
Mycenaean Seminars 2017-18

The University of London School of Advanced Study, Institute of Classical Studies has announced the following schedule of Mycenaean Seminars for 2017-2018, to take place in the Institute of Classical Studies, Senate House South Block Ground Floor G22 / 26, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU. Unless otherwise stated, Mycenaean Seminars begin at 3:30 pm. Further information is available at

18 October 2017: M. Devolder, “Reconstructing the Architectural Sequence of the Palace at Malia”

15 November 2017: A. Nafplioti, “Bones, isotopes and life histories”

6 December 2017: I. Schoep, “A locational analysis of writing and sealing practices at Ayia Triada in the Late Minoan I period (ca. 1700/1675-1470/1460 BC)”

17 January 2018: B. Horejs, “Proto-urbanisation, rising elites and the role of metallurgy in the Early Bronze Age Aegean-Anatolian world(s)”

21 February 2018: B Burke and B. Burns, “Mycenaean Eleon in Eastern Boeotia: from the Shaft Grave Era through the Post-Palatial Period” (Seminar sponsored by INSTAP)

21 March 2018: L. Girella, “On the side of Rhadamanthus: Phaistos and its region at the beginning of the Neopalatial period”

16 May 2018: K. Paschalidis, “Shaft Grave IV in Grave Circle A. New and unexpected light in a very old story”


New York Aegean Bronze Age Colloquium 2017-18

The New York Aegean Bronze Age Colloquium has announced the schedule of lecturers for 2017-2018, to take place at the NYU Institute of Fine Arts, One East 78th Street, NY, New York at 6:30 pm. Further information is available at

22 September 2017: P. Pavùk, “Cultural Encounters at the Center of the East Aegean–West Anatolian Interface in the Late Bronze Age”

1 November 2017: A. Kanta, “The Religious Center of the City of Knossos: Excavations of a Plot in the Modern Village”

2 March 2018: S. Hemingway

20 March 2018: N. Moeller

6 April 2018: J. Wright


Ancient Communities and Their Elites

On 6-8 October 2017 an international conference entitled Ancient Communities and Their Elites from the Bronze Age to Late Antiquity (Central Europe – Mediterranean – Black Sea) will be held in Trnava, Slovakia on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the re-established Trnava University in Trnava and the 20th anniversary of the Department of Classical Archaeology. Further information and the registration forms are available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

B. F. Steinmann, “Making Knossos Great Again: Changing Strategies in Minoan Elite Representation between LM I and LM II before and after the Destruction of the Palaces”

V. Dubcová, “Mastering a Griffin. The Agency and Perception of Near Eastern Images by the Aegean Bronze Age Elite”

F. Blakolmer, “What does the Iconography tell us about the Warrior-chiefs of the Shaft Graves at Mycenae?”

Ü. Aytan, “Mediterranean from another angle”


Making, Understanding, Storytelling

On 14 October 2017 a workshop on experimental archaeology entitled Making, Understanding, Storytelling will be held at the Irish Institute of Hellenic Studies at Athens. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

G. Kourtessi-Philippakis, “Stone knapping in Prehistory and the contribution of Experimental Archaeology” (in Greek, summary in English)

K. Sarri and U. Mokdad, “Recreating Neolithic textiles: an exercise on woven patterns”

Υ. Papadatos and E. Venieris, “The manufacture of Early Cycladic figurines: experimental approaches and archaeological implications”

J. Day and M. Kobik, “Reconstructing a Minoan pottery kiln from Priniatikos Pyrgos, Crete”

Ε. Κοnstantinidi, N. Papadimitriou and A. Goumas, “Mycenaean jewellery: investigating questions of technology and craftsmanship”

E. Maragoudaki, “‘Cutting edge technology’: reconstruction and use of Late Bronze Age woodworking tools”


ASOR 2017

On 15-18 November 2017 the 2017 Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR 2017) will take place in Boston, MA. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

