-Salting Vat 7 in Room 122 of I.1.6–9; viewed from the south

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 16 lg

11.16 Plan of Property VIII.7.5–8 during Phase 4a

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 17 lg

11.17 Fish-Salting Vat 1 (at left, beneath entrance) in Room 32 of VIII.7.5–8; note also Cistern 5 (center) and the column base (at right), both of Phase 5a

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 18 lg

11.18 Waste Feature 12 in Room 37 of VIII.7.5–8

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 19 lg

11.19 The opus signinum surface (SU 25023) in Room 20 of VIII.7.5–8

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 20 lg

11.20  The Sarno limestone blocks that formed the latrine (Waste Feature 2) in Room 20 of VIII.7.5–8

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 21 lg

11.21 Plan of Property VIII.7.9–12 during Phase 4a

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 22 lg

11.22 Fish-Salting Vat 2 just inside the entrance (at left) to Room 38 of VIII.7.9–10; viewed from the north

 ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 23

11.23 Cistern 4 in Room 38 of VIII.7.9–12; visible also is Fish-Salting Vat 2 at left (not yet fully excavated), and Soak-Away 1

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 24

11.24 Fish-Salting Vat 3 in Room 48 at entrance VIII.7.11

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 25

11.25 Fish-Salting Vat 4 in Room 58 at entrance VIII.7.12

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 26

11.26 The tannery tanks in Room 56 of VIII.7.9–12; viewed from above looking west

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 27

11.27 The tannery tanks in Room 56 of VIII.7.9–12; viewed from the south with footholds visible in the southern tanks

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 28

11.28 The amphora base, with the ash-based contents, in situ in Room 55 of VIII.7.9–12

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 29

11.29 Plan of Property I.1.1–2 during Phase 4a

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 30

11.30 Fish-Salting Vat 5 in Room 101 of I.1.1–2; viewed from the east. Note also Threshold 16 and Bar Counter 1

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 31

11.31 Fish-Salting Vat 6 in Room 106 of I.1.1–2; viewed from the west. Note also Bar Counter 2

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 32a

11.32a The bronze spatula (BR54-14) and lead weight, shaped in the form of a Greco-Italic amphora (PB54-3), recovered from the lowermost deposit of Fish-Salting Vat 6 (SU 54044) in Room 106 of I.1.1–2

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 32b

11.32b The bronze spatula (BR54-14) and lead weight, shaped in the form of a Greco-Italic amphora (PB54-3), recovered from the lowermost deposit of Fish-Salting Vat 6 (SU 54044) in Room 106 of I.1.1–2

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 33a

11.33a The tile (SU 58067) and amphora (SU 58066) in situ in Room 107/8 of I.1.1–2, and after excavation

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 33b

11.33b The tile (SU 58067) and amphora (SU 58066) in situ in Room 107/8 of I.1.1–2, and after excavation

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 33c

11.33c The tile (SU 58067) and amphora (SU 58066) in situ in Room 107/8 of I.1.1–2, and after excavation

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 34

11.34 Plan of Property VIII.7.1–4 during Phase 4a

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 35

11.35 The tank (SU 24033) and dolium base (SU 24026) in Room 9 of VIII.7.3–5; viewed from the west

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 36

11.36 Plan of Property I.1.3–5 during Phase 4b

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 37a

11.37a The architectural terracottas recovered from I.1.3–5 (above), with one (the larger) alongside those from I.9.9 (below)

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 37b

11.37b The architectural terracottas recovered from I.1.3–5 (above), with one (the larger) alongside those from I.9.9 (below)

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 38

11.38 Locations for the architectural terracottas recovered from I.3–5 and I.9.9

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 39

11.39 Foundations for the brick pillar (WCU 1058) in I.1.3–5; viewed from the west

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 40

11.40 Cistern 8 in Room 118 of I.1.3–5; viewed from the west

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 41

11.41 Doorstop 3 in Room 118 of I.1.3–5

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 42

11.42 Part of the shaft of the well in I.1.3–5, beneath the later (Phase 5a) Cooking Facility 9; viewed from the west

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 43

11.43 Plan of Property I.1.6–9 during Phase 4b

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 44

11.44 Fish-Salting Vat 8 in Room 122 of I.1.6–9; viewed from the south

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 45

11.45 Plan of Property VIII.7.5–8 during Phase 4b

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 46a

11.46a Cistern 3 in (later) Room 44 of VIII.7.5–8: left southern end (note the Phase 5a blockage and the Phase 7 repairs); right northern end; bottom mouth

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 46b

11.46b Cistern 3 in (later) Room 44 of VIII.7.5–8: left southern end (note the Phase 5a blockage and the Phase 7 repairs); right northern end; bottom mouth

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 46c

11.46c Cistern 3 in (later) Room 44 of VIII.7.5–8: left southern end (note the Phase 5a blockage and the Phase 7 repairs); right northern end; bottom mouth

