
GIS and Economic Archaeology Workshop

On 19 May 2017 a workshop entitled GIS and Economic Archaeology Workshop will be held at the University of Bonn. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

G. Papantoniou, "Unlocking Sacred Landscapes Research Network: Aims and Objectives/The case study of Iron Age Cyprus"

TAG-US 2017

On 19-20 May 2017 the Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG-US) 2017. The Medium is the Message: Media and Mediation in Archaeology will be held in Toronto. Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:

E. Steingart, "The Mediation of the Imprint: Seal Impressions as Indices of Contact and Cognition"

P. Gheorghiade, "Cultural Interaction and Identity: An Entangled Approach to 'Mycenaean' Crete"

T. Sager, "Light and Dark: A Phenomenological Reconsideration of Minoan Palace Architecture and Its Relationship to Natural Spaces (Middle Minoan IB-Late Minoan IB)"

5th Young Researchers’ Conference in Aegean Archaeology

On 1-2 June 2017 the 5th Young Researchers’ Conference in Aegean Archaeology will be held at the Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw, Poland by the Department of Aegean Archaeology at the Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw and Mare Nostrum Student's Scientific Organization. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

C. De Gregorio, “Cycladic Sauceboats in the Deposito Delle Camerette in Ayia Triada”

G. Georgakopoulos, “The Kitchen of the Palace and the Cooking Areas of the Houses in a Minoan Neopalatial Town: the Example of Kato Zakros”

I. Pappas, “Minoan Pottery Kilns: New Approaches and Re-Evaluations towards a Better Understanding of Minoan Technology and Socioeconomic Organization”

On 7-9 June 2017 the XIIIth International Meeting of Archaeozoology of Southwest Asia and Adjacent Areas (ASWA2017) will be held in Nicosia, Cyprus. Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include

K. Pappayiannis et al., "Mousetrack: tracking the earliest evidence for the house mouse dispersal in Cyprus and Anatolia using Geometric Morphometrics Analysis and aDNA"

J.-D. Vigne et al., "Evolution of the Cypriot vertebrate fauna during the Neolithic transition, 13th – 9th millennia BP"

S. Vitezović et al., "Exploitation of animal resources in the Early Neolithic of Thrace: preliminary results from the site of Nova"

On 21-22 June 2017 an international conference entitled Dynamics and Organisation of Textile Production in Past Societies in Europe and the Mediterranean will be held by the Polish Academy of Sciences in Łódź, Poland. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

M. Siennicka, "'Greek Textile Tools'. Continuity and changes in textile production in Early Bronze Age Greece"

M. Vetters, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it? An endeavour in defining contexts of textile production on the Middle Helladic Greek mainland and in comparing textile technology/ies"

A. Ulanowska, "But how were they made? More about patterned textiles in the Aegean Bronze Age"

L. Bombardieri and G. Muti, "Erimi Laonin tou Porakou. A textile community of practice in Middle Bronze Age Cyprus"

D. Cassuto, "Domestic and non-domestic modes of textile production at Iron Age Tell eș-Șâfī/Gath"

Ground Stone Artifacts and Society

On 12-15 September 2017 an international conference entitled Ground Stone Artifacts and Society will be held by the Association for Ground Stone Tools Research in Mainz, Germany on the quarrying, production, function and exchange of ground stone artifacts. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

C. Schwall, M. Brandl, D. Wolf, L. Sørensen, B. Horejs, and T. Gluhak, "From near and far: Stone procurement and exchange at Çukuriçi Höyük in Western Anatolia"

A. Stroulia, "Biographical Highlights for the Celts of Varemeni-Goulon, Northern Greece"

T. Bekiaris, "Ground stone technology in context: consumption of grinding tools and social practice at Neolithic Avgi, NW Greece"

People of the Great Stones

On 31 May 2017 abstracts (250-300 words) are due for the People of the Great Stones Symposium: Megaliths, Mounds, Kivas, Cairns, to be held from 18-22 March 2018 at the State College of Florida, Lakewood Ranch Campus in the Sarasota/Bradenton area on the Gulf Coast of Florida. Contributions (25 minutes) are sought on monumentality and the materiality of stone considering non-industrial cultures from the Old and/or New World on art and architecture, belief systems, social structure, sustainability, and use of natural phenomena. Further information is available at