On 1 February 2023 applications are due for the Michael Ventris Award for Mycenaean Studies for 2023 (up to £2500), to be awarded to scholars who have obtained a doctorate within the past eight years or postgraduate students about to complete the doctorate in the field of Mycenaean civilization or kindred subjects, to promote research in (1) Linear B and other Bronze Age scripts of the Aegean and Cyprus and their historical and cultural connections, or (2) all other aspects of the Bronze Age of the Aegean and Cyprus. Applications (6 pages maximum) should be sent by email, ideally as a PDF attachment to the Classics Manager, Valerie James (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Institute of Classical Studies, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU. Further information, including detailed application instructions, is available at https://ics.sas.ac.uk/awards/awards-prizes/michael-ventris-award-mycenaean-studies-2023#:~:text=The%20Award%20is%20open%20to,fund%20doctoral%20research%20per%20se.
Contributions are solicited for the next issue of the Journal of Prehistoric Religion (JPR 28), to be published during 2023. JPR is a peer reviewed journal dealing with prehistoric culture and religious beliefs, with topics ranging from excavation data involving shrines, tombs, iconography, cult practice, ritual customs as well as religious continuity in space and time; the scope is worldwide although the Mediterranean area has been predominant in the past. Further information is available from the editor, Jeannette Forsén, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
On 15 January 2023 abstracts are due for the 16th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics (EMAC2023), to be held on 14-16 June 2023 in Pisa, Italy. Further information is available at http://emac2023.it/index.php/.
Sympozjum Egejskie
On 20 March 2023 abstracts (in English, maximum 250 words) are due for the Sympozjum Egejskie. 9th Young Researchers’ Conference in Aegean Archaeology, to be held in hybrid format on 19-20 June 2023 at the University of Warsaw. Proposals are especially welcomed from early career researchers, such as PhD students or candidates, and scholars who have already completed their doctoral research and recently obtained their title. Attendance and participation are free. The proceedings of this conference will be published in the next volume of “Sympozjum Egejskie. Papers in Aegean Archaeology”. Abstracts and personal identifications (title, full name, affiliation, email address, and a personal biography (100 words maximum including ORCID number and/or research webpage links)), and any questions should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Further information is available at https://fb.me/e/1YT6NdUVh or https://www.archeologia.uw.edu.pl/en/department-of-aegean-and-textile-archaeology/.
On 1-3 December 2022 the 19th meeting of Postgraduate Cypriot Archaeology (PoCA 2022) will be hosted by The Institute of Classics – Classical and Provincial Roman Archaeology at University of Graz both in person and on-line. Further information is available at https://postgradcypriotarchaeology2022.uni-graz.at/de/program/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include: M. Schutti, “Pigs in Prehistoric Cyprus: Zooarchaeological aspects and their role in society” P. Kollouros, “Landscape management, environment and cultural associations in Greece and Cyprus during the 1st millennium BCE: evidence from wood charcoal” K. Tsirtsi, C. Henkel, J. J. García-Granero, E. Margaritis, E. Alphas Elston, and D. Pilides, “Macro- and micro- botanical remains hand in hand: the cases of Bronze Age Alambra-Kato Lakkos and Agios Sozomenos-Ampelia (Cyprus)” E. Loizou, “Ritual Architecture and Behavior from the Late Bronze Age to the Iron Age: The Evidence from the Cypriot Sanctuaries” A. Vanikioti, “The “dog-leg” gate on the Marchello hill: An investigation of Late Bronze Age and Iron Age parallels in Northern Syria and Anatolia” L. Pisanu, “From East to West: a seal for researching Late Bronze Age connections between Cyprus and Sardinia C. Theotokatou, “So Close Yet So Far? Aspects of Household Organization at Alassa-Pano Mantilaris and Paliotaverna” E. Paizi, “Gods and identity. The Phoenician Issue at Kommos and Kition” D. Gavriil, “Non Omne Quod Nitet Aurum Est: The Value of the Imports and Imported Materials in Late Bronze Age Palaepaphos” B. Clark, “A First Look at the Ceramic Assemblage of the Renewed Excavations at Erimi Pitharka” N. Boyd, “Interactions with an ivory gaming box from Enkomi” F. Meneghetti, “Through the magnifying glass: a preliminary reassessment of the miniature pottery from Athienou-Bamboullari tis Koukounninas” D. Papageorgiou, A. Ladas, and E. Mavros, “Geospatial elements as factors of the settlement organisation in Palaepaphos region during LBA”
