
ΑΕΜΘ 2022

On 10-11 March 2022 the 34th meeting of the conference Το Αρχαιολογικό Έργο στη Μακεδονία και στη Θράκη (ΑΕΜΘ 2022) was held in Thessaloniki. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:
Ν. Ευστρατίου, Γ. Συρίδης, Ό. Κουκουσιούρα, Π. Καρκάνας, Μ. Γκούμα, Ε. Αηδονά, Μ. Ντίνου, Κ. Βαστέλη, Π. Τσούρλος, Κ. Κούλη, Φ. Στεφάνου, Α. Χαλκιώτη, Δ. Πουλατσόγλου, Π. Μητσάκος, and Ν. Θεοχαρίδης, “Η ανασύνθεση της παλαιογεωγραφίας μιας κατασκήνωσης κυνηγών της Τελικής Παλαιολιθικής (11η χιλιετία π.Χ.) στο νησί της Λήμνου – Το διεπιστημονικό ερευνητικό πρόγραμμα EGEOLAND του ΕΛΙΔΕΚ”
Π. Λίτσιος and Ν. Ευστρατίου, “Η παρουσία των Homo neanderthalensis στην Αιγαιακή Θράκη μέσα από τη μελέτη των λιθοτεχνιών της πεδιάδας της Ροδόπης: ζητήματα προέλευσης των πρώτων υλών και της διασποράς των παλαιολιθικών εγκαταστάσεων”
P. Darcque, Χ. Κουκούλη-Χρυσανθάκη, Δ. Μαλαμίδου, and Ζ. Τσιρτσώνη, “Ανασκαφή στον προϊστορικό οικισμό Φιλίππων - Ντικιλί Τας 2021”
Α. Ντάρλας, “Νέα ανασκαφικά δεδομένα από το σπήλαιο Πετραλώνων”
Γ. Τσόκας, Γ. Στρατούλη, Α. Σταμπολίδης, and Ν. Πουλακάκης, “Γεωφυσικές έρευνες στην κοινότητα Καμπάνη του Κιλκίς: νεολιθική θέση και τράπεζα με αταύτιστη αρχαία πόλη”
Α. Χονδρογιάννη-Μετόκη, Β. Λαϊνά, Α. Κατσαβέλη, and Μ. Γιωτάκης, “Λιγνιτωρυχείο Μαυροπηγής 2021. Νεκροταφεία και οικισμοί από την πρώιμη εποχή Σιδήρου μέχρι και τους μεταβυζαντινούς χρόνους: ηχηρές παρελθοντικές μαρτυρίες σε μια σύγχρονη σιωπηρή κοινότητα”
Ευ. Βούλγαρη, Μ. Σωφρονίδου, and Κ. Κωτσάκης, “Αποθηκευτικά αγγεία από το Δισπηλιό Καστοριάς”



On 14-18 March 2022 a workshop on the application of cross-craft interaction within craft industries at the 3rd Annual Conference of the Faculty of Archaeology at the University of Warsaw was held in hybrid format. Further information is available from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:
N. Papadimitriou and A. Goumas, “Interaction among Master Artisans in Early Mycenaean Times”
A. Dakouri-Hild, “Jacks of all Trades: towards an Understanding of Cross-Craft Fertilization in the Mycenaean Ornamental Industries”
A. Ulanowska, “How many Flax Seeds for a Shirt? Textile Production in Bronze Age Greece from an Intra-Cross-Craft Perspective”
S. Aulsebrook, “Craft and Hobby? Components as a Possible Enabler of ‘Amateur’ Crafters in the Mycenaean World”
K. Jazwa, “‘No Man ever Wetted Clay and then Left it’: Intra-Cross-Craft Interaction and Architectural Technologies in Mainland Greece from the Bronze Age to the Archaic Period”


SAA 2022

On 30 March – 3 April 2022 the Society for American Archaeology 87th Annual Meeting (SAA 2022) was held on in Chicago, IL. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:
P. N. Kardulias, K. Trimmis, S. Paspalas, L. Tzortzopoulou-Gregory, and T. Gregory, “Quartz Artifacts from Kythera, Greece, and Human Migration in the Aegean during the Paleolithic”
G. Elezi, “Communities of Potters and the Regional Intra-actions in Late Neolithic Albania”
T. Krapf, “Connecting the Archaeological Records in the Lake Region between Albania, Greece, and North Macedonia: The Bronze to Early Iron Age Stratigraphy of Sovjan as a Reference for the Wider Area”
A. Mara, “Communal Interaction in Northern Albania during the Fourth and Third Millennium BC”
J. Schultz, E. Hasa, M. Galaty, R. Yerkes, and L. Bejko, “Mountains and Meadows: Preliminary Data toward Understanding Prehistoric Albanian Herd Management”
E. Hannigan, E.-A. Prevedorou, and J. Buikstra, “How Much Do We Know About Ancient Greek Diets? Stable Isotope Studies from the Early Iron Age to the Classical Period in Attica”
W. Gilstrap, “Pottery Technology and Cultural Transfer along Anatolia’s Great Caravan Route”
A. Simmons and R. Kolvet, “At Home in a Small Upland Cypriot Neolithic Settlement”



