
TAG-Turkey 2021

On 6-9 May 2021 TAG-Turkey III 2021: Identities will be hosted online (UTC). Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
S. Cveček and C. Schwall, “Ghost Children: Fluid Identities of Children in Prehistoric Anatolia. Hayalet Çocuklar: Tarihöncesi Anadolu'da Çocukların Akışkan Kimlikleri”
A. Arslan, “Prehistorik Kil Buluntulardaki Parmak İzleri Bize Ne Anlatıyor? What Do Fingerprints on Prehistoric Clay Objects Tell Us?”
S. Mutlu, “Batı Anadolu’da Mö 5. Binyılda Kilia Figürinleri Bağlamında Kimlik. Identity in the Context of Kilia Figurines During the 5th Millennium BCE in Western Anatolia”
C. Mazzucato, “Unravelling the Knot. A Socio-Material Approach to the Study of Neolithic Megasites: The View from Çatalhöyük. Düğümü Çözmek. Neolitik Mega-Yerleşmelere Sosyo-Materyal Bir Yaklaşım: Çatalhöyük Örneği”
K. Argyraki, “The Role of Women in the Mycenaean Age. Miken Çağı'nda Kadınların Rolü”
E. Erdan, “Kadınsız Hareketlilik: Anadolu’yu Kapsayan Göç ve Kolonizasyon Süreçlerinin Eril Kimliği Üzerine Fibulalar Ekseninden Bir Yaklaşım. Mobility without Women: A Fibulae-Based Approach to the Masculine Identity of the Migration and Colonization Processes Involving Anatolia”
F. G. Slim, C. Çakırlar, and C. Luke, “Human-Pig Interactions and Group Identities in the Late Bronze Age Aegean and Anatolia. Geç Tunç Çaği Ege ve Anadolu’da İnsan-Domuz İlişkisi ve Toplumsal Kimlikler”


GAO 2021

On 7-9 May 2021 the Graduate Archaeology at Oxford Conference (GAO 2021): Interactions, Trade, and Mobility in Archaeology will be hosted online (GMT) in Oxford. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
F. Iacono, “Interaction and its consequences: assessing the nexus between economic interaction, mobility, and settlement dynamics in the Mediterranean Bronze Age”
D. Pollard, “Micro-Regions and ‘The Great Divide’: Connectivity as a Concept in Cross-Disciplinary Research on Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age”
J. Sienkiewicz, “Social Assemblages of Things: Drinking practices and interregional interaction in the Late Bronze Age east Mediterranean”
R. Charalampous, “Recontextualising the interactions, trade and mobility between Cyprus and Sardinia from the end of LBA to the IA”
D. Karampas and T. Theodoulou, “Crete and Maritime Archaeology: A Century of Discoveries”
P. Tzovaras, “Cultural trafficking in Greece: new perspectives on the authenticity of the Aegean lead boat models”


On 21-22 April 2021 a day school entitled Seascapes: Island and Coastal Life in the Aegean and Beyond from Prehistory to the Recent Past was hosted online by the Irish Institute of Hellenic Studies at Athens. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:
J. Murphy, “Joining the Dots: The Kea Archaeological Research Survey”
M. Milic, “The early history of island hopping: The growth of Aegean’s coastal communities in the 7th millennium BC”
B. Molloy, “The ups and downs of living on the Big Island: Maritime perspectives on crises in Crete during the Bronze Age”
C. Haywood, “Is there something special about islands? Some lessons to be learned from the Ionian Sea in the Bronze Age”

A.G. Leventis Fellowship in Hellenic Studies

On 7 May 2021 applications are due for A.G. Leventis Fellowship in Hellenic Studies at the British School at Athens. The Fellowship will support post-doctoral research into the anthropology, archaeology, architecture, arts, environment, geography, history, language, literature, religion and topography of Greece and Cyprus, and related areas, from prehistory to the late 19th century/ early 20th century, and is tenable for three years from 1 October 2021. Applications comprise a letter of application (including an explanation of why the proposed research should be undertaken in Greece), CV (including the names of two referees), a research proposal (1,500 words maximum), and a writing sample (8,000 words maximum; normally a thesis chapter or published article). Applications should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., as should (separately) letters from referees. Further information is available at

5th Symposium of Greek Gastronomy

On 30 April 2021 submissions are due for the 5th Symposium of Greek Gastronomy. Sensing the Food, to be held in July 2021 in Chania, Crete. Abstracts (single paragraph, 150-300 words) for 20-minute oral presentations should be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., with “Symposium 2020” in the subject line; further information is available at The symposium languages are Greek and English. Possible topics include but are not limited to:
• Sensory aspects of food and gender
• Food’s sensory qualities and social class
• Food’s sensory qualities and ethnicity
• Taste as a social sense
• Food, senses and identity
• Food—sensory memory
• Food and sensory ethnography
• Food, place and the taste of home
• Taste, smell: pleasure/ disgust, pure/impure
• Food and sensory storytelling
• Senses and the interactions between humans, food and environment.
• Emotions surrounding food
• Neurogastronomy
• Food as performance art
• Making sense of multisensory food
• Culinary heritage, produits de terroir, senses and emotions
• Taste as experience
• Sensory marketing and tourist culinary experience
• Gastronomic tourism and visitors’ senses and emotions.
• Gastronomical virtual reality
• Sensory science and the food industry
• Multi-sensory food design


ScapeCon 2021

On 30 May 2021 abstracts are due for No (e)scape? Relational Archaeology in the Aegean Bronze Age. (R)evolutions: In search of radical-scapes in the Aegean Bronze Age (ScapeCon 2021), the 4th international post-graduate and early career scholars’ conference to be held on 22-25 October 2021 in Rethymno, Greece. Titles, abstracts (300 words maximum and 4-5 key words), and name and affiliation should be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; further information is available at

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