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 47

11.47 Plan of Property VIII.7.9–11 during Phase 4b

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 48

11.48 Plan of Property VIII.7.12 during Phase 4b

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 49

11.49 Plan of Property I.1.3–5 during Phase 4c

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 50

11.50 The collapse of the surface (SU 59047), and Cistern 9 (SU 59039) in Room 114 of I.1.3–5; viewed from the north

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 51

11.51 Plan of Property I.1.6–9 during Phase 4c

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 52

11.52 Plan of Property VIII.7.5–8 during Phase 4c

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 53

11.53 The basin (SU 16020) in Room 15 of VIII.7.5–8

ps vol 1 ch 11 fig 54

11.54 Plan of Property VIII.7.12 during Phase 4c

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ps vol 1 ch 10 fig 01

10.01 Plan of Insulae VIII.7 and I.1 during Phase 3a

ps vol 1 ch 10 fig 02

10.02 Plan of Property VIII.7.1–4 during Phase 3a

ps vol 1 ch 10 fig 03

10.03 Plan of Property VIII.7.5–8 during Phase 3a

ps vol 1 ch 10 fig 04

10.04 Plan of Property VIII.7.9–13 during Phase 3a

ps vol 1 ch 10 fig 05

10.05 The cesspit (Waste Feature 14) in Room 58 of (later) VIII.7.12

ps vol 1 ch 10 fig 06

10.06 The eastern tank in Room 48 of VIII.7.9–13

ps vol 1 ch 10 fig 07

10.07 Waste Feature 13 in (later) Rooms 57/66 of VIII.7.12

ps vol 1 ch 10 fig 24

10.08 Soak-Away 17 built with WCU 014 in Room 68 of (later) VIII.7.14–15; viewed from the north

ps vol 1 ch 10 fig 09

10.09 Plan of Property I.1.1–2 during Phase 3a

ps vol 1 ch 10 fig 10

10.10 The poured mortar foundation for the eastern boundary wall of I.1.1–2 (WCU 1030); viewed from above

ps vol 1 ch 10 fig 11

10.11 The poured mortar foundation for the eastern boundary wall of I.1.1–2 (WCU 1030); viewed in section

ps vol 1 ch 10 fig 12

10.12 Kiln 2 in Room 105 of I.1.1–2

ps vol 1 ch 10 fig 13

10.13 Interior of Kiln 2, with sections of the floor surface

ps vol 1 ch 10 fig 14a

10.14a Interior of Kiln 2 during excavation with an olla in situ; form of the vessel pulled from the kiln

ps vol 1 ch 10 fig 14b

10.14b Interior of Kiln 2 during excavation with an olla in situ; form of the vessel pulled from the kiln

ps vol 1 ch 10 fig 15a

10.15a Ritual Context 12 in Room 103 of I.1.1–2 during excavation; below: the nine votive cups at the time of excavation

ps vol 1 ch 10 fig 15b

10.15b Ritual Context 12 in Room 103 of I.1.1–2 during excavation; below: the nine votive cups at the time of excavation

ps vol 1 ch 10 fig 16

10.16 The public well in Room 102 of I.1.1–2; note the increased wear marks along the western internal face

ps vol 1 ch 10 fig 17

10.17 The four sections of the well in Room 102 of I.1.1–2, with the coring to indicate the nature and depths of the deposits

ps vol 1 ch 10 fig 18

10.18 The paving of the via Stabiana

ps vol 1 ch 10 fig 19

10.19 The earlier curbstones of the via Stabiana; note also the later lead pipe that fed the fountain, as well as Drain 1 (at left). Viewed from the south

ps vol 1 ch 10 fig 20

10.20 Plan of Insulae VIII.7 and I.1 during Phase 3b

ps vol 1 ch 10 fig 21

10.21 Plan of Property VIII.7.5–8 during Phase 3b

ps vol 1 ch 10 fig 22

10.22 Plan of Property VIII.7.9–13 during Phase 3b

ps vol 1 ch 10 fig 23

10.23 Drain 21 leading toward Waste Feature 14 in Room 58 of VIII.7.9–13

ps vol 1 ch 10 fig 24

10.24 Plan of Property I.1.1–2 during Phase 3b

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ps vol 1 ch 9 fig 01

9.01 Plan of Insulae VIII.7 and I.1 during Phase 2

ps vol 1 ch 9 fig 02

9.02 Kiln 1 under Room 103 of (later) I.1.1/10; viewed from the north

ps vol 1 ch 9 fig 03

9.03 Outline of the shape of Kiln 1 under Room 103 of (later) I.1.1/10; viewed from the south

ps vol 1 ch 9 fig 04

9.04 The rounded tank in Room 37 of (later) VIII.7.7–8

ps vol 1 ch 9 fig 05a

9.05a The rounded tank with the pipe and perforated lead sheet in Room 37 of (later) VIII.7.7–8

ps vol 1 ch 9 fig 05b

9.05b The rounded tank with the pipe and perforated lead sheet in Room 37 of (later) VIII.7.7–8

ps vol 1 ch 9 fig 06

9.06 Fish-Salting Vat 9 in Room 106 of (later) I.1.2

ps vol 1 ch 9 fig 07

9.07 Tank in Room 106 of (later) I.1.2

ps vol 1 ch 9 fig 08

9.08 The “sidewalk” surface beneath (the later) Room 9 of VIII.7.1–4; viewed from the west