Blegen Bulletin 2021, the newsletter of UC Classics, is available at here!
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Included in this issue: The Cincinnati Room in the remodeled student center at the American School of Classical Studies; faculty news, including the many honors garnered by Jack Davis, Sharon Stocker, and their excavations at Pylos, and the research interests of new faculty members Caitlin Hines and Calloway Scot; achievements of current students, including reflections on the pandemic year just past by Alice Crowe and Valia Tsikritea, the ASCSA Regular Member program in poetry by Christopher Hayward, and student publications and honors; alumni news, including recent sculptures by Tom Tsuchiya and many brief updates; a history of the founding of UC Classics on the occasion of our centenary; a gift to the department of four papyri; and a fulsome shelf of books by faculty, alumni, and affiliates.