
Mycenae Excavation and Publication Archive

The Mycenae Excavation and Publication Archive is open for enquiries; it is part of the Faculty of Classics Archives in the University of Cambridge and documents the British excavations at Mycenae between 1920 and 1969. The Archive is accessible by appointment to researchers in person on Mondays, 10am-4pm. Visits to the archive and discussion of the material may be arranged by contacting This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; researchers are advised to apply as far in advance as possible. Further information is available at

The Connected Past 2018

On 14 May 2018 abstracts (250 words maximum) are due for a conference entitled The Connected Past 2018, to be held on 6-7 December 2018 at the University of Oxford. Further information is available at Submissions are invited on the topic of spatial and temporal network approaches, especially abstracts that address the challenges posed by the use of or apply network approaches in historical/archaeological research contexts and case studies drawn from all periods and places. Topics may include, but are not limited to:
Spatial networks
Temporal networks
Archaeological network research
Historical network research
Missing and incomplete data in archaeological and historical networks
What kinds of data can archaeologists and historians use to reconstruct past networks and what kinds of issues ensue?
Formal network analysis vs qualitative network approaches: pros, cons, potential, limitations

EuroMed 2018

On 31 May 2018 submissions for full papers (12 pages maximum), project papers (10 pages maximum), short papers (8 pages maximum), and proposals for showcases are due for the 6th International Euro-Mediterranean Conference (EuroMed 2018) on Digital Heritage, to be held on 29 October-3 November 2018 in Cyprus. Further information is available at

SAA 2019

On 6 September 2018 submissions, both session and individual (abstracts 200 words maximum), are due for the Society for American Archaeology 84th Annual Meeting (SAA 2019), to be held on 10-14 April 2019 in Albuquerque, NM. Further information is available at