On 31 March – 1 April 2022 a hybrid conference entitled State, Culture, Identities. Views from the Archaeological Archives was held in Athens. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:
C. Mitsopoulou and M. Stahl, “Archaeological aesthetics for pre-World-War II tourism strategies in Greece: Gilliéron, once more”
S. H. Allen, “Harriet Boyd, engagement, and the Greek state”

Illuminating Mediterranean Antiquity through Comparative History

On 4 March 2022 abstracts (300-500 words) and short biographies are due for a conference entitled Illuminating Mediterranean Antiquity through Comparative History: Theorising ‘Soft’ Approaches, to be held online on 20-21 July. Further information is available at Potential topics for comparative illumination:
• Colonial/imperial activities
• Relationships between humans and the natural world
• Indigenous conceptions of history
• Role of family, sex, gender
• Military history
• Religious belief, ritual, institutions
• Political rhetoric and institutions


CAA 2022

On 21 March 2022 abstracts for papers and posters are due for the Annual Conference of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA 2022): iNside iNformation, to be held on 8-11 August 2022 in Oxford, England, projected in hybrid format. Extended abstracts (1000 words maximum plus 3 citations) are required for papers submitted to standard and other sessions; abstracts (200-500 words, plus 3 citations) are required for posters. On 21 March 2022 nominations of participants in round tables are also due from their organisers. The call for workshops will be announced separately. Further information is available at


AIA 2023

On 27 March 2022 (10 April with a late fee) submissions for colloquia, workshops and open-session papers and posters needing an early decision to acquire a visa or obtain funding are due for the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA 2023), to be held in New Orleans, LA from 5-8 January 2023. On 7 August 2023 (21 August with a late fee) submissions are due for all other workshops, open session papers and posters, and any provisionally accepted colloquia that are resubmitting. On 15 November 2022 submissions are due for Lightning Sessions and Roundtables. Submission forms and further information are available at


Necropoleis Research Network

On 30 March 2022 titles, abstracts (ca. 300 words), and short cvs (200 words maximum) are due for the Necropoleis Research Network 5th Annual Meeting, to be held on 12-13 October 2022 at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Further information is available at The themes of the conference are:
• The study of cremations
o The rite of cremation
o The technology of cremation
o Bioarchaeological analysis of cremated human remains
o Regional variation and change through time in the practice of cremation
o Cremation and its social, economic and cultural dimensions
o Funerary rituals and ideologies of fire
o Terminology, interpretation and reconstruction of cremation burials
• New methods in mortuary archaeology, with an emphasis on bioarchaeological or digital methods
• Recent finds of important new discoveries.


ScapeCon 2022

On 31 March 2022 abstracts (300 words maximum) are due for the 5th international postgraduate and early career scholars’ conference in Aegean archaeology ScapeCon 2022. No (e)scape from bits and pieces: Towards an archaeology of fragmentation in the Aegean Bronze Age — · People · Material Culture · Data, to be held on 24-27 November 2022 in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. Further information and application forms are available at


The Department of History and Archeology at Aristotle University Thessaloniki has announced the schedule of  internet lectures ARCHAEOLOGY@Thessaloniki, to be held via Zoom. All lectures are on Thursdays at 19:00 (EET) Further information and the link are available at The schedule will be:
24 February 2022: Α. Βλαχόπουλος, “Οι τοιχογραφίες της Θήρας. Από την ανασκαφή στην ερμηνεία”
17 March 2022: K. Reber, “Αrtemis Amarysia in Amarynthos – The Discovery of a lost Sanctuary”
24 March 2022: B. Pitarakis, “In Pursuit of the Byzantine Object: Cultural Policy, Diplomacy, and Scholarship in Late Ottoman Istanbul”
31 March 2022: Β. Τουρλούκης, “Ο ρόλος της ελλαδικής χερσονήσου στις μετακινήσεις πληθυσμών και την πρώιμη κατοίκηση της Ευρασίας κατά την Παλαιολιθική περίοδο: θεωρητικές προσεγγίσεις, ερμηνευτικά μοντέλα και νέα δεδομένα από πρόσφατες έρευνες”
7 April 2022: Ι. Λεβέντη, “Μαρμάρινα μετάλλια (tondi) της ελληνιστικής εποχής: μια επανεξέταση”
14 April 2022: G. Meyer-Fernandez, “The sculptural elements and wall paintings of a little-known monument: the medieval and early-modern Panagia Hodegetria cathedral of Nicosia, Cyprus”
5 May 2022: Α. Παπαθανασίου, “Νεολιθικό Σπήλαιο Αλεπότρυπα, Διρού. Μια συνολική επανεκτίμηση παλαιάς και νέας έρευνας”
12 May 2022: Α. Μουστάκα, “Στη σκιά του Κρονίου: λατρευτικές πρακτικές και η σημασία της λατρείας της Ειλειθυίας και του Σωσίπολη στην Ολυμπία”
19 May 2022: Γ. Τσιγάρας, “Εκκλησιαστική πολιτική και τέχνη τον 16ο αιώνα στο Άγιον Όρος. Η περίπτωση των τοιχογραφιών του παρεκκλησίου της Παναγίας του ‘Ακαθίστου Ύμνου’ της Μονής Διονυσίου”