A. M. Crandal, “Field ORA in the Storerooms of Tel Kabri”

B. Davis, “The Phaistos Disk: A New Way of Viewing the Language behind the Script”

N. Yahalom-Mack, I. Segal, and I. Finkelstein, “The Complexity of the Late Bronze Age Mediterranean Copper Trade: A View from the Southern Levant”

Προϊστορικής Αρχαιολογίας του Τμήματος Ιστορίας και Αρχαιολογίας

On 25 May 2017 a conference entitled Προϊστορικής Αρχαιολογίας του Τμήματος Ιστορίας και Αρχαιολογίας: Υλικός πολιτισμός και γνωσιακές λειτουργίες κατά την Πρώιμη Προϊστορία was held in Athens. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers included:

Κ. Νάκα, “Εποχικότητα και κατοίκηση στις κοινωνίες των παλαιολιθικών κυνηγών-τροφοσυλλεκτών: Επιλογή ή προσαρμογή;”

Έ. Σασσάνη, “Μοτίβα κατοίκησης κατά τη Μέση Παλαιολιθική: Το παράδειγμα της Πλαγιάς Αιτωλοακαρνανίας”

Φ. Ροδίτη, “Foraging Strategies and the Human Mind: Α zooarchaeological approach”

CAA 2018

On 3 September 2017 proposals for sessions are due for the 46th Annual Conference of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA 2018): Human History and Digital Future, to be held on 19-23 April 2018 in Tübingen, Germany. On 14 October 2017 proposals for workshops are due; on 22 October 2017 proposals are due for papers or posters. Further information is available at



On 8 September 2017 abstracts (300 words) are due for the Australian Archaeological Association (AAA2017). Island to Inland: Connections across land and sea, to be held on 6-8 December 2017 in Melbourne, Australia. Further information is available at



On 30 September 2017 abstracts (500 words minimum) are due for an international workshop organized by AEGIS (UCLouvain‐INCAL‐CEMA) and the ARC ‘A World in Crisis’ entitled Ashlar. Exploring the Materiality of Cut Stone Masonry in the Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age, to be held on 8-9 March 2018 in Louvain‐la‐Neuve, Belgium. The purpose of this workshop is to explore the materiality of cut stone masonry in the different regions of the Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean, in order to provide data that will lay the foundations for a meaningful discussion on transfer of architectural knowledge; comparative studies or case‐driven investigations of ashlar and orthostat use are invited. Abstracts should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Gender Transformations in Prehistoric and Archaic Societies

On 30 September 2017 paper and poster registrations are due for an international workshop entitled Gender Transformations in Prehistoric and Archaic Societies, to be held on 8-10 March 2018 in Kiel, Germany. On 31 October 2017 abstracts are due. Further information is available at The sessions will be:

Tracing Gender Transformations

Gendering shaping environment

Gendering fieldwork


PeClA 2017

On 1 October 2017 abstracts (500 words specifying methodology and the main results for a 20-minute paper or a poster (portrait, paper size 70x100 cm)) are due for the 6th PeClA 2017 International Postgraduate Conference (Perspectives on Classical Archaeology 2017): Resources: Power and Connectivity in the Ancient Mediterranean, to be held on 11-12 December 2017 at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. Abstracts should be submitted by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; further information is available at


Relational Archaeology in the Aegean Bronze Age

On 15 October 2017 abstracts (300 words maximum) are due from Masters students and PhD candidates for a conference entitled No (e)scape: Towards a Relational Archaeology of Man, Nature, and Thing in the Aegean Bronze Age, to be held on 23-25 March 2018 at Universität Heidelberg. Abstracts should be submitted by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; further information is available at


In Poseidons Realm XXIII

On 31 October 2017 abstracts (250 words) are due for the conference In Poseidons Realm XXIII: Waters as a Resource, to be held on 15-18 February 2018 at Eberhard Karls Universität in Tübingen. Further information is available at

Cycladic Seminar

The program of the Cycladic Seminar has been announced for autumn 2017. All seminars begin at 7:00 pm at the Archaeological Society, 22 Panepistimiou, Athens.

