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033.18Yes (show preview)From dirt road S of Gargaliani leading to Profitis Ilias: distant view of quarry face.
033.19Yes (show preview)From dirt road S of Gargaliani leading to Profitis Ilias: close-up of quarry cutting with scale
033.20Yes (show preview)From dirt road S of Gargaliani leading to Profitis Ilias: close-up of quarry cutting with scale (vertical shot).
033.21Yes (show preview)From dirt road S of Gargaliani leading to Profitis Ilias: distant view of quarries.
033.22Yes (show preview)NE of Profitis Ilais (Lefki): distant view of peak and surroundings.
033.23Yes (show preview)NE of Profitis Ilais (Lefki): distant view of peak and surroundings.
033.24Yes (show preview)NE of Profitis Ilais (Lefki): view of old house with oven.
033.25Yes (show preview)NE of Profitis Ilais (Lefki): close-up view of old house with oven.
033.26Yes (show preview)NE of Profitis Ilais (Lefki): view of old house with oven.
033.27Yes (show preview)From peak and Church of Profitis Ilais (Lefki) to NW: Vromoneri to Gargaliani coastal plain, Island of Proti in distance (with clouds).
033.28Yes (show preview)From peak and Church of Profitis Ilais (Lefki) to S: Navarino Bay, Bouka, Kokevis estate (Site I29), coastline.
033.29Yes (show preview)From peak and Church of Profitis Ilais (Lefki) to SSW: Navarino Bay, Bouka, Kokevis estate (Site I29), coastline.
033.30Yes (show preview)From peak and Church of Profitis Ilais (Lefki) to S: Pylos, Navarino Bay, Bouka, Kokevis estate Site I29 (telephoto).
033.31Yes (show preview)From peak and Church of Profitis Ilais (Lefki) to W: Vromoneri (telephoto).
033.32Yes (show preview)From peak and Church of Profitis Ilais (Lefki) to WSW: Mati rema and Ayia Sotira Site G02 (telephoto)
033.33Yes (show preview)From peak and Church of Profitis Ilais (Lefki) to WSW: Mati rema and Ayia Sotira Site G02 (telephoto)
033.34Yes (show preview)From rock outcropping immediately N of Church of Profitis Ilais (Lefki) to W: coastal plain
033.35Yes (show preview)From rock outcropping immediately N of Church of Profitis Ilais (Lefki) to W: coastal plain
033.36Yes (show preview)From rock outcropping immediately N of Church of Profitis Ilais (Lefki) to NNE over flat uplands S of Gargaliani, with Aigaleon range in background
034.00Yes (show preview)VOID
034.01Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: general view to E from W half of acropolis. Sue Alcock (TM#1) in middle of picture.
034.02Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: general view to E from W half of acropolis. Sue Alcock (TM#1) in middle of picture.
034.03Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: view to N from central acropolis, possible top of wall in foreground
034.04Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: view to N from central acropolis, possible top of wall in foreground
034.05Yes (show preview)Site D01, Kanalos: view to S over mound (tumulus?) at E end of acropolis
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