40th Annual Excavation, Survey & Archaeometry Symposium

On 7-11 May 2018 the 40. Uluslarası Kazı, Araştırma ve Arkeometri Sempozyumu. 40th Annual Excavation, Survey & Archaeometry Symposium will be held at the Troya Kültür Merkezi-Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi in Çanakkale. Further information is available at Papers of interest to Nestor readers will include:
İ. Kayan, “1982-2017 Yılları Arasında Troya’da Yapılan Paleocoğrafya Araştırmalarının Jeoarkeolojik Sonuçları”
R. Aslan, “2017 Yılı Troya Kazıları”
G. Sazcı, “Maydos Kilisetepe Höyüğü 2017 Yılı Kazıları”
G. Mustafaoğlu, “Boncuklu Höyük ve Çatalhöyük’ün Öncülleri”
I. Hodder, “Çatalhöyük 2017 Kazıları”
H. Tekin, “Domuztepe 2017 Kazılarının İlk Ön Raporu”
N. Karul, “Aktopraklık Höyük Kazı Çalışmaları 2017”
M. Özdoğan, “Kırklareli 2017 Yılı Çalışmaları”
Z. Derin, “İzmir-Yeşilova Höyüğü 2017 Yılı Çalışmaları”
E. Güleç, “2017 Üçağızlı Kazısı”
H. Taşkıran, “2017 Yılı Karain Mağarası Kazıları”
İ. Özer, “2017 Yılı İnkaya Kazısı”
B. Yükmen Edens, “‘Erken Prehistorya ve Kilikya Bazalt Alanları’ Projesi 2017 Yüzey Araştırmaları”
E. Beksaç, “Kuzeybatı Anadolu ve Trakya’da Kaya-Oyma ve Megalitik Anıtlar ve Kült Alanları Yüzey Araştırması Projesi 2017 Yılı Çalışmaları”
İ. Özer, “2017 Yılı Muğla ve Çanakkale İlleri Yüzey Araştırması”
S. Yorulmaz, “Çine-Tepecik Arkeolojik Topluluğu Üzerine Bir Antik DNA İncelemesi: mtDNA Haplogrup Analizi”
I. Caneva, “Mersin-Yumuktepe: 2017 Kazı Sezonu”
A. Özyar, “Tarsus-Gözlükule Kazısı: 2017 Yılı Çalışmaları”
D. Schloen, “Zincirli Höyük 2017”
M. Novak, “Sirkeli Höyük’te Türk-İsviçre Kazıları”
H. Hüryılmaz, “Gökçeada-Yenibademli Höyük Kazıları 2017”
A. Aykurt, “Yılı Liman Tepe Kazıları”
V. Şahoğlu, “2017 Yılı Çeşme - Bağlararası Kazıları”
R. Tuncel, “2017 Panaztepe Kazıları”
Ö. Çevik, “2017 Yılı Ulucak Höyük Kazıları”
S. Yaylalı, “Çakırbeyli-Küçüktepe Höyük 2017 Yılı Kazı Çalışması”
S. Günel, “Çine-Tepecik Höyüğü 2017 Yılı Kazıları”
M. Türktekı, “Küllüoba Kazıları, Genel Değerlendirme ve 2017 Yılı Sonuçları”
F. Dedeoğlu, “Ekşi Höyük 2017 Yılı Kazı Çalışmaları”
B. Erdoğu, “Çanakkale Gökçeada Uğurlu-Zeytinlik Kazısı 2017”
C. H. Roosevelt, “Bir Tunç Çağı Merkezinde 2017 Yılı Araştırma Çalışmaları: Kaymakçı Arkeoloji Projesi”
K. S. Girginer, “2017 Tatarlı Höyük Kazısı Sonuçları”
D. Yaşin, “Tepebağ Höyük/Adana 2017 Yılı Kazıları”
A. L. D’Agata, “Misis Höyük 2017 Yılı Kazıları”
D. Kaplan, “Tarsus Hinterlandı 2017 Yılı Yüzey Araştırmaları”
T. E. Şerifoğlu, “Aşağı Göksu Arkeolojik Kurtarma Yüzey Araştırması Projesi 2017 Sezonu ve Çevre Bölgelerdeki İncelemelerin Sonuçları”
Ç. Atakuman, “Bozburun Prehistorik Yüzey Araştırması 2017”
D. Sarı, “2017 Yılı Bilecik İli Yüzey Araştırması”
D. Yalçıklı, “Balıkesir Yüzey Araştırması (İvrindi, Havran, Edremit ve Dursunbey), 2017”
E. Özdoğan, “Manyas Gölü Doğu Taraça Neolitik Dönem Araştırmaları 2017”
E. Güldoğan, “İstanbul İli Yüzey Araştırmaları (İstYA) Projesi 2017 Yılı Çalışmaları”
Y. S. Erdal, “Son Neolitik ve Kalkolitik İnsanları: Mersin-Yumuktepe’den Bir Görünüm”
A. M. Büyükkarakaya, “Çine-Tepecik İnsan İskelet Kalıntılarının Biyoarkeolojik Açıdan İncelenmesi”
M. Dirican, “Batı ve Orta Anadolu’da Ele Geçen Bazı Obsidyen Buluntuların Hammadde Kaynaklarının PXRF ile Analizi”
B. Arıkan, “Erken ve Orta Holosen Dönemlerinde (G.Ö. 12.000 - 2600) İç ve Güneybatı Anadolu’daki İklim Değişiklikleri ve Bunların Arkeolojik Yerleşme Sistemlerine Olan Etkisi”
E. Eren, “Üçağızlı Mağarası Ahmarian Dönem Uçlarında Gözlenen Kullanım İzlerinin Analizi”
N. Kolankaya Bostancı, “Çine-Tepecik Höyük Obsidiyen Endüstrisi ve Takas Ağları”
M. Kibaroğlu, “Red Lustrous Wheel-made Ware (RLW) Seramik Grubunun Köken Sorunu Üzerine Arkeometrik Analizler”
H. Balcı, “Barçın Höyük’te Bitki Seçimi”
J. Graber-Pesonen, “Sirkeli Höyük Demir Çağı Demir Buluntularının Arkeometalürji İncelemeleri”
C. Edens, “Doğu Kilikya’da Yontma Taş ve Prehistorik Kırsal Faaliyetler”
B. Fındık, “Şeref Höyük ve Çevresi Yontmataş Buluntularına İlişkin İlk Gözlemler”
M. Beray Kösem, “2005-2007 Yılları Yontmataş Buluntuları Işığında Çine-Tepecik Höyük Orak Elemanları”
A. Güzel, “Neolitik Çatalhöyük Güney Alanından Alınan Bir Grup Sıva Örneği Üzerinde Arkeometrik Çalışmalar”
F. Erol, “Ulucak Höyük Neolitik Yerleşimine Ait Kerpiç Tuğlaların Arkeometrik İncelemesi”
C. Y. Gündem, “Ege Gübre Kazısının Arkeozoolojik Çalışmalarının Ön Raporu”
M. Seçmen, “2012-2017 Yılları Arasında Maydos Kilisetepe Höyüğü’nde Gerçekleştirilen Arkeozooloji Çalışmalarının Sonuçları
D. Silibolatlaz Baykara, “2015 Yılı Tatarlı Höyük Kazısı Zooarkeolojik Çalışmaları”
Ç. Çilingiroğlu, “Karaburun Arkeolojik Yüzey Araştırması 2017”
T. Caymaz, “Urla Yarımadası Güney Kesimi 2017 Yılı Yüzey Araştırması”
D. Yılmaz, “Çanakkale İli Merkez İlçesi Arkeolojik Yüzey Araştırması 2017 Yılı”
R. Becks, “2017 Yılı Şeref Höyük / Komama ve Çevresi Yüzey Araştırması”
F. E. Dökü, “2017 Yılı Uylupınar (Erken Kibyra) Yerleşimi Yüzey Araştırmaları”
S. Kavak, “Tatarlı Höyük (Ceyhan/Adana) 2017 Kazı Sezonu Arkeobotanik Sonuçları ve Değerlendirilmesi”
M. A. Yücel, “Çanakkale İli Arkeolojik Yüzey Araştırması: 2017 Yılı Harita Uygulamaları”
E. Öner, “Damlıboğaz – Pilavtepe 2017 Yılı Paleocoğrafya-Jeoarkeoloji Araştırmaları (Milas – Muğla)”
E. Öner, “Klazomenai ve Limantepe 2017 Yılı Paleocoğrafya ve Jeoarkeoloji Araştırmaları (Urla-İzmir)”
S. Vardar, “Çeşme-Bağlararası 2017 Yılı Paleocoğrafya ve Jeoarkeoloji Araştırmaları (İzmir)”
S. Vardar, “Panaztepe ve Limankent 2017 Yılı Paleocoğrafya-Jeoarkeoloji Araştırmaları (Menemen – İzmir)”