3 October 2017: A. Vlachopoulos, “The Final Neolithic/Early Cycladic site at Vathy, Astypalaia and its rock art”

12 December 2017: N. Korou, “From the Bronze to the Early Iron Age in the Cyclades with a focus on pottery and mortuary practices”

13th International Congress of Thracology

On 3-7 September 2017 the 13th International Congress of Thracology. Ancient Thrace: Myth and Reality will be held in Kazanlak, Bulgaria. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

L. Burkhardt and B. Horejs, “Selected House-Inventories of the Late Bronze Age (Mining-) Settlement at Ada Tepe – A Preliminary functional interpretation”

D. Frémondeau, E. Marinova, B. de Cupere, P. Georgiev, I. Hristova, L. Ninov, K. Nikov, and H. Popov, “Bioarchaeological perspectives on subsistence economy and land use during the Late Bronze Age and Iron Age in South-eastern Bulgaria”

G. Nekhrizov and J. Tzvetkova, “From Bronze to Iron in Thrace”

H. Popov, E. Marinova, B. de Cupere, and D. Frémondeau, “The Kush Kaya hilltop-settlement: An interdisciplinary attempt to explain the changes and the regularities of the economic model”

B. Borislavov, “The rock sanctuaries in southern Thrace – traditions, rituals and continuity”

Z. Dimitrov, “Thracian sanctuary in the region of Angel Voyvoda village, Eastern Rhodopes”

L. E. Roller, “The Gluhite Kamani LiDAR survey and its implications for our understanding of Thracian cult monuments”

S. Iliev, E. Marinova, B. de Cupere, D. Frémondeau, and I. Hristova, “Early Iron Age household at the village of Vaskovo, Lyubimets Municipality”


On 4-7 September 2017 the 7th Developing International Geoarchaeology Conference (DIG2017) will be held at Newcastle University, UK. Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:

R. Kulick, “Approaching Landscape Transformations through Urban Micromorphology at Bronze Age Palaikastro, Crete”

M. Lorenzon, “Where are the mudbricks? A geoarchaeological analysis of Minoan earthen architecture”


On 6-9 September 2017 the 14th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics (EMAC2017) will be held in Bordeaux. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

A. Dimoula, “Cooking with plants: the role of ceramic ‘baking dishes’ or ‘plateaux’ in prehistoric southeastern Europe”

P. Quinn, “Agios Petros and the Neolithic Pottery-Making Traditions of the Deserted Islands, Northern Sporades, Greece”

Z. Tsirtsoni, “Late Neolithic/Chalcolithic ‘black-on-red’ and ‘brown-on cream’ painted pottery production: new evidence from Dikili Tash (Northern Greece)”

T. Brogan, “Ceramic production, exchange, and consumption at the micro-regional level: the evidence from Prepalatial East Crete”

M. Kibaroğlu and E. Kozal, “On the Origin of Red Lustrous Wheel-made Ware (RL): Preliminary Results of Chemical, Sr and Nd Isotopic Analysis and Archaeological Interpretation”

PEBA 2017

On 15-17 September 2017 a conference entitled Perspectives on Balkan Archaeology (PEBA 2017): Spheres of Interaction - Contacts and Relationships between the Balkans and adjacent regions in the Late Bronze / Iron Age (13/12th – 6/5th BCE) will be held at the Institute of Archaeology Belgrade. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

S. Pabst, “Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Central Dalmatia in the sphere of interaction between Carpathian Basin, Apennine Peninsula and Aegean”

M. Gori and T. Krapf, “Are we all well connected? Challenges and potentiality of Social Network Analysis in exploring interactions in the south-western Balkans during Middle and Late Bronze Age”

A. Papazovska, “Early Iron Age settlements and their relations with cemeteries in Macedonia – Social, economic and cultural relationships between regions”

A.-Z. Chemsseddoha, “Connections between the Balkans and the Aegean: the case of the Iron Age burial customs in Northern Greece”

