Professor Jack Davis is in Berkeley this term to deliver the Sathers, one of the most prestigious series of annual lectures in Classics in the world.
It was University of California President and Classicist Benjamin Ide] Wheeler who brought the Greek and Latin Departments of Berkeley their greatest boon. For it was he who induced Mrs Jane K. Sather to found the Sather Professorship of Classical Literature, which brings a distinguished classical scholar, American or European, to spend a term on the Berkeley campus. The first Sather Professor was John Linton Myres (Spring 1914), Regius Professor of Ancient History at Oxford University. Davis is the 105th to be appointed Visiting Sather Professor of Classics. See http://www.classics.berkeley.edu/people/sather/list.
These lectures can now be watched from afar on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfw_auLuIbrzXXB64A3dX8xzox2VZi64Z.