TAG-US 2018

On 11-13 May 2018 the Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG-US) 2018: Matter Matters conference will be held at the University of Florida, Gainesville. Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:
C. Knappett, “For an ‘Art Historical’ Archaeology”

On the Outdoors of Aegean Prehistory

On 17-18 May 2018 a colloquium entitled On the Outdoors of Aegean Prehistory will be held at the Norwegian Institute at Athens. Further information is available at The program will be:
A. Kanta, “Open Space - Private Space - Sacred space. Recent Evidence from Monastiraki Amariou in Crete”
V. Fotou, “Non-Built Spaces in Urban Contexts of Neopalatial Crete: Characterisation and Use”
I. Mathioudaki, C. Langohr, and T. Terrana, “Discarded Material in Complex Outdoor Settings: the Case of Space 10.6 in the West Wing of the Court-Centred Building at Sissi (Zone 17)”
E. Hatzaki and P. Zafeiriadis, “Little Palace North: at the Outdoors of the Elite in Final Palatial – Postpalatial Knossos, Crete”
G. Rethemiotakis and K. Christakis, “Clearing out a Palace: Planned Rubbish Disposal at Galatas, Pediada”
M. Tsipopoulou, “In and Out: Private and Communal Areas in a Neopalatial Large House at Petras, Siteia”
E. Apostolaki, “Perception of Privacy through the Outdoors in East Crete”
M. Cultraro, “Constructing a Biography of Households and Social Structures at Poliochni, Lemnos: Outdoor Spaces and Built Environment in the Early Bronze Age”
T. Van Damme, “Finding Common Ground: Social, Economic, and Ideological Aspects of Mycenaean Post-Palatial Domestic Courtyards”
A. Karetsou, L. Girella, and D. Mylona, “Did the Minoans Feast or Dine? The Case of the Juktas Peak Sanctuary and Alonaki”
E. Kalogiropoulou, “‘Let’s Eat Out’: Kitchen Spaces, People and Daily Life in the Greek Neolithic”
L. Platon and A. Salichou, “From Built to Open: the Transformation of Architectural Space as Indicative for Socio-Political Change in the Minoan Settlement of Zakros”
S. Kyrillidou, “On the Outdoors of Aegean Prehistory: the Micromorphology of Open Spaces in Neolithic and Bronze Age Communities of the Northern Aegean”
Y. Papadatos and T. Kalantzopoulou, “Outdoor Spaces and the Organization of Production on the Cretan Uplands: a Mountain Perspective of Neopalatial Administration”
K. Kotsakis: Concluding comments

