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Loading map.E01 Romanou Glyfadaki
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Periods Represented
G?, A, (C), HL, Late HL, (EMod)
Max Dimension
Actual Area in Hectares
0.39 ha.
On-site Density (Sherds per Hectare)
Ratio of On-site Density to Off-site Density
Collection Strategy
Total (T) => Grid (G 10 m.)
Geophysical work was done at the site.
Location and Description

Site E1 is located 1 km. SW of the modern town of Romanou and 250 m. E of the beach at Bouka. The site is centered on a low knoll, amidst dunes; artifacts are mostly associated with a very sandy red soil. The northern part of the site is covered by a weedy vineyard[096.03][114.12]; a fallow field comprises its southern part.[096.04] A low rubble wall, covered with brambles, separates the fields; some artifacts were found built into it.

Magnetometric investigations detected the buried remains of a single large building (more than 40 m. in its extent). Cores taken from several holes drilled into the magnetic anomalies suggest, however, that the walls of the building themselves are not preserved, only their bedding trenches.

Almost all of the pottery and tile collected at Site E1 appears to date to the Late Hellenistic period and to derive from a domestic assemblage. Surface densities of both pottery and tile are highest in areas where geophysical investigations discovered magnetic anomalies.

Intervisible sites
Hora Palace of Nestor (B7); Vromoneri Ayia Sotira (G2); Profitis Elias/Petrohori
Artifact Summary

The bulk of the pottery and tile collected from this site appears to represent a primarily Late Hellenistic domestic assemblage. Several fragments of Archaic pottery and three which could be as early as Geometric also were found at the site. The collected pottery and tile correlate with anomalies detected through geophysical work.

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