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Loading map.I24 Lefki Kaldtamou (#2)
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Periods Represented
Max Dimension
Actual Area in Hectares
On-site Density (Sherds per Hectare)
No surrounding tracts
Ratio of On-site Density to Off-site Density
512 per ha.
Collection Strategy
Selection (S) => Grab by locus (L)
Location and Description

On the Kaldtamou ridge, SW of the village of Ambelofyto, five locations where prehistoric tumuli have previously been reported (UMME, collectively noted under #14; see also PHSP1: 239 [43]) were reinvestigated by PRAP.

A bulldozer has levelled most of a natural knoll, ca. 1.8 km. SW of the outskirts of Ambelofyto, in order to create a large complex of currant drying floors[095.34]. Only the center of the rise, covered with brush, now remains. Several dozen slabs and roughly worked blocks lie around the foot of the mound, especially to the S. Few artifacts, even tile, were found by our teams at this location; there is no clear evidence that the knoll was ever used as a cemetery.

Intervisible sites
Hora Palace of Nestor (B7); Bay of Navarino
Artifact Summary

The ceramic finds from these tombs (I23-I27) are extremely mixed chronologically, from Classical to Modern, with one or two earlier pieces. It is impossible to provide any secure dates for many of the tiles.

UMME, collectively noted under #14; see also PHSP1: 239 [43]
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