The Periphery of the Mycenaean World 3

On 18-21 May 2018 the conference Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου Γ / The Periphery of the Mycenaean World 3 will be held at the Archaeological Museum of Lamia (Castle of Lamia), Greece. Further information is available at The program will be:
D. Nakassis, “‘Άγνωστος λησμονημένος απ’ όλους’? Why the ‘periphery’ should be central to Mycenaean studies”
B. Eder, “The Mycenaean Periphery: Questions of Definition”
Κ. Βουτσά, “Γεωγραφικοί επιθετικοί προσδιορισμοί στα μυκηναϊκά αρχεία: ενδείξεις για τα όρια της δραστηριότητας των ανακτόρων”
F. Blakolmer, “Regionalism, centre and periphery in Mycenaean palatial arts. On the thematic spectrum of Mycenaean mural paintings and other artistic media”
Κ. Καλογερόπουλος, “Η μυκηναϊκή γκρίζα κεραμική ως κοινωνικό φαινόμενο”
Μ.–Φ. Παπακωνσταντίνου, “Μυκηναϊκή Φθιώτιδα. Δεκαπέντε χρόνια αρχαιολογικής έρευνας, 2000-2015. Αποτελέσματα και προοπτικές”
Ε. Φρούσσου, “Το Νέο Μοναστήρι (Βόρεια Φθιώτιδα) στην Ύστερη Εποχή του Χαλκού”
Α. Κυπαρίσση-Αποστολίκα, Γ. Χαμηλάκης, T. Loughlin, and Ε. Φρούσσου, “Ένας νέος θολωτός τάφος πρώιμης μυκηναϊκής περιόδου μέσα στα όρια της Νεολιθικής Κουτρουλού Μαγούλας (Νέο Μοναστήρι Φθιώτιδας)”
Α. Σταμούδη, “To Kάστρο της Λαμίας κατά τη Μυκηναϊκή περίοδο”
Ε. Καράντζαλη, “Η Μυκηναϊκή ταυτότητα της κοιλάδας του Σπερχειού: Κοινωνία και Διαχρονία”
P. J. P. McGeorge, “Anthropological remains from Mycenaean tombs at Kompotadhes in the Spercheios Valley”
Φ. Δακορώνια, “Κυναίο δίλημμα: εύρημα χωρίς παράλληλα”
Π. Κουνούκλας, “Ιεροτελεστία στον Κύνο: Η επισφράγιση μιας καταστροφής”
Σ. Δημάκη and Μ. Παπαγεωργίου, “Πόλεμος και Ειρήνη: Ταφές της άρχουσας τάξης στο υστεροελλαδικό νεκροταφείο του Καλαποδίου Λοκρίδας”
Μ. Παπαγεωργίου, “Συστάδα θαλαμωτών τάφων της ΥΕ ΙΙΙΑ/Β περιόδου, στη θέση ‘Βάγια’ στο Καλαπόδι Φθιώτιδας”
A. Van de Moortel and S. Vitale, “Changing Political Landscapes: Mitrou, East Lokris, and the Palatial Polities of Boeotia”
K. Wardle, “Thermon: the Prehistory of the Cult”
Έ. Κουντούρη, Κ. Νικολέντζος, Ά. Παπαδόπουλος, Ν. Πετρόχειλος, and Α. Ψάλτη, “Θολωτός τάφος στη θέση ‘Άμπλιανος’ Άμφισσας: πρώτη προσέγγιση”
Μ. Βαϊοπούλου, “Χώρος Τελετών-Ιερό της ΥΕΙΙΒ/ΥΕΙΙΙΑ στην θέση ‘Παλιάμπελα’ στο Δ.Δ. Λεονταρίου του Δήμου Σοφάδων”
Ι. Τουρναβίτου, “Αστική αρχιτεκτονική της ύστερης Μυκηναϊκής περιόδου στην Θεσσαλία. Ένα μυκηναϊκό οικοδομικό συγκρότημα στο Μακρυχώρι Λάρισας”
Α. Μπάτζιου, “Μυκηναϊκοί οικισμοί και ταφικά σύνολα από την Κεντρική Θεσσαλία”
Β. Αδρύμη–Σισμάνη, Το Μέγαρο, ως έδρα του τοπικού ηγεμόνα κατά τον 13ο αι. π.Χ. στο Διμήνι”
Α. Μπάτζιου, Π. Αραχωβίτη, Σ. Αλεξάνδρου, and Δ. Αγνουσιώτης, “Ταφικές πρακτικές και κοινωνικές διεργασίες κατά τη Μέση και Ύστερη Εποχή του χαλκού στην περιοχή της Μαγνησίας”
Ά. Καρναβά and Ε. Σκαφιδά, “Ο οικισμός της ΥΕΧ στο Κάστρο-Παλαιά Βόλου και τα τεκμήρια Γραμμικής Β γραφής στον ελλαδικό χώρο: τα νέα δεδομένα”
S. Koulidou, “Mycenaean–type ceramic evidence from the lower slopes of Macedonian Olympus the cases of ‘Trimpina/Platamon Stop’ and ‘Rema Xydias’ LBA cemeteries”
E. Tsangaraki, “Mycenaean-style LHIII seals on the slopes of Mount Olympus, Pieria: ‘Something old, something new, something borrowed and something [out of the] Blue’”
P. Tritsaroli, “Humans at the periphery of the Mycenaean world: Biological and social status at the region of Macedonian Olympus in the LBA”
I. Lemos, “Recent discoveries on Xeropolis Lefkandi and their significance for the Euboean koine”
