

On 6-10 April 2021 the 12th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (12th ICAANE) will be held in Bologna both in person and remotely (registered participants only). Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
K. Kopanias, E. Vemou, and A. Sidiropoulou , “3D Model Analysis of the LBA and EIA Swords from the Eastern Mediterranean”
F. Giovannetti, “Arzawa = Watered Land. A new hypothesis on the meaning of the Luwian toponym”
B. During, “Rethinking the Emergence of Social Inequalities: The Case of Chalcolithic Cyprus”
J. Hordecki, “The rural settlement at Çatalhöyük in the context of the settlement in Central Anatolia during Iron Age and Hellenistic periods”
A. McCarthy, “The transition from Aceramic to Ceramic Neolithic at Prastio-Mesorotsos, Cyprus”
P. M. Fischer, “Hala Sultan Tekke, Cyprus: A Trade Centre's Intercultural Contacts in the Bronze Age”
K.-O. Sotiriou, “Underwater Looting Activity in the Aegean and the Ionian Seas”
M. Arntz, “What makes a figurine work? A case study from the Neolithic site of Çatalhöyük (Turkey)”
A. Vinet, “The functional variability of the obsidian toolkit at Çatalhöyük-West and its socio-economic implications”
S. Hacıosmanoğlu, M. Kibaroğlu, E. Kozal, H. Mönninghoff, and J. Opitz, “Archaeometric analysis of Late Bronze and Iron Age Plain and Drab Ware from Sirkeli Höyük (Cilicia, South Anatolia)”
K. Joka, “Microremains, maxistories: the role of Heavy Residue data analysis in unravelling Çatalhöyük past”
S. Rutishauser, “Changing River Courses and Settlement Patterns in Cilicia (Turkey) from the Chalcolithic to the Medieval Period”
M. Türkteki and S. Türkteki, “Inland western Anatolia and its Role during the Age of Interconnections”
I. Kostopoulou, “Some pottery imports from Pyla-Kokkinokremos (Cyprus), and what they can tell”
C. Johnston, “Innovation and Adaptation: Ceramic Development across the Middle-Late Cypriot Horizon”
T. Bürge, “Change and continuity in the production of pottery in times of upheaval: The case of Hala Sultan Tekke, Cyprus, in the 13th to 12th centuries BCE”
M. Polig, S. Hermon, T. Bürge, and P. Fischer, “A 3D chaine opératoire approach to the study of Late Bronze Age cylinder seals – a case study from Hala Sultan Tekke, Cyprus”
A. Marciniak, “Resilience and sustainability. Çatalhöyük and the 8.2-kyBP climate event”
F. Chelazzi, “‘He who owns the soil, owns up to the sky’. Human-environment-climate coevolution in Prehistoric and Protohistoric Cyprus”
L. Mazzotta and L. Recht, “To import and to imitate: the role of imported Aegean pottery in Late Bronze Age Cyprus. Hala Sultan Tekke as a case study”
R. Laoutari, “People, Pottery and Death: Social dynamics in the Prehistoric Bronze Age site of Bellapais-Vounous”
L. Bombardieri and M. Amadio, “Rituality in increasing complexity. The evidence from Middle Bronze Age Erimi”
E. Peri, “Cyprus between MCIII and LCI: intraregional and interregional connections. The case of the Limassol and Paphos regions”
L. Crewe, “Building big at the beginning of the Late Bronze Age: evidence from Kissonerga-Skalia”
V. Kassianidou, “Late Cypriote Hoards reconsidered”
D. Kofel, T. Bürge, and P. M. Fischer, “An archaeobotanical approach for the study of ritual activities in Late Bronze Age Cyprus: Hala Sultan Tekke as a case study”
M. Kozlakowska, “The Karum Period and the Origins of the Minoan Body Scheme”
A. Georgiou, “Pursuits of social status and power at Maa-Palaeokastro”
F. Porta and V. Cannavò, “Pyla-Kokkinokremos in the LBA Mediterranean networks: a view from pithoi”
B. Clark, “New Light on Cypriot Imports and Trade in the Levantine Middle and Late Bronze Age Transition”
K. Grossman, T. Paulette, L. Graham, and A. McCarthy, “Society against the state in prehistoric Cyprus? The politics of village life at Makounta-Voules-Mersinoudia”
K. Zeman-Wiśniewska, “Of Bulls and Birds. Mycenean and Cypriot animal and social symbolism on the move”


