PRAP Image Database
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026.08Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou: cut in stone block (not brought to Museum)
026.09Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou: cut in stone block (not brought to Museum)
026.10Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou: rock pile near stone blocks
026.11Yes (show preview)Site I04, Romanou: Ionic(?) column base - 2 ridges of moulding showing
026.12Yes (show preview)E team tract: marble, possibly modern, in road beside tract
026.13Yes (show preview)E team tract: marble with line cut in, possibly modern, in road beside tract (different stone from film# 026.12)
026.14Yes (show preview)E team tract: stone with rough chisel marks on squared off side and another unfinished side in Dave Stone's, TM#67, path; boundary stone?
026.15Yes (show preview)E team tract: wall over which Steve Thompson, TM#69, walked, running E - W
026.16Yes (show preview)E team tract: possible olive mill. Area hollowed out of large stone, hole in stone at far end of photo
026.17Yes (show preview)E team tract: possible column base
026.18Yes (show preview)E team tract: possible column next to possible olive mill
026.19Yes (show preview)E team tract: possible column(broken) next to abandoned structure
026.20Yes (show preview)Site I20, Nozaina: View across site of artifacts (mostly sherds) on surface.
026.21Yes (show preview)Site I20, Nozaina: View of possible clay source.
026.22Yes (show preview)PRAP members washing pottery at the Hora School house
026.23Yes (show preview)PRAP members washing pottery at the Hora School house
026.24Yes (show preview)Jack Davis (TM#10) working at computer at the Hora School house
026.25Yes (show preview)Charles Watkinson (TM#36) and Amanda Sutphin (TM#68) working at the Hora School house
026.26Yes (show preview)Sue Alcock (TM#1) working at the Hora School house
026.27Yes (show preview)Nigel Spencer (TM#32) working at the Hora School house
026.28Yes (show preview)General shots of lunch and clean-up at Hora School 13/8/93
026.29Yes (show preview)General shots of lunch and clean-up at Hora School 13/8/93
026.30Yes (show preview)General shots of lunch and clean-up at Hora School 13/8/93
026.31Yes (show preview)General shots of lunch and clean-up at Hora School 13/8/93
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