B. Lis, “Tracing migrants in 12th century BC Lefkandi”
A. Livieratou and I. Whitbread, “Cooking and storage practices in the Mycenaean Periphery: Late Helladic IIIC coarse-ware pottery from Xeropolis, Lefkandi”
C. Maggidis, “Glas and Mycenaean Regional Political Geography: Recent Discoveries and New Theories”
‘Ε. Κουντούρη, “Μυκηναϊκή βόρεια Βοιωτία: πρόσφατες έρευνες και νέα δεδομένα”
Α. Χαραμή and Α. Λαμπρόπουλος, “Ηγεμονικός τάφος Καστελλίων Θηβών. Νέες αρχιτεκτονικές παρατηρήσεις”
Θ. Παπαδόπουλος, “Εικονιστικές παραστάσεις Δυτικής Ελλάδας και γειτονικών περιοχών ως μαρτυρία της κοινωνικής, θρησκευτικής και καθημερινής δραστηριότητας των κατοίκων τους”
Λ. Παπάζογλου-Μανιουδάκη and Κ. Πασχαλίδης, “Ο μυκηναϊκός οικισμός Μυγδαλιάς Πετρωτού Πατρών: Το χρονικό μιας κοινότητας γεωργών, κτηνοτρόφων και πολεμιστών στην περιφέρεια του μυκηναϊκού κόσμου”
Κ. Ακτύπη, O. Jones, and Μ. Γκαζής, “Ένας αιώνας ερευνών στη Μυκηναϊκή δυτική Αχαΐα. Επισκόπηση των παλαιών και νέων δεδομένων από τους θολωτούς και τους θαλαμοειδείς τάφους”
Σ. Κασκαντίρη, “Μεγάλοι δίωτοι και τετράωτοι αμφορείς του μυκηναϊκού νεκροταφείου της Βούντενης Πατρών”
E. Borgna and A. Licciardello, “Eastern Achaea between the Mycenaean palaces and western Greece some observations from the Trapeza cemetery near Aigion”
Κ. Νικολέντζος and Π. Μουτζουρίδης, “Η πολιτικοκοινωνική διαμόρφωση της περιοχής της Αρχαίας Ολυμπίας κατά την ΥΕΙΙΙ: Μύθοι, υποθέσεις και πραγματικότητα”
Ο. Βικάτου, “Μυκηναϊκά νεκροταφεία στην ευρύτερη περιοχή της Ολυμπίας. Πρόσφατα δεδομένα και νέα πορίσματα”
J. Huber, “Triphylia: A Mycenaean Periphery? What the analysis of pottery can tell”
Ά. Παπαδημητρίου and Λ. Σουχλέρης, “Εικονογραφική παράσταση ταφικού αγγείου από νέο Μυκηναϊκό νεκροταφείο στην Πελλάνα Λακωνίας”
Ε. Κονσολάκη–Γιαννοπούλου, “Ο ΜΕ-ΥΕ οικισμός στο λόφο του Αγίου Γεωργίου στην Καλλονή της Τροιζηνίας”
Ν. Πολυχρονάκου-Σγουρίτσα, “Ο Μυκηναϊκός οικισμός στους Λαζάρηδες Αίγινας: εννέα χρόνια έρευνας. Ερωτήματα που ζητούν ακόμη απάντηση”
G. van Wijngaarden and C. Merkouri, “ZA-KU- SI-JU: The Mycenaeans of Zakynthos”
Χ. Μερκούρη and C. Giardino, “Η Ζάκυνθος στην περιφέρεια του μυκηναϊκού κόσμου. Το νεκροταφείο στο Καμπί”
Ε. Βασιλείου, “Διαμόρφωση κοινωνικής ταυτότητας και ‘δίκτυο’ κιβωτιόσχημων τάφων της ΥΕΧ-ΠΕΣ στην ενδοχώρα της Ηπείρου”
Χ. Κλείτσας, “Η μεταλλοτεχνία της Ηπείρου ως δείκτης κοινωνικής διαφοροποίησης και εξωτερικών επαφών”
Ι. Σουκάντος, “Από τον Αιγαιακό χώρο στη Βαλκανική ενδοχώρα: η ανατολική Μακεδονία κατά την ΥΕΧ”
T. Krapf, “Contact Networks North of the Mycenaean Sphere: New Insights from Sovjan and Maliq (SE Albania)”
S. Oikonomidis, A. Papayiannis, and A. Tsonos, “Far away so close: Cultural distances and material parameters between the Aegean and the Balkans”
S. Oikonomidis, “From the Adriatic to the Levant: evaluating the cross cultural interactions between the Adriatic and the eastern Mediterranean basin, through the Aegean sea”
M. Cultraro, “Exploring the Western Periphery of the Mycenaean World: a glimpse of Sicily”
J. Earle, “Just how ‘Mycenaean’ are the ceramics at Phylakopi on Melos?”
Τ. Μαρκέτου, “Θολωτοί τάφοι στην περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού κόσμου: Η περίπτωση του τάφου της Μεσαριάς στο νησί της Κώ”
Μ. Γεωργιάδης, “Η μυκηναϊκή Κως: κέντρο ή περιφέρεια;”
P. Pavúk, L. Girella, M. Pieniążek, K. Jarošová, and M. Roháček, “The Upper Interface twenty years later. The NE Aegean islands and the West Anatolian coast during the Late Bronze Age”
