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043.23Yes (show preview)Hora School House 6/8/93: pottery washing - Ioanna (seminario)
043.24Yes (show preview)Hora School House 6/8/93: pottery washing - Bill Alexander (TM#2)
043.25Yes (show preview)Hora School House 6/8/93: pottery washing - Bill Alexander (TM#2)
043.26Yes (show preview)Hora School House 6/8/93: pottery washing - Bill Alexander (TM#2)
043.27Yes (show preview)Hora School House 6/8/93: pottery washing - Bill Alexander (TM#2)
043.28Yes (show preview)Hora School House 6/8/93: pottery washing - Bill Alexander (TM#2)
043.29Yes (show preview)Hora School House 6/8/93: pottery washing - Bill Alexander (TM#2)
043.30Yes (show preview)Hora School House 6/8/93: Shari Stocker (TM#33), Steve Thompson (TM#69), Susanne Hofstra (TM#14) confering over Museum work
043.31Yes (show preview)Hora School House 6/8/93: Ann Harrison (TM#52) processing pottery assisted by Laura DeLozier (TM#46)
043.32Yes (show preview)Hora School House 6/8/93: Ann Harrison (TM#52) processing pottery assisted by Laura DeLozier (TM#46)
043.33Yes (show preview)Hora School House 6/8/93: Jack Davis (TM#10) working in "Office"
043.34Yes (show preview)Hora School House 6/8/93: Jack Davis (TM#10) working in "Office"
043.35Yes (show preview)Hora School House 6/8/93: Jack Davis (TM#10) working in "Office"
043.36Yes (show preview)Hora School House 6/8/93: General shot of "Office" - Sebastian Heath (TM#53) in foreground, Lyla Brock (TM#5) and Rosemary Robertson (TM#29) in background
044.00Yes (show preview)VOID
044.01Yes (show preview)S of Gargaliani to E of dirt road from Profitis Ilais: distant shot of quarry
044.02Yes (show preview)S of Gargaliani to E of dirt road from Profitis Ilais: distant shot of quarry
044.03Yes (show preview)S of Gargaliani to E of dirt road from Profitis Ilais: telephoto shot of quarry
044.04Yes (show preview)S of Gargaliani to E of dirt road from Profitis Ilais: wide-angle shot of quarry
044.05Yes (show preview)From just outside (S) Marathopolis to NW: Island of Proti
044.06Yes (show preview)From just outside (S) Marathopolis to NW: Island of Proti
044.07Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: Church of Ayios Nikolaos from SE
044.08Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: Church of Ayios Nikolaos close-up of cut blocks in E wall
044.09Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: view S of possible ancient brick structure immediately W of church of Ayios Nikolaos
044.10Yes (show preview)Site G01, Dialiskari: view S of possible ancient brick structure immediately W of church of Ayios Nikolaos (close-up)
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