I. Xydopoulos, “Macedonians east of the Axios River: When, how, why?”

K. Jankovits, “Contacts between Transdanubia, the Balkans, northern Italy and Greece in the Late Bronze as reflected by protective weaponry”

U. Matić and F. Franković, “The Sea Peoples and the discourse of balkanism in archaeology of the Late Bronze Age”

M. Guštin, “The formatting of Early Iron Age elites between the Mediterranean civilisations and Middle Europe”


The Wider Island of Pelops

On 18-19 September 2017 The Wider Island of Pelops: a workshop on Prehistoric pottery in memory of Professor Christopher Mee will be held at the British School at Athens. Further information is available at The program will be:

B. Cavanagh and J. Renard, “Tradition, transition and the impact of the new in Neolithic Greece”

S. Katsarou and A. Darlas, “New evidence on Neolithic burial and occupation practices in the coastal caves of the Mani, Laconia”

E. Alram-Stern, C. Burke, K. Demakopoulou, and P. Day, “The Final Neolithic and Early Helladic I pottery from Midea in the Argolid: continuity and change”

J. Crouwel, “Final Neolithic and Early Helladic Laconia: a view from Geraki”

D. M. Smith, “Coarse labours long continued: undecorated pottery from the 1896-1899 excavations at Phylakopi, Melos”

I. Tournavitou, “Ritual pyres in Minoan peak sanctuaries: reality and popular myths”

M. Georgiadis, “The ceramic assemblage from the MB III-LB I sanctuary on Leska top, Kythera”

A. Papadopoulos, “A contribution to the study of Mycenaean pottery from Cyprus: bringing together the tomb groups from the 1895-1897 British Museum excavations”

J. Rutter, “Ceramic surprises from LH IIIC Aigeira”

E. Kardamaki, V. Hachtmann, and A. Vasilogamvrou “Regional diversities or occupational gap? Pottery styles and production during the middle and late palatial phases (LH IIIA2-LH IIIB2) at Ayios Vasileios in comparison with those of the Argolid”

ESHE 2017 

On 21-23 September 2017 the 7th Annual Meeting of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution (ESHE 2017) will be held in Leiden. Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:

K. Harvati, “Marathousa 1: New Lower Paleolithic elephant butchering site from the Megalopolis basin, Greece”

D. Giusti, “Beyond maps: Patterns of formation processes at the Middle Pleistocene open-air site of Marathousa 1, Megalopolis Basin, Greece”

G. Konidaris, “The Elephas (Palaeoloxodon) antiquus skeleton and other large mammals from the Lower Palaeolithic locality Marathousa 1 (Megalopolis Basin, Greece): preliminary results”

V. Tourloukis, “The lithic assemblage and bone tools from the Lower Palaeolithic site of Marathousa 1, Megalopolis, Greece: first results”


Brandbestattungen in Europa

On 12-14 October 2017 an international meeting entitled Brandbestattungen in Europa vom 2. Jahrtausend v. Chr. bis in das 4. Jahrhundert n. Chr. - Archäologie und Anthropologischer Befund will be held by the ArchaeolBioCenter at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

S. Gimatzidis and A. Lagia, “Cremations in northern Greece and the central Balkans: mortuary ideology and social practice in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age”


Mediterranean Maritime Archaeology

On 20-24 October 2017 a conference entitled Mediterranean Maritime Archaeology: Under the Mediterranean will be held in Nicosia. Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:

J. D. Muhly, “Cyprus and Mediterranean trade in copper oxhide ingots”

N. Galanidou, D. Sakellariou, A. Zavitsanou, and G. Rousakis, “Exploring the submerged prehistoric landscapes of the Inner Ionian Sea Archipelago, Greece”

D. Sakellariou, F. S. Anselmetti, J. Beck, D. Koutsoumba, A. Zavitsanou, M. Surdez, I. Panagiotopoulos, and I. Morfis, “Late Pleistocene to Holocene submerged shorelines and landscapes off Franchthi Cave, Greece”

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