Ε. Καρδαμάκη and Χ. Μπουλώτης, “Η μυκηναϊκή παρουσία στο Κουκονήσι και τη Λήμνο”
B. Gür, “The Sea and Aristocracy. Some Observations on the New Elites in Late Helladic IIIC Period and the Mycenanean Tombs in Caria Region”
Ά. Λέκκα, “Αιγαιακά στοιχεία στην εικονιστική κεραμική του 12 ου αι. π.Χ. από την Κύπρo”
J. Driessen, “Resistance and Revival? Coping with a changed Mediterranean in the 13th c. BC Cretan countryside–Evidence from Sissi”
F. Gaignerot-Driessen, “Anavlochos: Living and dying on a Cretan mountainous site in the Late Bronze Age–Early Iron Age period”
Α. Κάντα, Ν. Σταμπολίδης, Α. Τζιγκουνάκη, Μ. Στεφανάκης, and Μ. Παπαδάκης, “Orne, a new Mycenaean Acropolis in South Crete”
Α. Κάντα and Γ. Τζεδάκης, “The LHIIIB settlement at Samonas Apokoronou. Τhe Mycenaean periphery in Crete, Historical implications”
Α. Βασιλάκης, “Νέα στοιχεία για την υστεροελλαδική περίοδο στην Κεφαλονιά από την ανασκαφή ελλειψοειδούς μεγάρου στα Τζαννάτα Πόρου”
Ο. Βικάτου, “Η Μυκηναϊκή εγκατάσταση στη θέση ‘Τριανταφυλλιά’ στην Κορυφή Ηλείας”
Ο. Βικάτου and Β. Τσαντήλα, “Θολωτός μυκηναϊκός τάφος στην Κατούνα Αιτωλοακαρνανίας. Πρώτη παρουσίαση”
Ά. Γκοτσίνας, “Exploiting faunal resources in early Mycenaean Thebes: first insights from a Late Helladic I pit”
Α. Καραθάνου, “Exploring the ‘world of senses’ within the periphery of the Mycenean World: aromatic, medicinal and oily plants from Kynos, central Greece”
Χ. Καραγιαννόπουλος, “Terra et era incognita: Η Ύστερη Εποχή του Χαλκού στις εσχατιές της ΝΔ Θεσσαλίας. Νέα ταφικά ευρήματα και εγκαταστάσεις κατά τις έρευνες της τελευταία δεκαετίας”
Ε. Κωνσταντινίδη, “Επανεξετάζοντας τον Θησαυρό της Τίρυνθας: ανταλλαγές πρώτων υλών, ιδεών και τεχνογνωσίας, στην Ευρώπη του 12ου αι. π.Χ.”
Σ. Λαμπρόπουλος, Α. Σπυρούλιας, and Σ. Γιαννούλη, “Χαρτογραφική μελέτη χωρικών δεδομένων της Μυκηναϊκής Ηλείας. Χάρτες Ανασύστασης Παλαιοαναγλύφου. Περιγραφή–Μελέτη οικιστικών θέσεων της Ύστερης Χαλκοκρατίας με τη χρήση Γεωγραφικών Συστημάτων Πληροφοριών (G.I.S.)”
Α. Λερίου, “Ανακαλύπτοντας την περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού κόσμου: ένα αρχαιολογικό χρονικό (δεκαετία 1870-σήμερα)”
Α. Πανάτση and Γ. Κουρτζέλλης, “Νέα ανασκαφικά στοιχεία οργανωμένης Μυκηναϊκής εγκατάστασης στην περιοχή Χαλατσές, Περάματος Λέσβου”
Μ. Παπαγεωργίου, “Δίκτυο νέων υστεροελλαδικών οικισμών στις ΝΑ παρυφές του όρους Χλωμό, Δ. Λοκρών, Π.Ε. Φθιώτιδας”
Μ.-Φ. Παπακωνσταντίνου and T. Krapf, “Η μυκηναϊκή παρουσία στην Αγία Παρασκευή Λαμίας στο πλαίσιο της μελέτης της προϊστορικής τοπογραφίας της κοιλάδας του Σπερχειού”
Β. Πλιάτσικα, “‘Αγγείον μέγα κρατηροειδές, εκ Σμύρνης, αγορασθέν αντί δρ. 200’. Η περιπέτεια ενός μυκηναϊκού εικονιστικού κρατήρα του Εθνικού Αρχαιολογικού Μουσείου”
Δ. Ρουσιώτη, “The tholos tombs at Pteleon (Gritsa and Ayioi Theodoroi), Magnesia and their contribution to the reconstruction of the cultural landscape of Mycenaean Thessaly”
Ε. Σαλαβούρα, “Νέο μυκηναϊκό νεκροταφείο στο Πόρτο Ράφτη και η ανατολική ακτή της Αττικής στους μετανακτορικούς χρόνους”
Γ. Τσόκας, Π. Τσούρλος, Α. Σταμπολίδης, Γ. Βαργεμέζης, A. Van de Moortel, and Ε. Ζάχου, “Γεωφυσική διασκόπηση με ηλεκτρικές τομογραφίες στη Νησίδα Μήτρου”
Β. Τσούμαρη, “Η διαδρομή από τον Μαλιακό στον Κορινθιακό Κόλπο κατά την ύστερη εποχή του Χαλκού: Νέες προσεγγίσεις με τη χρήση Γεωγραφικών Συστημάτων Πληροφοριών”
Ό. Φιλανιώτου, “Η Μυκηναϊκή εποχή στο ανατολικό Αιγαίο. Νέα δεδομένα από τη Θέρμη Λέσβου.”