ΑΕΜΘ 2019-2020

On 22-24 April 2021 the 33rd meeting of the conference Το Αρχαιολογικό Έργο στη Μακεδονία και στη Θράκη (ΑΕΜΘ 2019-2020) will be held online (EEST). Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
Δ. Τριαντάφυλλος and Μ. Κουτσουμανής, “Νέα επιφανειακή έρευνα σε γνωστές αρχαιολογικές θέσεις της Ροδόπης.”
Κ. Καλλιντζή, Σ. Παπαδόπουλος, and Μ. Χρυσάφη, “Ανασκαφική έρευνα στον προϊστορικό οικισμό Διομήδειας Ξάνθης”
Σ. Παπαδόπουλος and Σ. Δηλοπούλου, “Προϊστορικός οικισμός στη θέση ‘Συκιά’ στο Καλαμπάκι Δράμας: πρώτες παρατηρήσεις”
Δ. Μαλαμίδου, P. Darcque, Χ. Κουκούλη-Χρυσανθάκη, and Ζ. Τσιρτσώνη, “Προϊστορικός οικισμός Φιλίππων - Ντικιλί Τας 2019. Η έναρξη του νέου κύκλου ερευνών (2019-2023)”
Τ. Μπεκιάρης, Αι. Παπανθίμου, and Σ.-Μ. Βαλαμώτη, “Αλέθοντας στη Μακεδονία της εποχής του Χαλκού: η τεχνολογία των μακρολιθικών εργαλείων άλεσης από το Αρχοντικό Γιαννιτσών”
Ε. Βούλγαρη, “Η κεραμική από τον οικιστικό ορίζοντα IV του Αρχοντικού Γιαννιτσών”


Michael Ventris Memorial Lecture

On 21 May 2021 the Michael Ventris Memorial Lecture of the Institute of Classical Studies, London, will take place online at 5 p.m. (GMT). Registration is available at The lecture will be:
S. Stocker and J. L. Davis, “Tales from Nestor’s Crypt: Pylos 2015-2020”

AIA 2022

On 29 March (12 April with a late fee) submissions for colloquia, any joint AIA/SCS sessions, and any open-session submissions needing an early decision to acquire a visa or obtain funding are due for the 123rd Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA 2022), to be held in San Francisco, CA on 7-10 January 2022. On 2 August 2021 (16 August with a late fee) submissions are due for workshops, other open session papers and posters, and any provisionally accepted colloquia that are resubmitting. On 15 November 2021 roundtable and lightning session submissions are due. Submission forms and further information are available at


Δ’ Διεθνές Κυκλαδολογικό Συνέδριο

On 31 March 2021 participation forms with abstracts (300 words maximum) for posters and oral presentations are due for the Δ’ Διεθνές Κυκλαδολογικό Συνέδριο — Κυκλάδες: Αειφορία Πολιτισμού/4th International Cycladological Conference — The Cyclades: Cultural Heritage - Sustainability, to be held on Tinos on 22-25 September 2021. Further information is available at The proposed themes of the conference sections are:
• Environment, Natural and Anthropogenic: geology, geoarchaeology, flora, fauna,
palaeoethnobotany, physical anthropology, nutrition, health, etc.
• Archaeology: new investigations in the Cyclades, conservation, restoration, heritage management of ancient sites, monuments and museums
• Architecture, Land Development, and Traditional Settlements
• History and Demographics, Society, Law: individual and collective behavior
• Philosophy, Literature, Intellectual Life, and the Arts
• Economy, Sustainable Development, Aephoria: resources and commercial networks
• Social Anthropology, Folk Culture,
• Special studies on Tinos


GAO 2021

On 5 April 2021 participation forms with abstracts (300 words maximum) for posters and papers are due from graduate students and early career researchers for the Graduate Archaeology at Oxford Conference (GAO 2021): Interactions, Trade, and Mobility in Archaeology, to be held online on 7-9 May 2021. Further information is available at


The SCRIBO Seminars on Scripts in Bologna have announced the schedule of lectures for Spring 2021. Further information and links to the Zooms are available at The seminars are taped and available for subsequent viewing. Seminars of interest to Nestor readers will include:
29 February 2021: L. Godart and A. Sacconi “The Archives and Scribes of Pylos”
17 March 2021: S. Finlayson: “Looking for Readers in the Bronze Age Aegean”


New York Aegean Bronze Age Colloquium

The New York Aegean Bronze Age Colloquium has announced the schedule of lectures for Spring 2021, to take place on Zoom and simulcast on YouTube at 12:00 pm ET (US and Canada). Links to register for Zoom and to the YouTube channel will be posted at
1 March 2021: N. Blackwell, “A Relative Chronology of Late 14th and 13th Century Monuments at Mycenae: A Stoneworking Perspective”
29 March 2021: T. Brogan, C. Sofianou, M. Eaby, and Y. Papadato, “Sopata, Mesorachi, and Papadiokampos: A View of the Cretan Bronze Age from the Periphery”
20 April 2021: B. Burke, “Mycenaean Eleon in Eastern Boeotia: from the Shaft Grave Era through the Post-Palatial Period”


