(Dev Manual)

One record = one stratigraphic unit

General Info

The SU is the heart of the database. It is a single stratigraphic unit of either horizontal stratigraphy (fill) or vertical wall-building stratigraphy (wall).


The field _RecID is the unique field that acts as the center for relationships.

The SU table is related to nearly every other table in the database. Of special note is the SU-SUSelf relationship, which allows the selection list on the right of the Context-SU layouts. Likewise the SU-SUDetail relationship allows the List and Detailed Views on Same Layout.

Edit Data

This information can be edited on either the Context-SU-Info-SU or the Context-SU-Info-Wall SU layouts. Most of the data entry should be done on layout Pad->iPad-SUList and Pad->iPad-Fill.

<- SoilSamples SUCompType ->