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054.07Yes (show preview)D team in area E of Marathopolis 6/8/93: General view of team walking tract - Susanne Hofstra (TM#14), Nigel Spencer crouching (TM#32), Sue Alcock (TM#1), Helen Dizikes (TM#47)
054.08Yes (show preview)D team in area E of Marathopolis 6/8/93: General view of team walking tract - Susanne Hofstra (TM#14), Nigel Spencer crouching (TM#32), Sue Alcock (TM#1), Helen Dizikes (TM#47)
054.09Yes (show preview)D team in area E of Marathopolis 6/8/93: General view of team walking tract - Susanne Hofstra (TM#14), Nigel Spencer crouching (TM#32), Sue Alcock (TM#1)
054.10Yes (show preview)D team in area E of Marathopolis 6/8/93: General view of team walking tract over grain field - Helen Dizikes (TM#47), Sue Alcock (TM#1), Susanne Hofstra (TM#14), Nigel Spencer (TM#32)
054.11D team in area E of Marathopolis 6/8/93: General view of team walking tract over grain field - Helen Dizikes (TM#47), Sue Alcock (TM#1), Susanne Hofstra (TM#14), Nigel Spencer (TM#32)
054.12Yes (show preview)D team in area E of Marathopolis 6/8/93: beginning a tract at the edge of a grain field - Helen Dizikes (TM#47) visible
054.13Yes (show preview)D team in area E of Marathopolis 6/8/93: beginning a tract at the edge of a grain field - Helen Dizikes (TM#47) visible
054.14Yes (show preview)D team in area E of Marathopolis 6/8/93: close-up of Holly Oyster (TM#62) inspecting artifact
054.15Yes (show preview)D team in area E of Marathopolis 6/8/93: close-up of Holly Oyster (TM#62) taking photogrgaph on tract
054.16Yes (show preview)D team in area E of Marathopolis 6/8/93: Maria Antoniou (TM#3) and seminario girl walking tract
054.17Yes (show preview)D team in area E of Marathopolis 6/8/93: close-up of Nigel Spencer (TM#32) writing notebook
054.18D team in area E of Marathopolis 6/8/93: close-up of Nigel Spencer (TM#32) writing notebook
054.19Yes (show preview)D team in area E of Marathopolis 6/8/93: close-up of orange tree showing flagging tape
054.20D team in area E of Marathopolis 6/8/93: close-up of orange tree showing flagging tape
054.21Yes (show preview)D team in area E of Marathopolis 6/8/93: close-up of Susanne Hofstra (TM#14) showing artifacts fround on tract
054.22Yes (show preview)D team in area E of Marathopolis 6/8/93: discussing an artifact - Nigel Spencer (TM#32) and Sue Alcock (TM#1), Helen Dizikes (TM#47) in background
054.23Yes (show preview)D team in area E of Marathopolis 6/8/93: discussing an artifact - Holly Oyster (TM#62), Maria Antoniou (TM#3), seminario girl, Susanne Hofstra (TM#14) and Nigel Spencer (TM#32)
054.24Yes (show preview)D team in area E of Marathopolis 6/8/93: discussing an artifact - Holly Oyster (TM#62), Maria Antoniou (TM#3), seminario girl, Susanne Hofstra (TM#14) and Nigel Spencer (TM#32)
054.25Yes (show preview)D team in area E of Marathopolis 6/8/93: close-up of Helen Dizikes (TM#47) taking a compass bearing (flash)
054.26Yes (show preview)D team in area E of Marathopolis 6/8/93: close-up of Susanne Hofstra (TM#14) bagging an artifact
054.27Yes (show preview)D team in area E of Marathopolis 6/8/93: close-up of Nigel Spencer (TM#32) writing notebook
054.28Yes (show preview)D team in area E of Marathopolis 6/8/93: Sue Alcock (TM#1) crouching watching team
054.29Yes (show preview)D team in area E of Marathopolis 6/8/93: Holly Oyster (TM#62) and Maria Antoniou (TM#3) discussing artifacts
054.30D team in area E of Marathopolis 6/8/93: Holly Oyster (TM#62) and Maria Antoniou (TM#3) discussing artifacts
054.31Yes (show preview)D team in area E of Marathopolis 6/8/93: Holly Oyster (TM#62), Maria Antoniou (TM#3) and Nigel Spencer (TM#32) discussing artifacts
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