On 8-9 December 2022 a workshop entitled Chronos. Stratigraphic Analysis, Pottery Seriation and Radiocarbon Dating in Mediterranean Chronology will be held in Louvain-la-Neuve. Further information is available at https://chronos.minoan-aegis.net/accueil. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include: J. Driessen, “Chronos…. Time heals all wounds” T. Fantuzzi, “Minoan Eruption chronology: a five decades long debate. History, state of the art and the possible combination of palaeoenvironmental data (Ice cores, tree rings) and archaeological 14C-Gauged Correspondence Analysis as a tool for an integrated approach” B. Weninger, “Pottery Time Series in the Aegean Bronze Age based on Correspondence Analysis (CA)” K. Eriksson, “The evidence for intersection between the Aegean and Egypt around the time of the Bronze Age eruption of Thera” T. Brogan, C. Sofianou, V. Apostolakou, P. Betancourt, and M. Eaby, “Bottoms up: A View of the Theran Volcanic Eruption in the Neopalatial Cups from Chryssi” I. Hein, “‘Ezbet Helmi and the eastern Mediterranean - New details and interpretations towards chronology” S. Manning, “Deconvolution in Aegean chronology: radiocarbon, dated contexts, target events and history” M. Wiener, “The Dating Game: The History and Present State of the Controversy Concerning the Date of the Theran Eruption” D. Panagiatopoulos, “How feasible is a new system of Minoan relative chronology?” C. Sturge and T. Fantuzzi, “Mining the Labyrinth: Prospects and Pitfalls of Synthetic Research on the Knossian Ceramic Sequence” I. Mathioudaki and T. Fantuzzi, “Tackling questions of relative chronologies through Correspondence Analysis: The Neopalatial pottery sequence at Sissi as a case study” S. Gimatzidis, “Reconsidering Aegean and Mediterranean chronology from an Iron Age perspective” A. Fantalkin, “Mediterranean Chronology during the Iron Age: Where do We Stand?" W. Gauss, “Kolonna on Aegina and its contribution to the absolute and relative chronology of the Aegean Bronze Age” S. Vitale, C. M. Hale, A. Van de Moortel, M. W. Dee, and N. P. Hermann, “It’s Absolutely Relative: The LH I Stratigraphic and Ceramic Sequences from Mitrou and their 14C Anchor Points” C. Pearson, “What's next? Chronological improvements through proxy synchronization and annual 14C”
Death, Rituals and Symbolism
On 11-13 December 2022 an international online workshop entitled Death, Rituals and Symbolism in Prehistoric Aegean will be held by the International Association for Archaeological Research in Western and Central Asia (ARWA). Further information is available at https://arwa-international.org/events-m/arwa-research-workshops/. The program will be: P. Ramirez Valiente, “Where have all the Children Gone? Child Burials and Age–Identities in Neolithic Greece” A. Mari, “Death and Bereavement at Marathon: Revealing Neolithic Anthropological Remains in the Cave of Pan” K. Bacvarov, N. Nikolova, G. Katsarov, A. Tsurev, and K. McSweeney, “Complexity of Disposal: Neolithic Ditch Burials at Nova Nadezhda, Bulgarian Thrace” L. M. Magno and C. M. Hale, “Pebbles, Materiality, and Liminal Spaces in the Aegean Bronze Age” L. Vasileou, “The Mortuary Landscape of Zagori through the Study of the Cist Graves at Skamneli (NW Epirus)” S. Cushman, “Symbols in Stone? Grave Circles, Enclosures, and Cultural Identities” K. Kostanti, “Mycenaean Elite Burials within Settlements. Spatial Manifestations of Power and Authority” K. Nikita, “Glass at the Service of the Dead: Jewellery and Ornaments of Blue Glass in Burial Contexts of Mycenaean Attica” E. Drakaki, “Manifestations of Status Differentiation in Mycenaean Elite Mortuary Ritual: The Case of the Dendra, Kazarma, and Myrsinochorion/Routsi Burials” A. Van de Moortel, “Late Bronze Age Funerary Tumuli at Mitrou, Central Greece: Function, Social Significance, and Symbolism” M. Tsipopoulou, “The External Relations of the EBA and MBA Elite Cemetery at Petras (Siteia), Crete: A well Connected Society” A. Vergaki, “Rituals and Symbols of Power in Funerary Contexts: Cases from the Mesara Plain and the Asterousia Mountains” L. Alberti, “Visible Fragments of Invisible Actions: The