Applications for the Tytus Fellowship and Cincinnati Summer Residencies are open!
Use the correct online form for each application (see the links above). The deadline for applications is March 1, 2023.
Senior scholars are invited to apply for the Margo Tytus Visiting Scholars Program. Applicants for this program will ordinarily be a minimum of five years beyond receipt of the Ph.D., with notable publication histories. Tytus Scholars are expected to be in residence at the University of Cincinnati for a minimum of one semester (ca. four months) and a maximum of two during the regular academic year; see UC Academic Calendar. In exceptional circumstances, Tytus Scholars may be appointed for a shorter term (one to two months) during the regular academic year. Tytus Scholars will receive a monthly stipend of $1,500 plus housing near campus and a transportation allowance, as well as office space attached to the Burnam Classics Library.
More recent PhDs and other scholars who would benefit from the use of a world-class classics library are invited to apply for the Cincinnati Summer Residency program. Applicants for this program will have their Ph.D. in hand by the time of application, and will ordinarily be in residence at the University of Cincinnati for approximately two months in the summer terms, May to mid-August; see UC Academic Calendar. Cincinnati Summer Residents will receive housing near campus and office space attached to the Burnam Classics Library. Residents are not eligible for a stipend or travel reimbursement.