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091.16Yes (show preview)Site B07: road scarp SE of Palace with prehistoric pottery/ westernmost deposit/ looking NNE.
091.17Yes (show preview)Site B07: road scarp SE of Palace with prehistoric pottery/ westernmost deposit/ looking NNE/ close-up.
091.18Yes (show preview)Site B07: road scarp SE of Palace with prehistoric pottery/ central deposit looking N.
091.19Yes (show preview)Site B07: road scarp SE of Palace with prehistoric pottery/ central deposit looking N, close-up.
091.20Yes (show preview)Site B07: road scarp SE of Palace with prehistoric pottery/ Easternmost deposit/ looking N/ entire scarp and vegetation on top.
091.21Yes (show preview)Site B07: road scarp SE of Palace with prehistoric pottery/ Easternmost deposit/ looking N/ entire scarp and vegetation on top, close-up.
091.22Yes (show preview)Site B07: road scarp SE of Palace with prehistoric pottery/ Easternmost deposit/ looking N/ entire scarp and vegetation on top, detail of kylix stem, etc.
091.23Yes (show preview)Site A03, Kalopsana (3): view to W of S scarp of mound; Jack Davis (TM#10) indicating tile.
091.24Yes (show preview)Site A03, Kalopsana (3): general view of feature to S (wide angle).
091.25Yes (show preview)Site A03, Kalopsana (3): general view of feature to S, close up.
091.26Yes (show preview)Site A03, Kalopsana (3): general view to NNW up Metaxada valley from house foundation N of site.
091.27Yes (show preview)Site A03, Kalopsana (3): view to SW along tongue on which site sits.
091.28Yes (show preview)Site A02, Kalopsana (1): monumental terrace wall on lower E slope of site showing bedrock outcrop and stones added/ to SW.
091.29Yes (show preview)Metaxada Valley: old bridge below and immediately E of current bridge across stream in valley bottom.
091.30Yes (show preview)Metaxada Valley: old bridge below and immediately E of current bridge across stream in valley bottom, close-up to ESE.
091.31Yes (show preview)General view of Site A05, Kalopsana (2) and Site A02, Kalopsana (1) from N from above on road up to Metaxada village.
091.32Yes (show preview)Site A05, Kalopsana (2): From above on road up to Metaxada village, close-up.
091.33Yes (show preview)Site A04, Skarminga: view to SW into pit, showing new tile grave and Stylianos in background.
091.34Yes (show preview)Site A01, Ayios Konstadtinos (1): view to SW of new tile grave (?) in scarp.
091.35Yes (show preview)Site A01, Ayios Konstadtinos (1): : close-up of tile found in new grave at SW edge of site.
091.36Yes (show preview)General view of Stylianos village across valley from Site A01 to SW.
091.37Yes (show preview)General view of Stylianos village across valley from Site A01 to SW, bus going through village.
092.01Film ID
092.02Yes (show preview)Site A01, Ayios Konstadtinos (1): : new grave observed high in E scarp of site.
092.03Yes (show preview)Site A06, Ayios Konstadtinos (2): view to NE of large blocks W. of modern church.
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