Processing of Grief in Prehistoric Knossos, Crete” A. Simandiraki–Grimshaw, “Bodies in Flux: Anthropomorphic/Anthropomorphising Vessels from Funerary Contexts in Bronze Age Crete” M. N. Pareja, “A Polyvalent Potnia? Female Embodiments of Life in Death in Bronze Age Afro–Eurasia” M. N. Pareja and H. Omerzo, “A Matter of Life and Death: Recontextualizing Minoan Genii and Monkeys” I. D. Fappas, “Worshippers in a Tomb? The Iconographic Programme of the Monumental Chamber Tomb of Mycenaean Thebes” A. Querci, “A Boat is a Boat: some Thoughts on the Presence of Boat Models and Boat Images in Aegean Late Bronze Age Funerary Contexts” M. Cultraro, “Dying in an Island. Unpublished Early Bronze Age Tombs around Poliochni, Lemnos (Greece)” O. Kouka, “Searching for Mortuary Landscapes in the Early Bronze Age East Aegean” V. Şahoğlu and Ü. Gündoğan, “The ‘Special Deposit’ at Bakla Tepe: New Insights into the Rituals Habits of the 3rd Millennium BC Aegean and Anatolia” B. Perello, “The Places of Funerary Rituals, from Death to Commemoration: The Example of a Collective Burial from the Karataş Cemetery (EBA)” L. Öksüz, “What Quantitative Analysis Can Tell us about Funerary Practices in Western Anatolia during the Bronze Age” F. Franković, “Fire, Kraters and Kings: The Role of Cremation in the Expression of Different Social Identities during the 2nd Millennium BCE in West Anatolia” E. Brantmayer, “Dead Space: A GIS–Based Approach for Linking Bronze Age Mortuary and Living Landscapes” N. N. Köknar, “Identifying Seascape in Western Anatolia: Visibility Analysis of the Late Bronze Age Burials” P. W. Stockhammer, E. Skourtanioti, and H. Ringbauer, “Social Belonging in Bronze Age Greece from an Integrative Bioarchaeological Perspective on Burials” Y. S. Erdal and M. M. Koruyucu, “Changes in Burial Rites Reflected on Bioarchaeological Data in Western Anatolia: A Case Study on Early Bronze Age Cemeteries at Bakla Tepe” C. Henkel and E. Margaritis, “The Archaeobotany of Death: Plant Remains from Mortuary Contexts of Bronze Age Crete”
TAG 43 Edinburgh 2022
On 15-17 December 2022 the Theoretical Archaeology Group Conference: Revolutions (TAG 43 Edinburgh 2022) will be held at the University of Edinburgh. Further information is available at https://tagedinburgh2022.wordpress.com/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include: A. C. Solomou, “Revisiting the Prepalatial cemetery of Moni Odigitria, Crete: a re-interpretation of the existing funerary data through a combined materialistic, post-humanist, and cognitive theoretical framework” M. MacDonald, “Introduction: Maritime archaeological theory and the Late Bronze Aegean” D. Reeve-Brook and A. Garland, “The Social Network; Assessing the contribution of the Phoenicians to Trans-Aegean social connections in the Late Bronze Age” C. Pols, “Sailing the Aegean: GIS Modelling of Late Bronze Age Seafaring and Maritime Connectivity” D. Newgarden, “The Cow Goes Moo, the Seal Goes KFAZOP: Pseudo-Anatolian Seals and Trans-Aegean Interaction in the Late 2nd Millennium BCE” P. Cummings, “Ships, boats and sea life: new insights into marine imagery present on Minoan seal stones from 2nd Millennium BC Crete” A. Ladas, D. Papageorgiou, and S. Mavros, “(R)Evolution of the maritime networks: changing modes of contact between the Aegean and Cyprus during the late LBA” I. Camici, “Production Revolution: What can changing pottery technology tell us about connectivity over maritime spaces?” M. N. Pareja Cummings, “Assessing Multicultural Material Evidence from Afro-Eurasian Maritime Sites: from the Indus to the Aegean” L. Psarologaki, “Minoanism as Post-humanism: Ariadne becomes Aragne” S. Aulsebrook, “The Social Role of Metals in the Late Bronze Age Aegean: Inspiration from Adamantium and the Masque of Clavicus Vile” A. M. Vergaki, “The Permanent Revolution of Houses and its Social Reverberations in Neopalatial Crete: Let Domestic Rituals Speak!” A. C. Solomou, “Are grave goods any good? A combined post-processual and post-humanist approach to the limitations of using grave goods to infer biological sex and gender”
On 4-22 September Tom Palaima was a Visiting Scholar / Guest Researcher within Rachele Pierini’s Marie Curie project Trans-PLANT (in collaboration with Marie-Louise Nosch), hosted by the Center for Textile Research and the Saxo Institute at the University of Copenhagen. Summaries of his seminar presentations are available at https://sites.utexas.edu/scripts/2022/10/21/tom-palaima-in-copenhagen-september-2022/.
