
On 15 November 2010 abstracts (300 to 500 words) are due for papers or posters at CAA2011. The 39th Annual International Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archeology (CAA): “Revive the Past”, to be held on 12-16 April 2011 in Beijing. Further information on the conference and the registration process is available at In addition to the General Papers section, the following topical sections are seeking contributions:

Illuminating Virtual Reconstructions: Physical Accuracy and Archaeological Interpretation

Semantic Technologies in Archaeology

Conceptual Modeling for Archaeology

Digital Spaces for Archaeology

Toward Best Practices for Building and Using Digital Models of Cultural Heritage Sites

Collective Geophysics for Archaeology: Moving Forward

Digging with Words: E-text and E-archaeology

Connecting the Dots: Critical Approaches in Archaeological Network Analysis

Spatial Prediction of Archaeological Sites and Paleoenvironments


Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute (CAARI)

On 1 November 2010 applications are due for fellowships ($5000 plus $250 for research expenses on the island) during 2011-2012 at the Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute (CAARI) in Nicosia, Cyprus for scholars who already have a PhD in the humanities, social sciences, and related natural sciences, whose research engages the culture, history, archaeology, or geography of Cyprus, and who would derive significant benefit from a month’s research time on the island. On 1 February 2011 applications are due for the Anita Cecil O’Donovan Fellowship and the Danielle Parks Memorial Fellowship ($1000 each) during 2011-2012 at CAARI for graduate students of any nationality, conducting research relevant to Cypriot archaeology. On-line applications and further information are available at or from Boston University, 656 Beacon Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02215.

On 1 November 2010, applications are due to the Institute for Aegean Prehistory (INSTAP) for 2011 New or Renewal Research Grants, the Post-Doctoral Fellowship, the Rip Rap Doctoral Fellowship at the INSTAP Study Center for East Crete (SCEC), the SCEC Librarian Fellowship, Six-Week Research Grants at INSTAP SCEC, and the Petrography Internship at INSTAP SCEC. Applications for Publication Team Support and Publication Subventions have no specific due dates. Further information and applications are available on the INSTAP website; applications can now be submitted via email as MS Word documents or fillable .pdf forms.


The September 2010 (37.6) issue of Nestor is now available as a free download.

This is the first issue under the new publication model for Nestor. The remaining 2010 issues will be made available after the corresponding print issues have been mailed.  We encourage subscribers to switch to this free digital format for 2011, instead of continuing to pay to receive paper copies.

Nestor will be transitioning to free digital download.

To continue receiving paper issues, subscription rates per volume (9 issues) in 2011 will be as follows:

U.S. $33

Canada/Mexico $38

Overseas $43

We regret this large price increase, caused by the anticipated loss of bulk printing and mailing prices.  We urge Nestor subscribers to switch to the free download.