
IV Diálogos Micénicos

On 11-12 May 2016 the IV Diálogos Micénicos: Lengua, Textos, Historia will be held in Madrid. Further information is available at,_Textos,_Historia.htm. The program will be:

M. Del Freo, "Geografia e amministrazione nei regni micenei"

C. V. Alonso Moreno, "da-mo, te-re-ta y palacio: ¿de la convivencia al conflicto en Mesenia?"

J. Piquero Rodríguez, "Uso y abuso de PY Un 718"

On 12-14 May 2016 the Southeast Aegean / Southwest Coastal Anatolian Region International Conference (SASCAR). Material Evidence and Cultural Identity: 1. Early and Middle Bronze Age will be held at the Italian Archaeological School at Athens. Further information is available at The program will be:

S. Vitale and T. Marketou, "Why a Conference on the Southeast Aegean/Southwest Coastal Anatolian Region? Present Questions and Future Research"

B. Horejs and P. Pavúk, "Islands on the Horizon. Eastern Aegean and Western Anatolia in the Early and Middle Bronze Age"

T. Marketou, "From the Proto-Urban Settlement of Asomatos to the Middle Bronze Age Town of Ialysos. Change or Continuity?"

On 1-3 June 2016 the International Obsidian Conference will be held in Lipari, Italy. Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:

M.-P. Montagne, "Consumption of obsidian during the Middle Bronze Age: a use wear analysis of obsidian from Kirrha (Phocis, Greece)"

P. Acquafredda, I. M. Muntoni, and R. H. Tykot, "New data on Antiparos obsidian (Greece) for provenance study by SEM and XRF"

J. A. Morgan, R. H. Tykot, and T. Carter, "Obsidian source selection in the Early Bronze Age Cyclades"

Religious Convergence in the Ancient Mediterranean

On 23-26 June 2016 a conference entitled Religious Convergence in the Ancient Mediterranean will be held at the Villa Whitaker, Palermo, Sicily. Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:

B. J. Collins, "The 'Arzawa' Rituals and Religious Production in Hittite Anatolia"

M. R. Pitone, "Rituals in Late Bronze Age Southern Etruria and Their Connection with Aegean Cultures"

L. Niesiolowski-Spano. "Philistine Influences on the Cult in Jerusalem?"

Computer Applications Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA 2016)

On 29 March-2 April 2016 the Computer Applications Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA 2016) was held in Oslo, Norway. Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to

T. K. Tsonev, "Least Cost Path Analysis and Conditional Perception of Prehistoric Travelers"

S. Rutishauser, "Urbanism in the Cilician Plain from Chalcolithic to Byzantine Period"

M. C. Kormann, S. Katsarou, D. Katsonopoulou, and G. Lock, "On roof construction and wall strength: Non-Linear Structural Integrity Analysis of the Early Bronze Age Helike Corridor House"

A. Zanotti, R. Moussa, and J. Bocquet-Appel, "An agent-based modelling approach to a complex problem: economics and demography of the first farming expansion in the Balkans"

9TH IEMA Visiting Scholar Spring Conference

On 2-3 April 2016 the 9TH IEMA Visiting Scholar Spring Conference. Coming Together: Comparative Approaches to Population Aggregation and Early Urbanization was held at the Institute for European and Mediterranean Archeology, State University of New York at Buffalo. Further information is available at Papers of interest to

A. N. Bilgen and L. Harrison, "Urbanism at a Crossroad: Trade, Settlement, and Society in Early Bronze Age Anatolia"

D. J. Pullen, "If You Build It, Will They Come? Will They Stay? The Mycenaean Port Town of Kalamianos"

R. Osborne, "Why Athens? Population Aggregation in Attica in the Early Iron Age"