ISA 2018

On 20-26 May 2018 the 42nd International Symposium on Archaeometry (ISA 2018) will be held in Merida, Mexico. Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:
Y. Maniatis and K. Kotsakis, “New aspects of the pattern of Neolithization in the Aegean as revealed with Radiocarbon Dating”
E. Tsakalos, N. Efstratiou, M. Kazantzaki, E. Filippaki , and Y. Bassiakos, “Early Cypriot Prehistory: on the Traces of the Last Hunters and Gatherers in the Island-Preliminary Results of Luminescence Dating”
M. Kazantzaki, E. Filippaki, Y. Bassiakos, E. Tsakalos, and J. Christodoulakis, “Late Pleistocene-Holocene Environmental Changes on Kalamas River Delta Plain-NW Greece”
C.-H. Tsai, K. Kaza-Papageorgiou, and P. M. Day, “A time of change: transformations in pottery production in Early Bronze Age Attica, Greece”
I. E. Grammatikakis, E. Kyriakidis, K. D. Demadis, A. Cabeza, and L. Leon-Reina, “Unveiling the technological mysteries of terracotta Bronze Age figurines from the Philioremos peak sanctuary in Crete Greece. A μ-Raman based analytical approach”
E. Tsakalos, Y. Bassiakos, E. Yiannouli, M. Kazantzaki, and E. Filippaki, “Late Quaternary Palaeoenvironmental Evolution of the Coastal Zone of Se Kephallenia Island-Greece: A Preliminary Account Based on Luminescence Dating Techniques”
A. Türkekul, H. Özbal, and R. Özbal, “Archaeometric Insights on Neolithic and Chalcolithic Beeswaxes in Anatolian Potteries”
S. M. Valamoti, A. Heiss, S. Jacomet, and H. P. Stika, “Plant foods of Ancient Europe: an interdisciplinary exploration of prehistoric cuisine in the context of project PLANTCULT”
C. Miragaia, P. M. Day, I. Iliopoulos, and P. D. Tomkins, “Pottery production and consumption in Neolithic Attica, Greece: a view from Nea Makri”
S. Menelaou, “Between East and West: positioning the Early Bronze Age Heraion(Samos) within Aegean exchange networks through the ceramic evidence”
R. H. Tykot and S. Garcia, “An Acquired Ancient Aegean Area Archaeological Artifact Assemblage and Appropriate Atomic Analysis Applied by pXRF”

Malthi Revisited

On 21 May 2018 a workshop entitled Malthi Revisited. A Fortified Bronze Age Settlement in Messenia will be held at the Swedish Institute at Athens. Further information is available at The program will be:
V. Tsoumari, “Connectivity in Middle and Late Helladic Northern Messenia”
R. Worsham, “Data Mining: The 2015-2017 Fieldwork Seasons”
M. Lindblom, “Pottery and Periods: The Chronology of Malthi”
R. Worsham, “A Wealth of Walls: The built environment”
C. Zikidi, “Faunal and Human Remains”
D. Fallu, “Soil Formation and Micromorphology”
M. Lindblom, Visualization and Reconstruction”