Nostoi II
On 11-13 November 2022 an international conference entitled Nostoi II. Traveling in the Eastern Mediterranean: Sea + Inland Routes from the Early Bronze to the End of the Early Iron Age was held in Athens. Further information is available at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/364329835_Roussos_P_M_and_Logothetis_D_2022_Ars_AEgyptiaca_Egyptian_and_Egyptianising_Artefacts_in_Early_Iron_Age_Crete_International_Conference_Nostoi_II_Traveling_in_the_Eastern_Mediterranean_Sea_Inland_Route. The program was: E. Sapouna-Sakellaraki, “H Ζώμινθος στέλνει το Ιδαίο δέχεται” M. Georgiadis, “Violence and the Unwanted Dead” J. B. Knight, “In the Footsteps of Heroes: Ionian Migration and Cult in the Black Sea” F. Fragkopoulou, “Early Archaic Ivory Seals in the Ionian Islands and the Peloponnese: Ritual Employment at (Inter)Regional Sanctuaries” J. Lamaze, “Hearth-ΕΣΤΙΑ and Ancient Mariners in the Eastern Mediterranean (ca. 1200-500 BC): an overview” E. Kozal, “Cilicia as a Composite Landscape: Insularity and Interconnectivity through a Historical and Archeological Perspective in the Late Bronze Age” A. Safronov, “Some remarks on the 5th year inscription of Ramses III in Medinet Habu and a possible cause of the Sea Peoples’ migration” A. G. Vlachopoulos, “The rock-art fleet of Astypalaia” G. Mastropavlos, “Networks and island identities in the Aegean world from the Geometric to the Roman period: The case study of Kasos” C. Donnelly, “Clay Balls, Mud Balls: The Influence of Egyptian Writing Practices on Cypro-Minoan” E. Jean, “A Navy for a Non-Marine People? The Hittites and the Control of the Seas” V. Samaras and P. Gounelas, “‘O strangers, who are you?’ Homeric Piracy and Archaeology” I. Zogkos, “Siphnian Post-palatial Nostoi: the Mycenaean acropolis tis Baronas to Froudi” D. Nakassis, “Before cabotage? Interregional exchange in the Late Bronze Age” D. Logothetis and P.-M. Roussos, “‘Ars Ægyptiaca’. Egyptian and Egyptianising Artefacts in Early Iron Age Crete” I. Bossolino, “Iron Age and Archaic Pottery from Rhodes: Local Taste and Foreign Influxes between East and West” E. Tsangaraki, I. Fappas, and E. Kiriatzi, “A Mycenaean Storage/Transport Stirrup Jar in the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki: The Northernmost Example in the Aegean?” N. Sgouritsa, “The Amber in the Eastern Mediterranean” M. Pieniążek, “Foreign, local, multicultural: 2nd Millennium BC seals from Western Anatolia” P. W. Stockhammer, A. Scott, V. Altmann-Wendling, and C. Warinner, “Long-distance Transfer of Food from South and East Asia to the Eastern Mediterranean in the 2nd millennium BCE” A. Y. Landau, “Trade, Mobility and Canaanite resilience before and after the Late Bronze Age collapse” L. A. Hitchcock and A. Maeir, “Naue II Swords, Germs, and Iron: The Potential of Pandemic as a Contributing Factor to the Piratical Activities of the Sea Peoples” O. Kouka and S. Menelaou, “‘Κρήτη και Μυτιλήνη, Σάμο κι Iκαριά, Νάξο και Σαντορίνη …’: Interconnections of Samos in the Aegean Middle Bronze Age” A. Querci, “‘οὐδέ ποτ’ ἔσβη οὖρος’: An Interpretation of Nestor’s Nostos as a Possible Route Between the Troad and the Peloponnese During the Late Bronze Age” D. Rousioti, “Travelling North, Travelling South: The Role of Sea and Inland Routes in the Mycenaean Religious Activity” A. M. Greaves, “Beyond the Land/Sea Binary” M. Iakovou and K. Kopanias, “Palaepaphos-Marchello from the Kouklia Expedition (1950) to PULP (2006-2008, 