The Classics Graduate Student Association has been created to serve as a community of support and cooperation for graduate students currently matriculating in the Department of Classics at the University of Cincinnati by providing them with opportunities for travel study, scholarly research, collaboration, and community outreach. Its other main goal is to help Classics graduate students organize themselves in a well-functioning community. Among other initiatives, it has created individual and targeted mentorship for incoming students. Finally, it can serve as an advocating body for graduate students within the UC Classics community. 

Classics GSA activities include:

  • Semi-annual invited guest lecturers
  • Graduate Student Colloquia
  • Provision for graduate student conference travel
  • Provision for graduate student research travel
  • Community outreach lecture program
  • Departmental social events


2024-2025 Classics GSGA Executive Board:

President: Michelle Lessard
Vice President: Allex-Bullock-Reese
Secretary: Kelsey Schalo
Treasurer:Lily Fisher
GSG Representatives: Luiza dos Santos Souza and Ted Boivin
MetaClassics Officer: Vasileios Dimoglidis
Mentor Coordinator: Christine Weber
Undergraduate Liaison: Sandra Ayikwerah