UC Classics Club seeks to raise awareness of the Classics and the impact of ancient civilizations and culture on our daily lives. Each week, we meet to have fun while exploring how the modern world is indebted to antiquity through game days, movie nights, graduate and undergraduate colloquia, and artifacts showcases. Annual events that the Classics Club sponsors include an Undergraduate Picnic at Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park, a Certamen for local high school students, and a spring guest lecture on a topic chosen by and accessible to the undergraduate community. We also get involved in Archaeology Day at the Cincinnati Art Museum, hosting booths about language and culture for children's edutainment. Over fall or spring break, the club travels to other universities and Classics-oriented sites, such as (in previous years) University of Maryland and the monuments of Washington, DC, Vanderbilt University and the Nashville Parthenon, and University of Michigan and their institutional museums.

Membership is open to ALL undergraduates of any major - if you are interested in joining, please reach out via our CampusLinkInstagram, and/or by contacting a member of the current Executive Board (listed below).

2019-2020 Executive Board:

President: Nicholas Jones

Vice President: Erin Roche

Treasurer: Casey Barnett

Secretary: TBD

Outreach & Communications Chair: TBD