
BANEA 2016

On 30 June 2015 proposals (~200 words, 350 words maximum) for panel and workshop sessions are due for the British Association of Near Eastern Archaeology Conference: Land, Sea and Sky in the Near East (BANEA 2016), to be held on 6-8 January 2016 at Lampeter (University of Wales Trinity Saint David). On 31 October 2015 abstracts (500 words maximum) for papers and posters are due. Further information is available at

POCA 2015

On 31 July 2015 abstracts are due for the 15th annual Postgraduates in Cypriot Archaeology: An Unexpected Journey. Cypriot Ancient Communities in Continuity and Transition. (POCA 2015) conference, to be held on 25-27 November 2015, hosted in Torino, Italy. Abstracts (250 words maximum) should be submitted together with a registration form (available at to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

SAA 2016

On 10 September 2015 abstracts (200 words maximum) for sessions and individual presentations are due for the 81st Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology (SAA 2016), to be held on 6-10 April 2016 in Orlando, Florida. Further information is available at

Religious Convergence in the Ancient Mediterranean

On 15 September 2015 abstracts (250 words maximum) are due for a conference entitled Religious Convergence in the Ancient Mediterranean, to be held on 23-26 June 2016 at the Villa Whitaker, Palermo, Sicily. Further information is available at Convergence may be explored along any of five broad trajectories:


Social structures


Imaginary boundaries


WAC-8 Kyoto

At the end of September 2015 proposals for sessions are due for themes for the Eighth World Archaeological Congress (WAC-8 Kyoto), to be held on 28 August - 1 September 2016 at Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan. At the end of February 2016 proposals for papers are due. Further information is available at The themes of the conference will include:

Public and Community Archaeology



Ethics and Politics


Post-colonial Experiences and Archaeological Practice

Religion and Spirituality

War and Conflict

Science and Technology

Understanding and Explaining the Past

Regional Archaeologies in the Globalised World

Disaster Archaeology

Theory for the Future


On 30 June – 2 July 2015 a conference entitled GEOMEDISLANDS 2015 International Colloquium on Geoarchaeology of the Mediterranean Islands will be held at the Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse, Cargèse, Corsica-France. Further information is available at and Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

M. R. Palombo, F. Antonioli, V. Lo Presti, F. L. Chiocci, M. A. Mannino, R. T. Melis, and P. Orru, "On the colonization of Mediterranean islands by anatomically modern humans: current knowledge and future perspectives"

R. Mandel and A. Simmons, "Geoarchaeology of Ais Giorkis, an upland early Aceramic Neolithic site in southwestern Cyprus: evidence for human-environment interactions"

A. Simmons and R. Mandel, "The geoarchaeology of Akrotiri Aetokremnos, Cyprus and its contribution to Pleistocene extinctions of island fauna: why is it so controversial?"

On 8-10 September 2015 the 10th International Symposium on Knappable Materials: On the Rocks will be held at the University of Barcelona (Spain). Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:

M. Bogdana and B. Horejs, "Raw Material Choice Matters – Obsidian vs. Chert Lithic Technology at Neolithic Çukuriçi Höyük in Western Anatolia"

S. Tohumcu, "The Chipped Stone Industry of Aktopraklik Höyük (6000 – 5800 BC): Raw Material, Technology and Typological Features"

S. Karageorgiou, A. Kostaki, M. Vavelidis, and S. Andreou, "Raw Material Sources Of Knapped Stone Tools From The Excavation Of The Prehistoric Site At Toumba Thessaloniki, Greece"

In Memory of Spiros Iacovides

On 6 May 2015 a conference in memory of Spiros Iacovides was held at the British School at Athens. The program was:

Ν. Πολυχρονάκου-Σγουρίτσα, "Αναμνήσεις μιας φοιτήτριας αρχαιολογίας"

Α. Κάσδαγλη, "Οι παλαιοί μαθητές του θυμούνται τον Σπύρο Ιακωβίδη"

Ε. Μπάνου, "Κύριε, υποκλίνομαι"

On 8 May 2015 a conference in memory of Vincenzo La Rosa entitled Festòs e Haghia Triada: bilanci e prospettive di ricerca was held at the Scuola Archeologica Italiana, Athens. The program was:

E. Greco, "Saluti e Introduzione ai lavori"

F. Carinci, "Vincenzo La Rosa: l'uomo e lo studioso"

S. Todaro, "La Messarà occidentale prima dei palazzi: a great Minoan triangle ante litteram"