2021-2022)” V. Şahoğlu, E. Kiriatzi, Ü. Çayır, Ü. Gündoğan, M. Vetters, M. Choleva, T. Maltas, and M. İncırlılı, “Çeşme – Bağlararası: Exploring Transformations in the Sea and Inland Routes in the First Half of the 2nd Millennium BC” B. Janeway, “The Kingdom of Palastin: Sea Peoples of the North?” Y. Kamış, “Connecting Cultures in the Early Bronze Age: Acemhöyük and the Anatolian trade networks” Ç. Maner, “Over the Taurus Mountain Down to the Mediterranean: Connecting the Konya Plain with the Mediterranean during the Bronze and Iron Ages” A. Matessi and T. E. Şerifoğlu, “Off the Beaten Tracks: Rough Cilicia as a Transit Zone during the Second Millennium BCE” C. McNamee, S. Vitale, and F. Nani, “Built Environment, Funerary Landscape, and Cultural Change: A Case Study from the ‘Serraglio’, Eleona, and Langada on Kos During the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age Periods” O. Metaxas and I. Voskos, “Post-palatial Mediterranean Networks: A View from the Ionian Islands Towards the East” E. Salavoura, “Beyond Perati: Eastern Attica in Postpalatial times” S. Vitale and F. Bianchini, “The Late Bronze Age to Early Iron Age Transition on Kos and the Wider SASCAR: New Data and Preliminary Interpretations” I. Külekçi and O. Yildirim, “Larisa (Buruncuk): an Aeolian Site at the Aegean Crossroads” S. Günel, “The Cultural Evaluation and Interactions of Çine-Tepecik in the Aegean World” M. Montesanto, “The Eastern Mediterranean Economic Exchange: Sabuniye and the Delta Orontes and Amuq Valley” S. Spanos, “Koukounaries (Paros) during the Late Helladic IIIC middle period. The Mycenaean pottery of the Lower Plateau and a rare representation of a ship” A. Kanta and V. Apostolakou, “The Goddess and the Dragon: Movements of ideas and Materials from the East to Crete and Mycenae. New Evidence from the Lasithi Plateau” T. Boloti, “Between East and West: The Adoption of the Warp-weighted Loom in the North-Eastern Aegean During the Bronze Age” T. Pılavcı, “Sphinx in Anatolia: Tracing the composite feline form in Hittite visual arts” E. Kuruçayırlı, J. Lehner, M. Jansen, and N. Hirschfeld, “New Copper Sources Reflected in the Cape Gelidonya Ingot Cargo”
Cultural Continuity, Change and Interaction
On 17-18 November 2022 an international symposium entitled Cultural Continuity, Change and Interaction in the Aegean World from the Second to the First Millenium BC was held online, hosted by the Dokuz Eylül University Archaeology and Archeometry Application and Research Center. Further information is available at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/364942931_INTERNATIONAL_SYMPOSIUM_ON_CULTURAL_CONTINUITY_CHANGE_AND_INTERACTION_IN_THE_AEGEAN_WORLD_FROM_THE_SECOND_TO_FIRST_MILLENIUM_BC_PROGRAM. The program was: P. Pavúk and S. Japp, “Middle and Late Bronze Age Bakırçay/Kaikos Valley – Pottery Production and Exchange Based on the NAA Results” B. Gür and E. Akdeniz, “A Lentoid Flask from Dağdeviren Mound in Akhisar (Manisa) and an Evaluation on Aegean and Western Anatolian Flask Forms of the Second Millenium BC” K. Zannikos, “The Unpublished Pottery from the 2nd Millennium BC Emporio on Chios Island: A Revision of the Late Bronze Age Ceramic Sequence” A. Panti, “LBA Pottery from the Caves of Aegean Thrace” S. Spanos, “The Mycenaean Pottery from the Temenos-Temple area from Koukounaries and the Connections with the Other Cycladic Islands, Lefkandi and the Argolid” A. Lekka, “Cultural Interaction Between the Aegean World and the Eastern