Title page of the Blegen Bulletin

Blegen Bulletin 2024, the newsletter of UC Classics, is available as a pdf here

In this issue:

  • Daniel Markovich’s vision as head of UC Classics for the department and the discipline
  • The research interests of new faculty members Dylan Kenny and Mathijs Wibier, and the current research projects of Steven Ellis and Marion Kruse
  • Events sponsored by UC Classics including brown bag faculty talks, the Semple Symposium on Stobaeus, a celebration of Peter van Minnen’s career, and much more
  • The move of two more research resources in Aegean prehistory to UC Classics: the Aegean conferences and Aegaeum publications, and the PASP archives, joining Nestor
  • The Rawson Fellowship program and the three Fellows currently resident in Cincinnati: Tom Carpenter, Jan Driessen, and Lynne Lancaster
  • An engaging year of student activities, including an original production of Plautus’ Amphitruo, and the study abroad of Semple Scholars
  • Books, books, and more books, including four Festschriften honoring members of the UC Classics community
  • Brief news and updates about members of the faculty, current students, and alumni—including a profile of Dan Levine (PhD 1980), who was the recipient of the Aristeia Award from the ASCSA.

Enjoy — and send your own news and updates to Carol Hershenson!

Greek inscription carved in marble

Our own Matthijs Wibier and colleagues organize the conference "Empire of Correspondence" on Imperial letters at the University of Colorado Boulder on October 4-5, with the contribution of our own Kelly Shannon-Henderson ("Constructing Emperor Cult in the Letters between Pliny and Trajan"). If you want to attend via Zoom, please register at https://forms.gle/41AuVUhjoWd965qD9

Poster of event with Medieval glass smelters

This year, Prof. Hilary Becker (Binghamton University) is the guest speaker selected by our graduate students. Prof. Becker will deliver a lecture titled "Troubleshooting Roman pigments and glass" on October 3rd, 6 PM, in Blegen 308. Additionally, she will be conducting a workshop on Fresco making on October 4 at 12:15 in Blegen 214. (Organization: Callie Todhunter, Poster Charlie Kuhlman)

Poster describing the event

Please join us on 3-4 October for our Aegean Celebration on the occasion of the publication of The Palace of Nestor at Pylos IV.1 and the arrival of the Aegean Scripts and Prehistory (PASP) archive to the Department of Classics at UC ! You can attend the presentations by Thomas Palaima, Dimitri Nakassis and Jeffrey Kramer on Friday, 4 October, 3:30-4:45 PM via Zoom: https://ucincinnati.zoom.us/j/81337214638 

Click here for the full size poster.
(Poster: Charlie Kuhlman)