

Detailed summaries of the presentations and discussions hosted by MASt@CHS in Spring 2021 are available online at The seminars were:
S. Morris, “The Kingdom of Philoktetes and the Curse of Agamemnon: Pieria in the Bronze Age (A View from the South)”
M. Silver, “The to-no Festival and Textile Trade in the Bronze Age Aegean”



On 17-19 May 2021 the 9th Developing International Geoarchaeology Conference (DIG2021) was held virtually, hosted at the University of Algarve, Faro. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
Rachel Kulick, D. Lewis, C. Atkins, F. Berna, K. Fisher, C. Kearns, and S. Manning, “Geoarchaeology at Bronze Age Maroni Vournes, Cyprus: Micromorphology and Palaeolandscape Analysis”


CAA 2021

On 14-18 June 2021 the Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Conference (CAA 2021): Digital Crossroads was hosted online from the Cyprus University of Technology. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:
D. A Lukas, “The Living Archive of Çatalhöyük: investigating the in-/transparencies of archaeological knowledge production”
M. C. Manzetti and A. Sarris, “A Methodological Approach for Intra-Site Analysis of Spatial Organization of Thessalian Neolithic Settlements”
D. Daems, “PolisABM: Modelling polis formation, urban systems and social complexity in the eastern Mediterranean from Iron Age to Hellenistic times”
A. Dakouri-Hild, A. Agapiou, S. Davis, and W. Rourk, “Evaluating an Ancient Landscape Using Remote Sensing: The Kotroni Archaeological Survey Project (KASP)”
C. Putzolu, M. Loy, J. Wallrodt, S. Stocker, and J. Davis, “Towards a workflow for documenting, processing and archiving large excavation contexts on-the-fly. Challenges and lessons learnt at The Palace of Nestor Project, Pylos”
B. Rueff, A. Pinto, K. Messini, and H. Procopiou, “From the material culture to the lived space. A virtual reconstruction of a Minoan workshop”
Y. de Raaff and G. R. Nobles, “Experimental archaeology in immersive Virtual Reality: a 3D reconstruction of a mortuary structure of Tomb 21, a Bronze Age mortuary structure from Ayios Vasileios, Greece”
P. Gheorghiade, H. C. W. Price, R. Rivers, and T. Evans, “Between land and sea: modelling terrestrial mobility and maritime interaction on Crete during the Late Bronze Age”
P. Kyriakidis, A. Nikolaidis, C. Panayiotou, G. Leventis, E. Akylas, C. Michaelides, D. Moutsiou, C. McCartney, L. Bitsakaki, S. Demesticha, V. Kassianidou, D. Bar-Yosef Mayer, and Y. Makovsky, “A null model of drift-induced maritime connectivity between Cyprus and its surrounding coastal areas at the onset of the Holocene”
K. Jarriel, “Technologies of Resilience, Climate Disaster, and Maritime Networks: A Case Study of Cycladic Small Worlds”
J. Fort and J. Pérez-Losada, “Computational modelling of Neolithic spread: archaeology and genetics”


Waiting for EMAC2023@Pisa

On 6-8 July 2021 a conference titled Waiting for EMAC2023@Pisa was held virtually. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:
K. Christodoulou, “Preliminary results from a mineralogical and chemical study of clayey raw materials from the area of East Phokis and East Lokris”


On 8-11 June 2021 the 6th Landscape Archaeology Conference (LAC2020+1) will be held in Madrid. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
E. Charisopoulou, “Mapping as a tool for cultural management: The example of Corfu, Greece”
E. Koparal, “Agricultural Terraces of Historic Landscapes in Urla-Çesme Peninsula (Izmir Turkey)”
A. Landskron, “Anatolia from the Chalcolithic to the Iron Age: A Study of Human-Environment Dynamics”
B. Arikan, “Agent-based Land-use Modeling of Early Bronze Age Agropastoralism and Its Environmental Impacts in Different Regions of Anatolia”
G. Guillaume, “The Minoan caves, an anthropized natural space”
M. Milán Quiñones de León, “Landscape and territory of Minoan palaces”


Old textiles – more possibilities

On 14-18 June 2021 a conference entitled Old textiles – more possibilities will be held in hybrid format both online and in person in Copenhagen (CEST). Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:
A. Ulanowska, “Textiles and Seals. New evidence for textile production in Bronze Age Greece from seals and clay sealings”
A. Iancu, “The ancient clay spools of Peloponnese. Questioning their function through their features”
M. Siennicka, “Landscapes of the Aegean prehistoric textile production: challenges and possibilities”
S. Vakirtzi, “Textile ethnographies in Greece and Aegean textiles research”
C. Margariti, F. Coletti, S. Spantidaki, A. Ciccola, I. Serafini, A. Nucara, and M. P. Caggia, “The potential of FTIR in the identification of excavated textile fibres”
B. Burke and B. Dimova, “Dressing the dead: early wool in Mycenaean Greece”
J. Marks, “Making the invisible visible: a case for the application of ethnoarchaeology and experimental archaeology in the study of Minoan dress on Crete during the Aegean Bronze Age”
L. Mazow, “Identifying the weaving contest between Athena and Arachne on the wall of a weaving workshop at Mycenae”
R. Pierini, “Colouring Techniques and Mycenaean Chronology: A Case Study from the Knossos Tablets”
K. Sarri, “Who wore the Pants in the Neolithic? A Survey on the Beginnings of Women’s Trousers in Prehistory”


