
(Dev Manual)

One record = one element of a species

General Info

The fauna table was developed with Emily Holt and contains some several y/n fields as well as many summary fields for charting. SMUI stands for [Standardized Meat Utility Index] and MI stands for Marrow Index.


Fauna is related to the SoilSamples table (and then by extension to all tables above that in the hierarchy). It is also related to itself via two different occurrences of the same table: FaunalKnown and FaunalUnknown. Those exist for the Faunal Report. There is an additional instance of the SU table in SUFaunalCheck so that the Fauna table can validate against the SU table.

Edit Data

Data is entered directly into the Science-Fauna layout. Data does not have to be combined, you can enter two rows of the same element as long as they represent different physical specimens, and the database will add those up in the summary fields.

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