Opera e storie. Έργα και ιστορία

The Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene has announced the schedule of webinars entitled Opera e storie. Έργα και ιστορία. Further information is available at Webinars of interest to Nestor readers will include:
12 March 2021: P. Militello, “Il sarcofago di Haghia Triada (1903)”
26 March 2021: N. Cucuzza, “Il disco di Festòs (1909)”
23 April 2021: V. Tinè: “Il Tesoro di Poliochni (1956)”


Bryn Mawr & Haverford Colleges Conference for Undergraduate and Graduate Research

On 12-13 March 2021 the First Biennial Bryn Mawr & Haverford Colleges SPEAC Conference for Undergraduate and Graduate Research—Now & Then: (In)equity and Marginalization in Ancient Mediterranean Studies will be held online (EST). Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
S. Cushman,”The Wanax in the North? The Problems of Prehistoric Identity and the Contemporary Alt-Right”


Textiles and Seals

On 22-23 March 2021 a workshop entitled Textiles and Seals. Relationships Between Textile Production and Seals and Sealing Practices in the Bronze to Iron Age Mediterranean and the Near East will be held at the Faculty of Archaeology, University of Warsaw and online. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
S. Vakirtzi, “Ubiquitous motifs: common designs on spindle whorls and seals of the Aegean Bronze Age”
O. Krzyszkowska, “A rare and enigmatic practice: seal-impressed textile tools in the Aegean Bronze Age”
M. E. Alberti, “Marked and inscribed loom-weights from Malia”
J. Smith, “Location matters: marked loom weights in ancient Cyprus”
M. Anastasiadou, “Hands at work in Neopalatial Kato Zakros: the documents sealed by the flat-based nodules”
F. Blakolmer, “Textiles and seals: their manifold interrelations in the iconography of the Aegean Bronze Age”
S. Finlayson, “The interweaving of textiles and sealing practices in the Bronze Age Aegean: an overview”
J. Weilhartner, “The Linear B logograms for textiles and wool: Some thoughts on their peculiarities”
A. Ulanowska, K. Żebrowska, and K. Bigoraj, “Launch of the ‘Textiles and Seals’ online database”
M.-L. Nosch: Summarizing and concluding remarks


SAA 2021

On 14-18 April 2021 the Society for American Archaeology 86th Annual Meeting (SAA 2021) will be held online (EDT). Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
D. Boric and P. Duffy, “Chronological Perspectives on the Spread of Agriculture in Southeastern Europe”
S. Manning, “With Precision Comes Variability: Complications in High-Resolution 14C Chronology in the East Mediterranean-Middle East”
K. Boyadzhiev, “Tell Yunatsite, Southern Bulgaria: New Insights on the Fifth millennium BC in the Balkans”
R. Fitzsimons and M. Buell, “Minoans at Aghios Nikolaos? Preliminary Results of the Khavania Topographical and Architectural Mapping Project”
D. Lukas, “The Living Archive of Çatalhöyük (LAC): Providing Big Data Laboratories as Open Environments for Archaeological Research”
L. Bowland, S. Martin, D. Langis-Barsetti, J. Lehner, and N. Hirschfeld, “A Three-Dimensional Geometric Morphometric Analysis of Iron Oxhide Ingots from the Cape Gelidonya Shipwreck”
R. Kulick, K. Fisher, and F. Berna, “Geoarchaeology of Terraces and Building XVI at Kalavasos-Ayios Dhimitrios, Cyprus: Evidence for Site Formation and Settlement Activity”


PEBA 2021

On 12-15 May 2021 the 3rd Perspectives on Balkan Archaeology (PEBA 2021): The Mechanisms of Power will be held in Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
M. Gori, “Hunting for Prestige – Mobility, Raw Material and Insignia”
L. Burkhardt, “Socio-economic mechanisms in the context of the Ada Tepe goldmine (LBA)”
R. Kurti, “From Invisible Men of the Early Iron Age to the Warrior Elites of the Late Iron Age in Albania”
A. Panti, “Early Iron Age Settlements in the Thermaic Gulf and the Halkidiki peninsula. Tracing their Socio-political Identity”
C. Giamakis, “Entangled concepts: Identity and Power from the Iron Age to Archaic Macedonia”
T. Krapf, “Settlement Patterns in Albania at the turn from the Bronze to the Iron Age”


