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025.17Yes (show preview)view (#2) with 210mm lens to small church on Aigaleo on ridge between Adtilaris and Analipsis
025.18Yes (show preview)edge of floor and marble revetments at mosaic house in Dialiskari
025.19Yes (show preview)edge of floor and marble revetments at mosaic house in Dialiskari
025.20Yes (show preview)edge of floor and marble revetments at mosaic house in Dialiskari
025.21Yes (show preview)general view of S side of Tsoukas after bulldozing (showing location of tomb)
025.22Yes (show preview)close-up of S side of Tsoukas after bulldozing (showing location of tomb)
025.23Yes (show preview)close-up of S side of Tsoukas after bulldozing (showing location of tomb)
025.24Yes (show preview)close-up of S side of Tsoukas after bulldozing (showing location of tomb)
025.25Yes (show preview)Rikia - to N over center to Prof. Ilias
025.26Yes (show preview)Rikia - view from center to Tsopani Rachi house, bearing 50 degrees
025.27Yes (show preview)Rikia - view S over Site center toward Bouka - Navarino (TM#26 in shot)
025.28Yes (show preview)views of Valta - church of Ayios Panteleeimon cf. 25-28 to 25-30
025.29Yes (show preview)views of Valta - church of Ayios Panteleeimon cf. 25-28 to 25-30
025.30Yes (show preview)views of Valta - church of Ayios Panteleeimon cf. 25-28 to 25-30
025.31Yes (show preview)Valta - Fteriolakka, from Ayios Panteleeimon
025.32Yes (show preview)Valta - Kastraki, from Ayios Panteleeimon
025.33Yes (show preview)SE slope of Ayios Panteleeimon - view down the Langkouvardos Gorge
025.34Yes (show preview)SE slope of Ayios Panteleeimon - view down the Langkouvardos Gorge c. 50m further E than 025.32
025.35Yes (show preview)2 hills (Prof. Ilias on left and Kastraki on right) from Ayios Panteleeimon hill
025.36Yes (show preview)Valta - Ayios Panteleeimon from E (asphalt road)
025.37Yes (show preview)Valta - Kastraki (left) and Ayios Georgios (right) from E (asphalt road)
025.38Yes (show preview)Valta - Kastraki from E
026.04Yes (show preview)E team tract: Scatter of mostly tile and stone in W end of tract
026.05Yes (show preview)E team tract: Scatter of mostly tile and stone in W end of tract
026.06Yes (show preview)E team tract: Outhouse made of cinderblock with pithos set inside for refuse
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