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088.24Yes (show preview)Site M03: from NE corner of Church, view to NE of Valta village and Aigaleon range behind.
088.25Yes (show preview)Site M03: from NE corner of church, view E to Site K03, S. edge Valta village and Aigaleon (Ay. Kastraki summit) in background.
088.26Yes (show preview)Site M03: from NE corner of church, view E to Site K03 , S. edge Valta village and Aigaleon (Ay. Kastraki summit) in background. (Tighter close-up on Site K03)
088.27Yes (show preview)Site K03: view from westernmost knoll to W. along Langouvardos gorge to Site M03; Proti in distance.
088.28Yes (show preview)View from Hora-Pylos asphalt from right by tholos across valley to Site C04 from NE.
088.29Yes (show preview)View from Hora-Pylos asphalt from right by tholos view from E to Site C03
088.30Yes (show preview)View from Hora-Pylos asphalt from right by tholos (slightly further S) towards Site C01.
088.31Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: possible quarry cuttings in coastline N. of Ay. Nikolaos Bay, from E. JLD for scale.
088.32Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: view of Ay. Nikolaos Bay with boats and coastline from NW.
088.33Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: view of Ay. Nikolaos Bay with boats and coastline from NW.
088.34Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: View along coastline from NW end of site looking SE to Ay. Nikolaos Bay, church, and Prof. Ilias in left of shot.
088.35Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: andesite millstone fragment found in marble pile near goat pen; pen marks drill hole.
089.01Yes (show preview)Langouvardos Gorge. Cliff with dry waterfall. Looking E up gorge. Rob Schon (TM#64) for scale.
089.02Yes (show preview)Worked stone block found within streambed of Langouvardos River
089.03Yes (show preview)Worked stone block found within streambed of Langouvardos River
089.04Yes (show preview)Site A04, Skarminga: Turkish bath house.
089.05Yes (show preview)Site A04, Skarminga: Turkish bath house.
089.06Yes (show preview)Site A04, Skarminga: detail back of Turkish bath house showing finely cut stone blocks.
089.07Yes (show preview)Site A04, Skarminga: blocks along track towards church of Ayia Sotira. Perhaps from Turkish bath house.
089.08Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: clay beds below Palace to N in rema valley.
089.09Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: clay beds below Palace to N in rema valley.
089.10Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: clay beds below Palace to N in rema valley.
089.11Yes (show preview)Site B07, Palace of Nestor Lower Town: clay beds below Palace to N in rema valley. Looking across valley towards Palace.
089.12Yes (show preview)Sue Alcock (TM#1) surveying.
089.13Yes (show preview)EH II sherds taken for petro-chemical analysis by Mike Galaty (TM#49)
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