UISPP 2018

On 4-9 June 2018 the XVIIIe congrès mondial Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoiques et Protohistoriques (UISPP 2018) will be held in Paris. Further information is available at Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include:
C. Miragaia, P. Day, and P. Tomkins, “The Neolithic of Attica, Greece: a view from Nea Makri”
J. Kozłowski and M. Nowak, “Neolithisation of South-East and Central Europe: cultural changes and adaptations to environment”
M. Gkioni, G. Ferentinos, M. Geraga, and G. Papatheodorou, “The Neanderthals and AMHs Odyssey in the Hellenic peninsula”
A. Glais, L. Lespez, J.-A. López-Sáez, Z. Tsirtsoni, and D. Malamidou, “Human-Environment interactions in Northern Greece since the Early Bronze Age: Rapid Climate Changes and social dynamics consequences onto Mediterranean landscapes. A palaeoenvironmental and multiscalar approach”
L. Lespez, M. Pomadere, A. Glais, C. Langohr, “Times of historical developments and environmental changes in the Minoan town of Malia, Crete: an intra and off-site geoarcheological approach”
P. Mylona, B. Devillers, C. Delhon, L. Riboud, and J.-D. Vigne, “Reconstructing the palaeoenvironment in southern Cyprus and its interaction with the Neolithic humans: the case of Klimonas (PPNA)”
G. Caso, D. Gullì, and R. Tykot, “Indigenous and foreigner practices: a technological study of ceramic artifacts from a Late Bronze Age site in central Sicily”
B. Starkovich, P. Elefanti, P. Karkanas, and E. Panagopoulou, “Fire Use and Site Maintenance by Neandertals at Lakonis Cave I, Southern Greece”
M. Lorenzon, “Bronze Age earthen architecture in Crete: a case for craft specialisation?”
S. Prévost-Dermarkar and P. Bacoup, “Conditions climatiques et choix techniques dans la construction en terre : l’exemple du site de Dikili Tash au Néolithique récent I et II (Macédoine orientale, Grèce du Nord)”
M. Cultraro, “Stratification and Stratigraphy: geological metaphors of Angelo Mosso (1846-1910), a physician interested in Prehistory”
F. Nomi, M. Cultraro, A. Guidi, and S. Tusa, “Pioneers of Archaeological Stratigraphical Techniques: Luigi Bernabò Brea (1910-1999) and Giorgio Buchner (1914-2005)”
G. Vavouranakis and G. Kourtessi-Philippakis, “L’Antiquité dans tous ses états: évolutions et révolutions dans les années 1960 en Préhistoire ancienne en Grèce”
S. Ferrence and J. Morrison, “Understanding the Visual Analysis of Minoan Ceramic Fabrics”
A. Giumlia-Mair, P. Betancourt, J. Muhly, and S. Ferrence, “Silver in Early Minoan IB Crete”
M. Gurova, “Beyond the functionality of prehistoric flints: case studies from Bulgaria”
H. Procopiou, E. Morero, A. Boleti, R. Vargiolu, H. Zahouani, N. Papadimitriou, K. Manteli, and E. Venieris, “Early Cycladic marble figurines and vessels (3rd Millennium BC) – A technological approach”
B. Rueff, “Use wear analysis of Bronze Age lamps from Crete”
J. Verduci, “Metal Jewelry of the Southern Levant and its Western Neighbors: Surprising Results Concerning Cross-Cultural Influences during the Early Iron Age”
N. Galanidou, E.-R. Karkazi, and A. Magganas, “Middle Pleistocene raw-material procurement and use in the Aegean: a view from the Acheulean of Lesbos”
K. Douka, T. Higham, G. Marshall, M. Ntinou, K. Papaspyropoulos, and B. Starkovich, “The Greek Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition through the lens of renewed research on Kephalari Cave, Peloponnese (Greece)”
T. Dogandzic, “Disentangling the Micromousterian in the southern Balkans”
V. Tourloukis, G. Konidaris, D. Giusti, P. Karkanas, N. Thompson, A. Athanassiou, G. Tsartsidou, E. Panagopoulou, and K. Harvati, “Small tools, big bones: first results from the Lower Palaeolithic site of Marathousa 1, Megalopolis, Greece”
N. Galanidou, A. Zavitsanou, P. Tsakanikou, and D. Sakellariou, “Palaeolithic archaeology and submerged landscapes in Greece: The current state of the art”
J. Beck and D. Koutsoumba, “Recent research on submerged prehistoric landscapes in the Bay of Kiladha, Greece, and its archaeological implications”
E. Kalogiropoulou, “Exploring domestic space: kitchen spaces, courtyards and people in Neolithic Northern Greece”
G. Sanidas and J. Zurbach, “Le fer en Egée, ca 1200-ca 500”
M. Gurova, “Bronze Age flint denticulates: a Bulgarian case study in trans-regional perspective”
L. Rousseau and M.-P. Montagné, “Evolution, place et rôle(s) des productions en pierre taillées au sein des sociétés de l’âge du Bronze en Grèce”
I. Gatsov and P. Nedelcheva, “Bronze Age lithic assemblages from Western Anatolia”
F. Coimbra, “Images of an Equestrian Aristocracy in the Rock Art from Southern Europe in the I Millennium BC”
G. Iliadis, “Iconography of the Hero Horseman: Evolution and continuity of the imagery of the horse rider in the plain of Philippi in eastern Macedonia, north Greece, from the Iron Age to the Late Roman and Christian era”

Aegean Seminar in Zagreb

On 24 April 2018 T. Palaima delivered lectures to the Aegean Seminar in Zagreb entitled, “Bob Dylan Our Homer” and “Writing and Its Consequences for Aegean Prehistory and History.” Further information is available from Helena Tomas at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..