Mediterranean Through the Pictorial Pottery of the end of Late Bronze Age” R. Yağcı, “LH IIIC Problem in Eastern Mediterranean and Aegean in Terms of East-West Relations” I. Soukantos, “Eastern Macedonia (Northern Greece) during the Late Bronze Age: A Cultural Interaction Crossroad Under Investigation” M. Başaran Mutlu and G. Sazcı, “Cultural Interaction, Continuity and Change in Maydos During the 2nd Millennium BC” M. Başaran Mutlu, “Preliminary Observations on the Role of the Gallipoli Peninsula in Intercultural Communication Networks in the Bronze Ages” A. Vlachopoulos and X. Charalambidou, “Socio-cultural Changes and Continuities on Naxos, Cyclades from the Second to the First Millennium BC” A. M. Vergaki, “Social Organization and Integration in Late Bronze Age Crete: Let the Rhyta Speak” C. V. Alonso-Moreno, “Goods, Routes, and Ships: Long-Distance Interaction in Mycenaean Pylos at the End of Late Helladic IIIB” K. Nikita, “Tracing Continuity, Change and Interaction in Luxury Goods: Glass in Post-Palatial Mycenaean Greece” C. Atila, “The Effect of Ahhiyawa on the End of the Bronze Age” M. H. Kan, “The Sea People and the End of the Era of Chariots: Rise of the Cavalry” E. Kortanoğlu and M. Savrum-Kortanoğlu, “Thoughts on Prehistoric and Historical Monumentality in Transition Periods in Greece Continental” K. Paschalidis, “From Grave Circle A to the Hellenistic Theater: The Birth of Agamemnon’s Legend on the West Slope of Mycenae” C. Gallou and W. Cavanagh, “The ‘Crisis Years’ (Late Helladic IIIC to Submycenaean/Early Protogeometric) in Laconia, Southern Peloponnese, Revisited: A View from the Sea” P. Triantafyllidis, “New Evidence of the Ancient Antissa of Lesvos During the Late 2nd and Early 1st Millennium BC”
Olive Oil and Wine Production
On 24-26 November 2022 an international symposium entitled Olive Oil and Wine Production in the Aegean and Mediterranean in Antiquity: Rural Settlements, Urban Centers and Trade. Eski Çağ’da Ege ve Akdeniz'de Zeytinyaği ve Şarap Üretimi: Kırsal Yerleşimler, Kentsel Merkezler ve Ticaret was held in Muğla, Turkey. Further information is available at http://oiloliveandwinesymposium2022.com/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers included: M. Türkteki, İ. Tarhan, M. Massa, S. Türkteki, and Y. Tuna, “The Route and Consumption of Wine and Olive Oil in the Early Bronze Age: A New Perspective Through Organic Residue Analysis from Eskişehir-Küllüoba. Erken Tunç Çağında Şarap ve Zeytinyağının Rotası ve Tüketimi: Eskişehir-Küllüoba'daki Organik Kalıntı Analizleri Üzerinden Yeni Bir Perspektif” A. Diler, “Earliest Data on Olive Oil and Wine Production in the Lelegian Peninsula: Adaptation, Transformation and Abandonment. Leleg Yarımadası Zeytinyağı ve Şarap Üretimine İlişkin İlk Veriler: Uyum, Dönüşüm ve Terk”
Aphrodite Rising
On 26 November 2022 a conference entitled Aphrodite Rising: 25+ Years of Cypriot Studies at Trinity was hosted by Trinity College Dublin. Further information is available at https://www.tcd.ie/classics/research/conferences/aphrodite.php?fbclid=IwAR0blzGKS5QFYzo_pzuesTVdL9dpRsvBAFAGLd8orUIjEQhhaOuG3CMz3DQ. Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include: C. Morris, “Cypriot Studies in Trinity” C. Alexandrou and B. O'Neill, “From a lump of clay to the finished product: an experimental approach to Late Cypriot female figurines” L. Recht and K. Zeman-Wiśniewska, “New excavations at Erimi Pitharka”
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