Sympozjum Egejskie. 8th Conference in Aegean Archaeology

On 24-25 June 2021 the Sympozjum Egejskie. 8th Conference in Aegean Archaeology will be held both in person and online (CEST) at the University of Warsaw (Poland). Further information is available at The program was:
V. Martin, “The Metal “Ring-Idols”: a Material Approach to Metalworking during the Aegean Neolithic”
M. Figuera, “Repair, Reuse, Recycling: a Stake from Ayia Triada (Crete)”
P. Kapsali, “Exploring the Social Dimensions of Middle Bronze Age Pottery through Firing Technology”
F. M. C. Toscano, “Textile Production as an Indicator of Social Change: a Perspective from Bronze Age to Iron Age at Phaistos”
A. Christopoulou, B. Gmińska-Nowak, Y. Özarslan, N. Karadimas, J. Moody, and T. Ważny, “Dendrochronology and the Informative Potential of Charcoal Remains from Archaeological Sites in the East Aegean”
A. Nafplioti, “Life and Death at Early Neolithic Katsambas on Crete: a Bioarchaeological Perspective”
C. Vergidou, C. Henkel, A. Karligkioti, and K. Tsirsti, “Archaeological Science Biases: Reflections on the Aegean Bioarchaeological Record”
A. Allshouse, P. W. Stockhammer, and C. Warinner, “Differentiated Cuisines: a Meta-Analysis of Dietary Stable Isotopes in the Bronze Age Aegean”
K. Shelton, “Accessing Mycenaean Cult: Inside and Outside the Palatial Context”
J. Sienkiewicz, “Le Creuset of the Late Bronze Age? Kraters in the South-East Aegean”
I. Vrettou, “The Presence of Shells as an Indicator of Child Burials in Mycenaean Chamber Tombs from Glyka Nera, Attica”
M. Mangum, “Archaic Identity and Bronze Age Antecedents: Case Study Oisyme”
Z. Vasileva, “Jewellery Always Fits. An Inquiry into the Development of and Wearing Styles for 3rd Millennium BC Metal Hair-Rings”
E. Salgarella and R. Pierini, “Off the Top of Minoans’ Heads. Comparing Minoan Figurines and Linear A Signs 508-511”
J. Binnberg, “Naturalism in Aegean Bird Depictions”
A. M. Vergaki, “Storage Determines Design: the Impact of Storage Necessities on the Formation of NeoPalatial Architectural Modularities. The Example of the Minoan Hall”
R. Webb, “An Archaeological Perspective on Food Storage on the Mycenaean Mainland (13th – 12th Centuries BC)”
C. V. Alonso-Moreno, “Water Management at Mycenaean Pylos”
A. Querci and C. Caleo, “‘Αἰ δ’ἀγέροντο ψυχαὶ ὑπὲξ Ἐρέβευς νεκύων κατατεθνειώτων’. A Few Thoughts on an Enigmatic Larnax from Tanagra”
M. Wesołowska, “Can Mycenaean Culture Provide a Key to Understanding Polish National Heritage? The Example of Galicia”
P. Minkov, “Early and Middle Bronze Age Zoomorphic Figurines and Depictions from Present Day Bulgarian Lands”
A. Mercogliano, “The Settlement of Trapeza (Eastern Achaea, Greece): an Insight into the Beginning of the Middle Helladic Period in Achaea”
J. Huber, “Late Bronze Age Pottery from Triphylia: Cretan and Mainland Connections”
A. Kourkoulakos, “The Nature of the Mycenaean Material Presence at Panaztepe”
The Cultural Practices of Bronze Age Aegean Societies as Evidenced by Chipped Stone Assemblages: the North/South Debate Revisited Georgios Stergiou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) 13:50-14:10
D. Papageorgiou, “Tracing the Distribution of ‘Philistine Hearths’: Type and Construction Methods through Space and Time”
P. Zeman and K. Dudlik, “A Tale of a Mycenaean Palatial Town: Towards a Narrative History of Late Bronze Age Mycenae”
J. Cano-Moreno, “A Political Anthropology for NeoPalatial Crete”
A. Belza, “Between Crete and the Mainland: from the NeoPalatial to the Mycenaean Cyclades”
K. Mallinson, “Was Naxos Peripheral in the Middle and Early Late Bronze Age? A Re-Examination of the Later Bronze Age Material on Naxos”
M. Koletsos, “The Case for Creative Crafting: Multi-Crafting in Metropolis Square (Grotta, Naxos)”
S. Spanos, “Koukounaries on Paros during the Mycenaean Period (Upper, Lower Plateau and the Temenos-Temple Area)”

PoCA 2021

On 31 May 2021 abstracts (250 words maximum) are due for the 18th meeting of the Postgraduate Cypriot Archaeology (PoCA 2021), to be held from 9-11 December 2021 in hybrid form hosted in Basel. Postgraduate researchers and recent postdoctoral scholars (within six years of the completion of their PhD) from various backgrounds and disciplines are invited to present their work on Cypriot culture and archaeology. The official language of the conference is English. Communications should be 20 minutes long, followed by 10 minutes of discussion. Further information is available at and


SAA 2022

On 9 September 2021 submissions, both session and individual (abstracts 200 words maximum), are due for the Society for American Archaeology 87th Annual Meeting (SAA 2022), to be held on 30 March - 3 April 2022 in Chicago, IL. Further information and submission forms are available at


13th International Congress of Cretan Studies

On 31 December 2021 abstracts are due for the ΙΓ΄ Διεθνούς Κρητολογικού Συνεδρίου. 13th International Congress of Cretan Studies, to be held in October 2022 in Agios Nikolaos, Crete; this is an extended deadline for the congress, which has been rescheduled in response to the current global health situation. Further information is available at The themes of the congress will be:
• Upheavals, Ruptures, Discontinuities, Risings
• Health and Illness in Human Communities

ISA 2020-22

The 43rd International Symposium on Archaeometry (ISA 2020-22), which was to have been held in Lisbon, Portugal on 18-22 May 2020, has been postponed to 16-20 May 2022. Further information is available at