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087.36Yes (show preview)views from coastal church of Ayios Ioannis on N part of Bay framed by Langouvardos - SW and SSW
087.37Yes (show preview)views from coastal church of Ayios Ioannis on N part of Bay framed by Langouvardos - SW and SSW
088.01Yes (show preview)Site K01: from W edge of site immediately below scarp: to SW including Proti
088.02Yes (show preview)Site K01: from W. edge of site imm. below scarp: to SW incl. Proti.
088.03Yes (show preview)Site K01: to W, incl. Ay. Ioannis Bay.
088.04Yes (show preview)Site K01: to NNW, incl. coastal plain.
088.05Yes (show preview)Site K01: cut bedrock feature in GS 111 (cut 1)- vertical face in N. part from NE.
088.06Yes (show preview)Site K01: cut bedrock feature in GS 211 (cut 1)- right-angle corner in middle part from E.
088.07Yes (show preview)Site K01: cut bedrock feature in GS 211 (cut 1)- approx. right angle in S. part from SE.
088.08Yes (show preview)Site K01: cut bedrock feature in GS 211 (cut 2), beginning of return under carob tree, from NE.
088.09Yes (show preview)Site K01: view SSW along ridge top, along N-S axis of grid. From very N. edge of site.
088.10Yes (show preview)Site K01: view SSE along ridge top, along N-S axis of grid from very N. edge of site.
088.11Yes (show preview)Site K02: view from E. to church of Ay. Sotira and dirt trek climbing S. side of hill.
088.12Site K02: view from E. to church of Ay. Sotira and dirt trek climbing S. side of hill.
088.13Yes (show preview)Site K04: general view of mound, from NW.
088.14Yes (show preview)Site K04: general view of mound from S.
088.15Yes (show preview)Site K04: general view of mound from SSE.
088.16Yes (show preview)Site K02: view from top of track up hill to church of Ay. Sotira, from SE/ near olives and disturbed earth in foreground.
088.17Yes (show preview)Site K02: view of church and clearing around it from NE.
088.19Yes (show preview)Site K02, Ayia Sotira: from W edge of clearing by church, view to NW, to coastal plain, incl. Ayios Ioannis Bay and Site K01 (Ordines).
088.20Yes (show preview)From dirt road descending S. side of Langkouvardos gorge to E. up inot gorge-- this point clearly visible form Site M03/ dirt road past Site K04 further south.
088.21Yes (show preview)Site K05: detail of slag in N. face of lime kiln at E. edge of site/ JLD for scale / from S.
088.22Yes (show preview)Landscape shot: from road to Valta from Gargalianoi-Filiatra asphalt. View to WSW towards Langouvardos, Site K01 and Proti.
088.23Yes (show preview)Site M03: view from NW of church of Ay. Yiorgios/ Site K03 and Aigaleon in background.
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