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092.04Yes (show preview)Site A06, Ayios Konstadtinos (2): looking E with modern church in background.
092.05Yes (show preview)Site A06, Ayios Konstadtinos (2): general view of modern church with terraced slopes behind/ to NE.
092.06Yes (show preview)Site A04, Skarminga: general view of Ayia Sotira church looking WNW/ showing niche
092.07Yes (show preview)Site A04, Skarminga: general view of Ayia Sotira church, looking SE.
092.08Yes (show preview)Site A04, Skarminga: close-up of Ayia Sotira church doorway.
092.09Yes (show preview)Site A04, Skarminga: general view of Ayia Sotira church looking SW.
092.10Yes (show preview)Site A04, Skarminga: view of "Turkish Bath" looking NW.
092.11Yes (show preview)Site A04, Skarminga: view of "Turkish Bath" to W showing wall thickness and N return.
092.12Yes (show preview)Site A04, Skarminga: N wall (good masonry) of "Turkish Bath" looking S.
092.13Yes (show preview)Site A04, Skarminga: from above of channel on top of "Turkish Bath" / looking SE
092.14Yes (show preview)Site A04, Skarminga: view from above of channel on top of "Turkish Bath"/ looking SE.
092.15Yes (show preview)Site A04, Skarminga: view along water channel from "Turkish Bath" to where channel turns E towards Ayia Sotira spring/ to slightly E of N.
092.16Yes (show preview)Site A04, Skarminga: view ENE along line of water channel toward Ayia Sotira spring.
092.17Yes (show preview)Site A04, Skarminga: wall sections in field below (S of) water channel showing piece of blue glass embedded in cement.
092.18Yes (show preview)Site A04, Skarminga: detail of meander brickwork and dentate decoration on Ayia Sotira church.
092.19Yes (show preview)Site L07: general view E over site/ cemetery, church and Milioti village in background.
092.20Yes (show preview)Site L07: general view ENE over site/ cemetery, church and Milioti village in background.
092.21Yes (show preview)Site L07: view of (?) wall foundation on overgrown knoll of site/ northernmost feature.
092.22Yes (show preview)Site L07: wide angl view of (?) wall foundation on overgrown knoll N. of site/ northernmost feature.
092.23Yes (show preview)Site L07: view to S. of wall foundations on ovcergrown knoll N. of site / southernmost feature.
092.24Yes (show preview)Site L07: view to N of wall foundation on overgrown knoll N. of site, showing wall return to S/ southernmost structure.
092.25Yes (show preview)Site L07: general view of site looking SW from cemetery church of Milioti.
092.26Yes (show preview)Site L07: general view to SW over site from cemetery church of Miliotis/ wide angle.
092.27Yes (show preview)Site L07, Palaiospitia: general view to SW over site from cemetery church of Miliotis, wide angle.
092.28Yes (show preview)Site I22, Panitsa: church of Panagia (Koimisi) from S, site in background.
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