GIAP Seminars 2022

The Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica has announced the schedule of speakers for the GIAP Seminars 2022: Recent Advances in the Study of the Ancient Mediterranean. All lectures will be held at virtually via MS Teams. They are open to the public and neither registration nor a Teams account are required. Further information and the link to join the webinar are available at The schedule will be:
24 February 2022, 18h (CET): N. Galanidou, “The Inner Ionian Archipelago research: towards a hybrid island archaeology”
23 March 2022: X. Rubio, TBA
28 April 2022: N. Alonso, TBA
26 May 2022: A. Bevan, TBA


Άγιος Βασίλειος Λακωνίας

On 1 March 2022 a virtual conference entitled Άγιος Βασίλειος Λακωνίας — Τομέας ΙΙΙ: Αποκρυπτογραφώντας ένα νέο μυκηναϊκό ανάκτορο στην εηρύχορον Λακεδαίμονα. Ayios Vasileios — Sector III: Deciphering a new Mycenaean palace in spacious Lacedaemon, will be held by The Archaeological Society at Athens. Further information and the link to join the conference are available at The program will be:
Ν. Καραδήμας, “Σύντομη παροθσίαση του Τομέα ΙΙΙ και η στρωματογραφία της Δυτικής Στοάς”
Α. Βασιλογάμβρου, Β. Πετράκης, and Α. Καραγιάννη, “Τα ενεπίγραφα σφραγίσματα από τον Άγιο Βασίλειο Λακωνίας”
Α. Καραγιάννη, “Πινακολογικές παρατηρήσεις για τις πρακτικές καταγραφής και τις συνήθειες των Μυκηναίων γραφέων στο ανάκτορο του Αγίου Βασιλείου στο Ξηροκάμπι Λακωνίας”
Μ. Ρούμπου, “Μελέτη αποθήκευσης στη Δυτική Στοά μέσα από την ανάλυση οργανικών καταλοίπων σε πίθους και αγγεία”
Ν. Καραδήμας, Β. Κασίχτη, and Α. Βασιλογάμβρου, “Μυκήναϊκές τοιχογραφίες από τον Τομέα ΙΙΙ: Προκαταρκτική παρουσίαση και πρώτη αρχαιομετρική προσέγγιση”
Ε. Καρδαμάκη, “Η κεραμική από ένα ΥΕ ΙΙΙΒ στρώμα καταστροφής με τοιχογραφίες στα ανατολικά της Νότιας Στοάς”
Τ. Θεοδωροπούλου, “Κατάλοιπα υδρόβιων πανίδων από τον Τομέα ΙΙΙ”
Α. Καραθώνου, “Αρχαιοβοτανικά κατάλοιπα από τη Δυτική Στοά”
S. Chlouveraki, Y. Facorellis, A. Koukouli, A. Stefanis, and P. Theolakis, “Characterization of building materials”
D. J. Fallu and P. Karkanas, “Micromorphological analysis of occupation, destruction, and abandonment at Ayios Vasileios”
A. Christopoulou, B. Gmińska-Nowak, and T. Waźny, “Message from the past in wood and charcoal from Ayios Vasileios Mycenaean palace”
Π. Παπαδοπούλου, “Ο Τομέας ΙΙΙ του Αγίου Βασιλείου Λακωνίας στους μεσαιωνικούς χρόνους: η μαρτυρία των νομισμάτων”
Ν. Καραδήμας, “Ένα πρόγραμμα βαίνει στο τέλος του. Ανασκόπηση – αναμνήσεις - ευχαριστίες”



