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144.03Fig. 9: Distribution of Middle Helladic III-Late Helladic II finds, on-site (circles) and off-site (crosses) (Sebastian Heath). "The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project. Part I: Overview and the Archaeological Survey," Hesperia 66.3, 1997, pp. 391-494.
144.04Fig. 10: Distribution of Late Helladic III finds, on-site (circles) and off-site (crosses) (Sebastian Heath). "The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project. Part I: Overview and the Archaeological Survey," Hesperia 66.3, 1997, pp. 391-494.
144.05Fig. 11: Tentative Mycenaean toponymy of Messenia (John Bennet). "The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project. Part I: Overview and the Archaeological Survey," Hesperia 66.3, 1997, pp. 391-494.
144.06Fig. 12: Artifact densities on the Englianos Ridge in the vicinity of the Palace of Nestor by period (John Bennet. 20-meter grid. (The four levels of shading correspond to densities of 1-375, 375-750, 750-1500, and 1500+ sherds per ha). "The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project. Part I: Overview and the Archaeological Survey," Hesperia 66.3, 1997, pp. 391-494.
144.07Fig. 13: Early Helladic, Middle Helladic, and Early Mycenaean pottery (Rosemary Robertson). "The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project. Part I: Overview and the Archaeological Survey," Hesperia 66.3, 1997, pp. 391-494.
144.08Fig. 14: Middle Helladic III-Late Helladic II pottery (Rosemary Robertson). "The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project. Part I: Overview and the Archaeological Survey," Hesperia 66.3, 1997, pp. 391-494.
144.09Fig. 15: Mycenaean pottery (1-12; 14-23); Roman (13) (Rosemary Robertson). "The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project. Part I: Overview and the Archaeological Survey," Hesperia 66.3, 1997, pp. 391-494.
144.10Fig. 16: Mycenaean pottery and small finds (Rosemary Robertson). "The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project. Part I: Overview and the Archaeological Survey," Hesperia 66.3, 1997, pp. 391-494.
144.11Fig. 17: Distribution of Dark Age and Geometric finds, on-site (circles) and off-site (crosses) (Sebastian Heath). "The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project. Part I: Overview and the Archaeological Survey," Hesperia 66.3, 1997, pp. 391-494.
144.12Fig. 18: Distribution of Archaic and Classical finds, on-site (circles), off-site (crosses) (Sebastian Heath). "The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project. Part I: Overview and the Archaeological Survey," Hesperia 66.3, 1997, pp. 391-494.
144.13Fig. 19: Distribution of Hellenistic finds, on-site (circles), off-site (crosses) (Sebastian Heath). "The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project. Part I: Overview and the Archaeological Survey," Hesperia 66.3, 1997, pp. 391-494.
144.14Fig. 20: Distribution of Roman finds, on-site (circles), off-site (crosses) (Sebastian Heath). "The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project. Part I: Overview and the Archaeological Survey," Hesperia 66.3, 1997, pp. 391-494.
144.15Fig. 21: Romanou Glyfadaki (POSI E1). Density of tile (Sebastian Heath). 10-meter grid. "The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project. Part I: Overview and the Archaeological Survey," Hesperia 66.3, 1997, pp. 391-494.
144.16Fig. 22: Romanou Glyfadaki (POSI E1). Density of pottery (Sebastian Heath). 10-meter grid. "The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project. Part I: Overview and the Archaeological Survey," Hesperia 66.3, 1997, pp. 391-494.
144.17Fig. 23: Pottery from Romanou Glyfadaki (POSI E1) and Romanou Romanou (POSI I4) (Rosemary Robertson). "The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project. Part I: Overview and the Archaeological Survey," Hesperia 66.3, 1997, pp. 391-494.
144.18Fig. 24: Pottery and small finds from Romanou Glyfadaki (POSI E1) and Romanou Romanou (POSI I4) (Rosemary Robertson). "The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project. Part I: Overview and the Archaeological Survey," Hesperia 66.3, 1997, pp. 391-494.
144.19Fig. 25: Romanou Romanou (POSI I4). Distribution of Bronze Age Finds (Sebastian Heath). Cross indicates location of church. "The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project. Part I: Overview and the Archaeological Survey," Hesperia 66.3, 1997, pp. 391-494.
144.20Fig. 26: Romanou Romanou (POSI I4). Distribution of Roman Finds (Sebastian Heath). Cross indicates location of church. "The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project. Part I: Overview and the Archaeological Survey," Hesperia 66.3, 1997, pp. 391-494.
144.21Fig. 27: Marathoupolis Dialiskari (POSI G1). The "Mosaic House" (Rosemary Robertson and Kalliope Kaloyerakou). "The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project. Part I: Overview and the Archaeological Survey," Hesperia 66.3, 1997, pp. 391-494.
144.22Fig. 28: Marathoupolis Dialiskari (POSI G1). TotalStation plan of extant architectural remains (David L. Stone) "The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project. Part I: Overview and the Archaeological Survey," Hesperia 66.3, 1997, pp. 391-494.
144.23Fig. 29: Roman and Byzantine pottery and small finds from Marathoupolis Dialiskari (POSI G1) and Metamorfosi Skarminga (POSI A4) (Rosemary Robertson). "The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project. Part I: Overview and the Archaeological Survey," Hesperia 66.3, 1997, pp. 391-494.
144.24Fig. 30: Distribution of Byzantine finds, on-site (circles), and off-site (crosses) (Sebastian Heath). "The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project. Part I: Overview and the Archaeological Survey," Hesperia 66.3, 1997, pp. 391-494.
144.25Fig. 31: Metamorfosi Skarminga (POSI A4). Distribution of Roman finds. Cross indicates location of church (Sebastian Heath). "The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project. Part I: Overview and the Archaeological Survey," Hesperia 66.3, 1997, pp. 391-494.
144.26Fig. 32: Metamorfosi Skarminga (POSI A4). Distribution of Byzantine finds. Cross indicates location of church (Sebastian Heath). "The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project. Part I: Overview and the Archaeological Survey," Hesperia 66.3, 1997, pp. 391-494.
144.27Pl. 92c: UMME photograph of Koukouyera (AJA 65, 1961, pl. 78:b; courtesy of the Archaeological Institute of America and R. Hope Simpson). "The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project. Part I: Overview and the Archaeological Survey," Hesperia 66.3, 1997, pp. 391-494.
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