People in Motion in the Ancient Greek World

On 17-18 May 2021 an international conference entitled People in Motion in the Ancient Greek World will be held in Madrid, Spain. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
A. Querci, “The Minoans abroad: a discussion on the existence of a direct sea-route linking Crete to Egypt during the Late Bronze Age”

MÖ III. Binyılda Anadolu Genel Durum ve Son Dönem Araştırmaları

On 19-24 February 2021 a webinar entitled MÖ III. Binyılda Anadolu Genel Durum ve Son Dönem Araştırmaları was held. Further information is available at and from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers included:
M. Özdoğan, “Anadolu’da 3. Binyılı Tanımlamak”
Ü. Yalçin, “MÖ 3. Binyılda Madencilik ve Anadolu Kültür Tarihindeki Önemi”
Ş. Aydingün, “İstanbul’da MÖ 3. Binyıl”
E. Özdoğan, “Trakya’da Bir İlk Tunç Çağı Yerleşimi: Kanlıgeçit”
N. Naiboğlu, “Trakya ve Balkanlar’da MÖ 3. Binyıl Mimarisi”
T. Zimmermann and L. Leschtakov, “Bulgaristan’da Bulunan Bir “Suriye Tipi Şişe” Dökme Kalıbı - MÖ 3. Binyıl Anadolu-Balkan İlişkilerini Yeniden Düşünmek”
S. Ünlüsoy, “MÖ III. Binyılda Anadolu’da Politik Ekonomi ve Toplumsal Yapı”
R. Aslan, “MÖ 3. Binde Troya ve Troas Bölgesi”
H. Hüryılmaz, “Yenibademli Höyük Bulguları Işığında Gökçeada’nın Erken Bronz Çağ II Döneminde Doğal Çevre”
G. Sazcı, “Kuzeybatı Anadolu’da İlk Tunç Çağı’nın Sonu Üzerine Yeni Gözlemler”
O. Kouka, “Space Management as a Social Indicator in the North and East Aegean Islands and Beyond During the 3rd mill. BCE”
Ü. Gündoğan, “Batı Anadolu MÖ 3. Binyıl Mimarisi”
Ç. Çilingiroğlu, “Batı Anadolu ve Ege’nin Arayüzü Olarak MÖ 3. Binyılda Karaburun Yarımadası”
C. Çakırlar, “Karaburun’da Bulunan Kababurun Örneğinden Yola Çıkarak Batı Anadolu’da İnsan Ekolojisi”
L. Keskin, “MÖ 3. Binyılda Batı Anadolu Metal Endüstrisi: Teknolojik ve Kültürel Bir Bakış”
V. Şahoğlu, “Liman Tepe: MÖ 3. Binyılda Anadolu’nun Ege’ye Açılan Kapısı”
Z. Derin, “İzmir’in İçinde Bir ETÇ I Yerleşimi, Yassıtepe Höyüğü”
B. Horejs and C. Schwall, “Çukuriçi Höyük – An Early Bronze Age Metal Production Center in Western Anatolia”
A. Erdem, “İzmir Bayraklı Höyüğü’nün MÖ 3. Binyıl Tabakalarına Dair Yeni Veriler”
F. Dedeoğlu, “Erken Tunç Çağı’nda Yukarı Menderes Havzası’nın Yerleşim Düzeni ve Sosyoekonomik Örgütlenme Bağlamında Değerlendirilmesi”
N. Kolankaya Bostanci, “Batı Anadolu Bölgesi Erken Tunç Çağı Obsidiyen Ticaret Ağı”
E. Dündar, “Patara’daki Erken Yerleşimin İzleri”
U. Oğuzhanoğlu Akay, “Büyük Menderes’in Güneyinde Erken Tunç Çağı”
I. Caneva, “İlk Tunç Çağı Mersin-Yumuktepe: Arkeolojik Veriler ve Spekülasyon Arasında”
D. Y. Meier, “Ovalık Kilikya Sirkeli Höyükte ETÇ Dönemi”
D. Delibaş, “Erken Tunç Çağı Toplumlarında Popülasyon Yapısı ve İnsan Hareketleri”
M. M. Koruyucu, “Erken Tunç Çağı Toplumlarında Beslenme”
Y. S. Erdal, “Savaş mı? Barış mı? Erken Tunç Çağı’nda Topluluk İçi ve Topluluklar Arası İlişkiler”


Oristano Aegean Seminar

On 26 February 2021 the third Oristano Aegean Seminar was held. Further information is available at The tape of the seminar is available for viewing at The program was:
I. Tzachili, “Bronze Age Therasia”
M. Guirguis, “Phoenicians in Sardina. Multicultural societies between the Levant and the West Mediterranean (9th-6th c. BCE)”

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