On 14-18 March 2022 the 3rd International Congress on Archaeological Sciences in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East (ICAS-EMME 3) will be held at The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus. Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:
M. Amadio and L. Bombardieri, “Geoarchaeology of prehistoric Cypriot architecture. Integrated analyses of mudbricks from Middle Bronze Age Erimi”
P. Fischer, “Hala Sultan Tekke, Cyprus: Interregional interactions in the Late Bronze Age”
N. Herrmann, S. Fuehr, and A. Van de Moortel, “Isotopic assessment of the diverse burial sample from Late Helladic and Protogeometric Mitrou and Tragana-Agia Triada”
A. Eleftheriadou, “An application of point pattern analysis and spatial statistics in lithic distributions”
S. Pancaldo, J. Mokrisova, and E. Bauzyte, “Island metallurgy: Investigation of Cypriot metal objects in the collection of The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge”
E. Nikita, M. Mardini, and P. Degryse, “SrIsoMed: An open access database for Sr isotopes across the Mediterranean”
D. Iliopoulos and E. Stathopoulou, “Collagen extraction and evaluation of organic preservation in skeletal material from the Neolithic settlement in Dispilio, Greece”
M. Roumpou, E. Vika, V. Hachtmann, and S. Voutsaki, “Before they were Kings: an interdisciplinary study of consumption practices in the Ayios Vasileios North Cemetery (Laconia)”
S. Frumin and E. Weiss, “Archaeobotanical perspectives from two thousand years at Tell es-Safl Gath”
M. Georgakopoulou, L. Filippaki, and Y. Bassiakos, “Copper alloys in the Early Bronze Age Aegean”
A. Charalambous and R. Laoutari, “From the north to the south, metals all around: Alloying in the prehistoric Bronze Age sites of Bellapais-Vounous and Kalavasos-Village, Cyprus”
D. Alberghina, “Metal-making strategies and technological skills in 2nd Millennium BCE western Anatolia: New archaeometric data from the LBA citadel of Kaymakçı”
D. Kondopoulou, M. Rivero-Montero, M. Gomez-Paccard, and E. Aidona, “Variations of the geomagnetic field during the second and first millennia BCE through the study of Greek pottery: impact for archaeology”
V. Kassianidou, A. Charalambous, D. Ioannides, M. Iacovou, A. Agapiou, and Z. Zomeni, “Recording the copper slag heaps in the hinterland of the kingdom of Palaepaphos”
M. Mehofer, T. Bürge, and P. Fischer, “Bronze Age copper production at Hala Sultan Tekke, Cyprus: First archaeometallurgical results”
A. Nikolopoulou and E. Philippaki, “EBA metal objects from Mesi Glyfada sea, Northern Aegean, Greece: preliminary data”
T. Rose, S. Klein, K. Westner, and Y.-K. Hsu, “From OXALID to GlobaLID: A substantial upgrade of a well-known data pool of lead isotopes for metal provenancing using R and Shiny App”


On 28 February 2022, PlantCult: Investigating the food cultures of ancient Europe held a one-day Zoom meeting. Further information is available at The program was:
C. Hastorf, “PlantCult and the Archaeobotany of Food: some introductory words”
T. Valamoti, “The ERC PlantCult project: overview of the project implementation”
T. Valamoti, C. Petridou, and S. Michou, “Plantfoods of prehistoric Greece”
I. Hristova, E. Marinova, A. G. Heiss, and T. Valamoti, “Archaeobotanical study of archaeological food remains from Bulgaria”
H.-P. Stika, M. Berihuete-Azorin, M. Hallama, A. Mechler, J. Stäzler, and T. Valamoti, “PlantCult Ancient Cereal Food - Gruenkern: unripe spelt against hunger or as gourmet food”
A. G. Heiss, F. Antolín, M. Berihuete-Azorín, L. Kubiak-Martens, E. Marinova, H.-P. Stika, and T. Valamoti, “Out of the pot, out of the oven: PlantCult insights into prehistoric bread-like objects from central Europe”
H.-P. Stika, M. Berihuete-Azorin, A. G. Heiss, F. Antolín, E. Marinova, L. Kubiak-Martens, C. Petridou, E. Rosenstock, and S. M. Valamoti, “PlantCult Ancient Beer - New Methods of Analysis”
G. Kasapidou, G. Tsartsidou, and C. McNamee, “Plant processing through the analysis of micro-botanical remains: data from Bronze Age settlements in northern Greece”
D. Chondrou, M. Bofill, R. Vargiolu, H. Zahouani, and H. Procopiou, “Exploring the role of grinding stone tool technology in prehistoric Greece through usewear analysis”
T. Bekiaris, D. Chondrou, and I. Ninou, “The study of prehistoric food-processing stone tools from SE Europe in PlantCult Project”
A. Dimoula and Z. Tsirtsoni, “The contribution of PlantCult project in cooking pottery research”
E. Standall, A. Dimoula, C., Z. Tsirtsoni, and O. Craig, “Exploring Prehistoric Culinary Practices in South East Europe by Organic Residue Analysis”
M. Ntinou and C. Pagnoux, “The beginnings of arboriculture in Greece: new data from charcoal and morphometric analyses”
M. Jones, “Overview of the PlantCult project”

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