
(Dev Manual)

One record = one class of finds of any quantity

General Info

The finds table lists all non-ceramic finds that come from the SU. In addition to the finds that will eventually be cataloged, this includes counts of all finds that are traditionally discarded (plaster, brick, etc.). In connection with the bucket counts supplied in the SU table, basic artifact densities can be calculated. Cataloged artifacts should have their own individual record but the database can add up different instances of things like plaster.

There are many fields that exist just for scripts. Most of the names of these fields begin with an underscore. 

Since there are a large number of possible fields to describe artifacts, including specialized fields for coins, etc., we don't have a field for each attribute for each find. Instead we have a related table for recording just the specific attributes that are observable to that particular find.

The data that populates the Title field is a value list (named FindsAttributes). You can edit the list by selecting Edit.. at the bottom of the list.


The Finds table is related to the SU table as expected, but also several others. FindsDetail (and MediaLinkFIndsDetail and MediaFindsDetail) allows the List and Detailed Views on Same Layout for various context screens. Measurements acts like the FindsAttributes table to record measurements. ColorCheck is for data validation. MediaLinkFinds and MediaFinds are for images specific to the find. Finds are also related to the ConservationLink table.

Edit Data

Data should be entered into the Finds Entry table since the Accession Number is assigned via a script accessible only on that layout. 

<- Fauna FindsAttributes ->